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About BriWit

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  1. Still broken in 10.4.2 web. I still won't bother with windows or android updates until critical features are restored.
  2. Web client 10.3.1 still searches for ALL children AND parent tag instead of parent OR childtag1 OR childtag2 OR... Desktop client popped up a notice to update for the latest features and speed improvements. Please stop that until there actually improvements instead of downgrades.
  3. I use nested tags for two reasons. Yes, I'm a 2 percenter. I can expand and collapse groups of tags for quicker access and less visual clutter. The other reason is to see groups of notes in broad or more limited subject matter. In 6.25 desktop I can click a parent tag and see all notes assigned to any children tags. The notes don't need to have the parent tag assigned explicitly. Selecting the parent essentially is searching notes for child tag 1 OR child tag 2 OR child tag 3... This is how it should work. In web client 10.2.1, and I'm guessing other 10.2 clients, I will not install v10 desktop until it is much further along. Selecting a Parent Tag selects all child tags and searches them all with an AND operation. This of course returns no notes. One of my reasons for using the power of nested tags is no longer working.
  4. Clicking on Tags in the list should open a Tag view as it does in 6.25. Nested tags should be expandable and collapsible. Sometimes you need a broad overview of your tags. I just spent a bunch of time putting tags into nested groups. These were mostly tags created as I clipped things so they weren't organized yet. Doing maintenance on tags in a list is a real pain with the constant scrolling because of the limited view. If you don't have a need for that broad overview of tags, just don't click on Tags, expand the list and do what you need that way. Taking away the broad tag view and a bunch of other features because they aren't needed by everyone or not as useful on small screens drives users away, leaving them easily accessed, but avoidable doesn't hinder those who deem them unnecessary. I want to see counts next to tags and notebooks, I'm perfectly fine with that being an option in the list view for those who don't. This whole drive to make all platforms the same is going to far. When I'm trying to do something on my phone and it isn't available, ya it's a bummer. Taking it away on my desktop so that it is the same as my phone makes me start to look for alternatives.
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