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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. This is weird. There is something definitely strange (or clever!) about the ordering of notes starting with numbers and it looks like this was in the legacy as well. It seems to be ignoring leading zeros and then treating numbers at the beginning of a title as numbers not text (so that 6 is before 10 without having to do the normal trick of using 06 if you want it to come before 10). However this doesn't seem to be consistent with @RobertTostevin's screen shot. Is it to do with how V10 handles notes created in earlier versions? I am on 10.4.4 and don't see any difference between side view and top view. Key question is still whether the number of notes in both views is the same (and the same as the legacy version).
  2. Looking again at the screen shot from the legacy app, although the symbol to indicate that it is being sorted by title is clearly there, it doesn't actually seem to be in alphanumeric order. The legacy version seems to ignore the leading zero. On the other hand the V10 screen shot is in, what I would consider to be, the correct order. I would therefore expect the items you have put the red box round to be along way down the screen in the new version. That obviously does not explain the difference you are seeing between the side view and the top view. Having just tested it with a note title beginning 01 the order is the same in both views in V10.
  3. By the same token it can't be the software because it doesn't happen to me. If you want to submit a ticket I would start here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005377. Not surprisingly there is a significant time lag on responding to tickets at the moment.
  4. Clck the grey header to the pdf and then the three dots menu. Then you have the options shown in the screenshot Probably a poor alternative but you can add coloured icons to notebooks, note titles and tags. On windows you can access the emoji keyboard through <win key> ;
  5. Your V10 screen shot doesn't show the number of notes but I'm assuming that it's not 482. All I can do is to suggest again that you do the same search in the web version for the reasons I have already outlined,
  6. I agree. The designers of the search have a very fixed idea of how people are supposed to search. One of those ideas is that you choose your notebook first. In all other respects a notebook behaves like a filter - so, as you say, why is it not in the filter menu? Once you have added some text the only option is to filter unless you add to the text with some search syntax. notebook: is your friend here but it rather defeats the idea of having a simple, user friendly search system.
  7. The executable is in: C:\Users\userNamee\AppData\Local\Programs\Evernote
  8. I agree with you completely. It has been raised over and over again since the very early days of the preview version. The only possible "advantage" I can think of is that it avoids having to right click to edit the link as you can left click and choose edit. The slightly better news is that you can ctrl-click an internal EN link and it opens the note in another window without the intermediate menu. ctrl-clicking a weblink also goes directly to the site but doesn't change the focus to the web browser so it still requires a second click on the web browser to bring it to the foreground.
  9. I've not noticed that before but a video I changed to "title only" has reverted to "small preview". Either I hadn't noticed or it's a new bug.
  10. OK that clarifies it. I also have Mmm dd, yyyy in the top view and side view lists as well as all the other places the date appears (e.g. snippet view, last edited in the note and the two dates in the note info window). Localisation is an issue for a lot of people, mainly around spell checking foreign langiuages so it's fair to say EN still have a huge amiubt of work to do in this whole area.
  11. I thought I understood this but then when I read it again I'm confused. Firstly what do you mean by "in the lists". Secondly the date format I get when I use the alt-shift-D shortcut is 5 December 2020 which I assume reflects the fact that I am in the UK. There have been discussions before about where EN V10 gets your location from and the possible answers are: EN account information Windows location Even possibly location in Google Chrome Bottom line is that I do agree it would be useful to have choices about how we format the date. However having all your settings consistently UK it is possible to have something that works although it may not be exactly the format you want.
  12. Not sure where you are right clicking but right clicking the stack in the main notebooks window gives you the option to create a notebook. Sadly the sidebar has very little usful functionaility any more and right clicking a stack there doesn't work. You can install the legacy version from: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314?fbclid=IwAR2TNqp-eGRH3Ds8Vfu-CiKPjYolJzZ_keR9eWQaDahJ2GN-7hwn595zI8w&__s=bsetfdgzirbvqtopurph
  13. That works for me too. It is counter intuitive because selecting an image and pressing enter in many programs will delete the image. Not surprising therefore that this question has come up before.
  14. I think this is almost certainly associated with a previous version of Evernote. My understanding is that attachments are stored in C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resource-cache\UserXXXXX and possibly C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\resourceCache These folders contain many sub folders. Each sub folder contains a file with a mime extension which is a text file and a bigger file with no extension which is the attachment without it's extension. There is also an SQL database in C:\Users\userName\AppData\Roaming\Evernote\conduit-storage\https%3A%2F%2Fwww.evernote.com There may be other files lurking around but I think they are the main ones. Thanks to @ej8899 for doing the detective work on this.You can read his original post here:
  15. I think that's the issue. Once you have selected something (in my example the maps tag) you get more options but intially I only get two filters. Personally I would prefer more filters at this stage and no wild guesses of where I might like to "go to".
  16. Short answer is no. A possible alternative is to use coloured emojis as part of the tag name. These can be a simple symbol like a star circle etc rather than the more usual smiley faces etc. Use win key + ; to access the emoji keyboard on Windows
  17. There is no real need to use the tag: syntax. If you start to type the name of the tag it should come up as a suggestion in the list. You can then select it and then type the next one. The only problen is that for the first tag you only get a maximum of two suggested tags. After that you get a longer list of tags which are relevant. So I initially search for the tag "maps" and after typing map it is there in the search list Slecting that tag then gives me a longer list of tags and other items to choose from: You can do something similar using the filter but you can't save filters.
  18. You need to start in the notebook you want to search in as you are doing. When you click on the search bar immediately underneath the text input area you will see the name of the notebook (in faint gray) and the words "add filter". Click add filter and then type in your search terms. Here's an example of searching the notebook AllMyNotes for the word evernote
  19. I think EN would expect you to use the inbuilt template functionality. The process is: Select your blank template document From the three dots menu choose save as template Create a new note and click the template icon (which appears in the body of the new note) Choose your template That process works well provided you don't constantly make changes on the hoof to the document and want those changes in the template next time
  20. and me. I didn't look because I assumed somebody else would have so went for the announcement instead!
  21. EN 10.5.1 (the current web version) has one additional option to 10.4.4 (Windows version) so at this rate of progress expect something close to the range of options in 6.25 by about 2034!
  22. I don't disagree. Dragging and dropping attachments and images out of one program into a different program is fundamental to how Windows is supposed to work. Things are moving slowly (e.g. copying and pasting an image form the web into EN no longer just pastes a link) but there is still a long way to go. Perhaps @Jaya Shekarraju could update us on what progress has been made since October 22.
  23. Nothing to do with EN but I think it is the combination of WhatsApp web with Firefox. It works well on WhatsApp web in Chrome (as long as you don't drag into the actual text box but just into the conversation window)
  24. I've tried it again and measured the screen with a ruler and EN takes up exacltly half of the screen. Like you, if I drag the central devider I can only reduce it a certain amount - in my case to about 40% of the screen width.
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