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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. There is extensive discussion of this, including my workaround, in the requests forum:
  2. I think what @DTLowand myself between us have demonstrated is that you can use either filter or search and respect the notebook context. To demonstrate the point imagine I want to find all notes tagged with $current in the notebook @inbox I will get this using filter: or this using search: It's perfectly doable in both ways but probably does require extra clicks compared with 6.25
  3. I have a series of tags all beginning with + and followed by a description of the type of note: +paper, +blogpost, +tutorial, +howto etc. I can quickly review the notes with those tags in a list sorted by tag name. Yes I can do something similar with a search (tag:+*) but it's just quick and convenient. I think there is also a general principle that if you are going to put different fields in a list view you should be able to sort by them.
  4. You can sort by tags in the legacy version. It sorts by the first tag in the list. If you have "special" tags which begin with a punctuation character it can work well. Of course the other problem is that v10 lists tags in the order you added them not alphabetically so I need that problem sorted as well.
  5. All operations on multiple notes are currently limited to 50 notes. There is a hack to change that which requires editing a file somewhere (sorry don't recall where in the forum that appeared) and I seem to recall that this will be extended to larger number by default in the future.
  6. Or if you are searching in a notebook rather than filtering you can click "add filter" which appears under the search bar.
  7. This can be done from the main tag menu (NOT the sidebar list) Click the tag icon and use the three dot menu next to the tag.
  8. Of course if EN was consistent with everybody else in their text sizing it woulf be much easier.
  9. If you do have a more complicated list with headings in between there is an easier way of doing it if you are prepared to have it in a table. If you have a two column table and merge the columns in rows where you want to add titles etc you can easily select the checklist cells and then switch the checklist off and on again. I know we shouldn't need to do this but workarounds and hacks have been part of EN for ever!
  10. Most functions should work offline once all your notes have been downloaded. With no sync button you are at the mercy of the syncronisation gods to decide when this will happen. It's in the insert menu and you can also use the <open square bracker><close square bracket> trick as long as it's not at the beginning of a line. Use a space first if you want it at the beginning of a line.
  11. It was raised in the preview or beta and unusually there was a fairly definitive statement that it wasn't coming back. I personally don't like using a template for something like a packing list. I like to make changes as I go and remembering to save it as a new template is a pain and an easy thing to forget to do. The easiest workaround I have found is to first select the entire checklist. Then remove the checklist boxes by clicking the checklist menu item. Then reinsert them by clicking the checklist menu item again. It works well provided you have a simple checklist i.e. not multiple checklists with lots of headings and text between. You can still do it but you have to select each checklist individually.
  12. Or you can still type <open square bracket><close square bracket> provided you are not at the beginning of a line. You can add a space before if you are at the beginning of a line
  13. It seems to be yes. There is alot of discussion about this elsewhere in the forum. EN assumes that any line that begins with a checkbox should really be a checklist. The workarounds are: To not hit enter at the end of the line Add a character (e.g. space) before the checkbox at the beginning of the line. <space><open sq bracket><close sq bracket> is handy. Get used to checklists It would be good if EN made the crossing out or not of checklist text an option. The ability to drag around checklists items (or any list items) is really useful but I understand how some people don't like the crossing out.
  14. It's still in the note information window which can be opened quickly with ctrl-shift-I if that helps.
  15. This may be related to the timelag betrween changing tags and being able to search for them but it doesn't seem quite the same. I have had the red invalid tag lozenge once but I don't remember what I did to get it. Doesit resolve itself in a few minutes?
  16. How long are you leaving it between adding the tag and searching or filtering for it? As all search is now done on the server and not locally it takes a few minutes for changes in notes to be searchable. If you go back now are the notes found? This is a major change in the way EN works and makes it unusable if you have a use case which demands immediately being able to find changes (e.g both adding or removing tags) immediately.
  17. To search within a notebook you can start in that notebook and just click "add filter" which appears underneath the search box
  18. This is not my experience. If I select a number of pdfs and then drag them onto the note list it will create a new note for each pdf. If I'm in a notebook then it will create them in that notebook, otherwise in my default notebook. If I drag them into an existing note it attaches them all to that note. What is your workflow? I completely agree that all actions on multiple notes are painfully slow and this isn't helped by the fact that you have to use the menus not just drag and drop.
  19. I agree with the general thrust of what you are saying. You can speed up the process with the keyboard shortcut ctrl-shift-I Not sure how you are doing this now. My workflow of dragging the note into a notebook in the sidebar still works. There was a bug on this in an earlier version of 10.3.7 but they sorted it quickly and it works in 10.3.7 build 2018. You can of course always stick with the legacy version until v10 improves (hopefully)
  20. That has been reintroduced and is certainly in 10.3.7 I agree it should be a choice. Sometimes seeing the hierarchy is useful.
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