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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Despite your somewhat ungracious response I will continue to try to help. Like most of the people on this forum I am not an EN employee and am not connected to EN in any way. When you say Could you describe your workflow. There are many ways of creating new notes and moving them so it would help if you could outline exactly how you are doinng it.
  2. The handling of preview images is now a little quirky. If you delete the image in the note sometimes the preview image stays. Today I deleted the image from a note and surprisingly the preview image disappeared. I then put a new image in the note and the old preview image reappeared. It is also quite common to have different preview images in the web, legacy and windows V10. It's all a bit of a mess and needs sorting out.
  3. In case you ever run up against this problem again with EN or a different program. If you have a shortcut to actually run the program (on the desktop or in the start menu) you can right click it at look at properties. Obviously if for some reason the shortcut has gone then this won't work.
  4. The questions was about getting files out of Evernote. Your solution is a very good way of getting files into Evernote.
  5. Same on windows. There is also the three dots menu for each notebook. Worth emphasising that you can only do this from the notebook menu (obtained by clicking the notebook icon in the sidebar) and not in the sidebar itself.
  6. I certainly agree that their idea of "acceptable for release to an unsuspecting public" is different from ours. They constantly say that they know they still have lot s of work to do and I think the roughly 2 week release cycle does provide some evidence for that. They could certainly have handled it better and marketed it as an extended public beta rather than encouraging people to "upgrade".
  7. Just to clarify - this request is about the default behaviour when you add a pdf to a note. You can still change the pdf to an attachment (or the new continuous "All pages" view) manually. This setting then "sticks" in future views of the note. Hopefully we will have some options in the future and this would certainly be near the top of my list.
  8. I've always found blank lines of code are treated a bit randomly by both the legacy version and V10, with the former tending to add lines and the latter remove them. That's for me mainly pasting R code from R Studio. Have you tried ctrl-shift-V (paste and match style)? I've no idea if it would help in your case but worth a try.
  9. EN have separated out the date and time and changed the shortcut. ctrl-shift-D for time alt-shift-D for date If it helps, my way of remembering is: "Lets find an alternative date" "I need to learn to control my time better" Not really a "home" issue so you may have got a faster response in another forum.
  10. Import folders do not work in V10, although they are on the "coming soon" list, See various posts about this in the forum including I assume therefore that you also have the legacy version open or you wouldn't get the file into EN at all. There will obviously be a time delay between the legacy version syncing with the server and the server then syncing back to V10. I don't understand why this would lead to you not seeing it in all notes but seeing it in the notebook unless there was a time delay between looking in the two places.
  11. Very strange. I've not noticed this behaviour in the past and I've not been able to reproduce it now. There are a number of ways you could create a note in a new notebook. If you can outline what your work flow is I will have another go at reproducing the problem.
  12. You put the case very well. The addition of any sort of screenshot capability to V10 is a fairly new thing within the last few versions. I hope therefore that the miriad of useful functions available from the elephant icon in the Windows legacy version will also be returning, together with their short cut keys.
  13. I generally agree but it is not always clear cut. There is a spectrum from a simple text edting app at one end and and full DTP software on the other. Where exactly on the spectrum you should put a note taking app will depend on the user. So because users won't agree EN has to decide, I personally like the simplicity of the new editing options. The great thing about EN is the ability to attach any file to a note and then open, edit and save it back seamlessly which makes your suggestion of using a word document really easy to implement. It would be even better if Word docs could be embedded like pdf's.
  14. I find that ctrl-shift-V (paste and match style) sometimes works better than the simple ctrl-V.
  15. Really? In the windows desktop version (10.4.4)? I've persobnally never seen any allignment options. I don't think it is currently something you can do.
  16. It is possible to configure a new "send to" within Windows. I don't know whether it will work for V10. If you normally have EN open and the icon in the task bar it is very easy to drag the document to the icon. EN then opens and you can drop it into the note list to make a new document.
  17. That's incredible. As I said in a post above this is a problem users of a number of different pieces of software have not just EN. Of course it's possible that it is an Electron problem - I haven't looked to see whether they are all Electron apps. Anyway I switched and my current antivitus software has no problems with EN V10.
  18. I agree completely. The current behaviour makes no sense. Who tags a note with the parent and every single child tag? You are right that thiere is an option in the legacy version but even this is a choice between selecting the single tag or the parent OR any of the child tags. The good news is that in the current web version (10.5.1), which is ahead of the desktop version (10.4.4), selecting a tag in the sidebar selects just that tag. I hope this is a conscious decision rather than a "mistake" (you are never quite sure with EN). Hopefully then, we will get this behaviour on the desktop version in the not too distant future.
  19. I'm not entirely clear what aspect of tag management you are concerned about. I agree that lots of things that used to possible from the tag hierarchy in the sidebar can no longer be done from the sidebar. However, as I pointed out in my post above, they can all be done from the main tag window. I would prefer that the side bar was as feature rich as the old sidebar for tags and notebooks. Is that what you are wanting too or do you have a problem with the main tag window?
  20. I forgot - there is a way. You can use "edit and annotate". The problem is that the quality of the render is rubbish for non-integer magnifications and for me 200% is just a little too large to fit on the screen and 100% is tiny.
  21. Have you tried the All Pages view? It doesn't reduce a pdf page so that it can be seen in one page on EN but it does allow you to just scroll through without lots of clicking. I haven't found a way of resizing the embeded document in single page view. To be honest I mainly just double click it and read it in my favourite pdf viewer because then I get far more view options.
  22. I agree but there is the closely related ability to copy the screen shot to the clipboard in the Windows legacy version and then you can obviously paste it into a note. It's that functionaility which I am currently using Gadwin for.
  23. For YouTube videos if you copy the link into a note you can then watch the video within the note which is great for making notes underneath it. Obviously only works for YouTube. I tend to use GadWin print screen (plenty of other screen capture software would work as well) to take screen shots and I then paste them into a note. The current screen shot capabilities of V10 don't yet fully meet my needs.
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