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  1. Helpful. Not a clean search, but it does the job. Intitle:1 Intitle:1. Intitle:2. Intitle3. Etc... Thank you
  2. I need to find all notes that have a string of eight digits in the title. The search term is an eight-digit number that always begins with the number "1". Examples: 10012184 10359300 An additional wrinkle is that sometimes the eight-digit number is part of a numbered list: Examples: 1. 10837756 2. 12930846 I very much appreciate any thoughts on how to proceed with this search
  3. Not the case for me. My whole system is broken. Search, internal links, links from other programs, saved searches ... my whole Evernote system is broken and unusable.
  4. Check for updates message: "Stay tuned! We're working hard behind the scenes to fix bugs and add new features to help you accomplish more every day." Right now, we don't need new features. No need to bundle the next update with new features. It's time for an urgent update to the current system to fix access to Evernote. This is akin to OneDrive, Dropbox, Google Drive, or iCloud Drive going down. How long would one of these online storage systems stay offline if they knew how to fix the problem? Evernote, it's time roll back to your prior version. Your system is down and your users are frustrated. No new features. Just give us the old version ... NOW!
  5. When Ian Small was interviewing his engineers on YouTube during the version 10 Electron rebuild, they must have been his California-based staff. I'm assuming these employees had the best overall knowledge of what must be a very complex system. I wonder if the new crew is in over their heads.
  6. Same issue for me. My whole system is down. Keep receiving the "Permissions Lost" error. All links broken. Can't search for notes or tags. Totally broken.
  7. Same time frame for me. Unbearably slow. It's difficult to get any work done.
  8. I am experiencing the same problem when I log into Evernote Support in iOS: I am immediately logged out.
  9. Every time I try to contact Evernote Support, I'm immediately logged out.
  10. Yes, I'm concerned about this update being so slow. Most of my notes are taking forever to load. I hope Bending Spoons is in emergency mode trying to fix this.
  11. I first uninstalled the App only by dragging to the trash, emptying the trash, and restarting. The problems persisted. Then I uninstalled the Evernote App and all data (over 11,000 notes) using these instructions: Emptying the trash took a while. Then downloaded Evernote 10.57.10 from evernote.com. Amazingly, all ll 11,000+ notes were instantly available, and all my problems were fixed I'm impressed how much faster Evernote is following this uninstall and reinstall. Thank you!!
  12. I have logged into evernote.com and all my notes are synced (if I try to contact Support while logged in, it immediately logs me out). How do I uninstall Evernote following the instructions provided: "uninstall Evernote, de-selecting keep my notes on this device / power it off and on / reinstall from Evernote.com to recreate both your installation and the local database as a clean install." I'm running a new Mac Mini with Mac OS Ventura 13.4. Thank you.
  13. Thank you for the response. Every time I try to log in to Evernote, it immediately logs me out. It's impossible to contact support. I'm a subscriber. Frustrating.
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