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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. This is what I predicted would happen in another post! There will be no acknowledgement from EN that it happened and no data about availability of the service - and yet we are supposed ot trust a server based search,
  2. Yes, new in V10. It has been mentioned many times in the forums but to date no change. The useful way of adding a second tag by shift-clicking it in the sidebar has also been discontinued.
  3. It used to in the legacy version and the link became the note url. It doesn't do this in V10. You can however select text and then use the EN webclipper. It will clip just that text and capture the link as the note url. However you will need to wait for it to appear and then possibly "simplify and make editable" so not nearly as convenient.
  4. I think you may be right. There is sometimes a spike in people complaining about search and that seems to be happening at the moment, Having said that it is normally new notes which aren't indexed which cause the problem.
  5. I've had mixed experience of searching when offline on a desktop computer so I can't say anything definitive. Filtering and searching also work differently. What I am pretty sure about is that indexing happens on the server.
  6. Search happens on the server not in the local client. This also means search is largely independent of the version or the platform you are using. If there is a problem with search on the server it is never acknowledged by EN, we see a spike in search related problems in the forums (as we are at the moment) and it resolves itself within a few hours.
  7. It works for me and highlights the text in the note as expected.
  8. Normally that converts to a checklist although not always. More reliable to put a character before the [].
  9. The checklist has a checkbox at the beginning of the list. When you check it a tick appears and the text is crossed out. Like the other lists (numbered and bulleted) you can drag items around within the list to reorder them. A checkbox can not appear at the beginning of a line. If you check it a cross appears. You can have multiple checkboxes in a row or scattered through your text. Checking a checkbox has no impact on the surrounding text.
  10. Undoubtedly, but it doesn't and I don't see it changing. EN have decided that lines that start with a checkbox are checklists. If that's a huge issue for you I suggest you go elsewhere. Alternatively just adopt the fairly straightforward and well documented workaround of having a character in front of the checkbox.
  11. The indexing in V10 is a bit of a black art! There is no way you can reindex you are largely dependent on indexing happening on the server. Normally indexing now only takes a few seconds although if the server is having a bad day it can take hours but everybody is effected which I don't think is the case at the moment. Here are a few things to try in no particular order: Go onto the web version and try the searches there. If they don't work there either it is definitely an indexing delay on the server. If it does work correctly then you probably just have to wait or possibly delete your local database ( see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/1500004231762) While on the web version also check that the number of notes, tags etc corresponds between the desktop and web versions Try different ways of searching for the tags. Searching and filtering can work differently e.g Click the tag in the sidebar Select the tag from the filter menu Search using the search syntax tag:tag_name Search for the tag name and see if it comes up as a tag option in the dropdown Try going offline and see what happens You are obviously creating notes at an incredible rate. If you are importing them from elsewhere it may just be that EN will take a while to catch up. My experience suggests that most people who have serious problems with search are at the beginning of their V10 journey and it tends to work fine after a frustrating period of not knowing what an earth is going on. The absence of any real indicator as to whether everything is ok doesn't help.
  12. I've not found that. Make sure you are using the insert menu (blue plus at the left of the editing toolbar) to add a checkbox not the checklist on the main editing menu.
  13. Unfortunately I don't think there is away. EN has decided to only support 6 fonts. When you paste text it will assume it is the "normal text" style and give everything you paste the font associated with that style. You can obviously change the text that has been pasted with the options that are available. You can also update the 4 style options (Large header, Medium header etc) to be how you want them. One option would be just to attach the word document to the note. You then get the organisational advanatages of Evernote but still get the formatting options of a word document. Another option would be to save it as a pdf and attach that to the note. This gives you the advantage of being able to view the document inline within a note but not very convenient if you want to change it.
  14. Check boxes are accessed from the insert menu. If you put them at the beginning of a line EN assumes you meant to use a checklist. If you don't add them at the beginning of a line they stay as check boxes. You can add as many as you want. Because "add check box" is burried in the insert menu I find the keyboard shortcut of <open square bracket><close square bracket> most useful. Bullet lists and checklists are separate units. To add a check list in the middle you would need to end the bullet list and then add a checklist and then go back to a bullet list which would require an empty line in between each list. You can add a checkbox to a bulleted list provided you add another character first. I think the point of all three types of lists is to have a consistent block of items which can be dragged around within the block to reorder as desired.
  15. In each sub folder there is a mime file and one or more files with no extension. The mime file tells you what the extension should be. If you copy the file with no extension somewhere else (so as not to mess up your data in EN) and add the correct extension, you should then be able to open the file with the default applicatiuon for that file type.
  16. If you use a checklist you can do that very easily. Just highlight the checklist and click the bullet (or numbered list) and it will change it. You can cycle between any of the three types of list by just clicking the icon.
  17. Checkboxes still exist as you can see from your second screen shot. However if you put a checkbox at the beginning of a line EN will interpret this as a checklist. The answer is simply to put another character first eg a period
  18. I completely agree that it should be always visible, Fortunately one of the shortcuts which is not missing is alt-shift-M (on windows) which is obviously the same as hitting the ellusive "move notebook" icon. Personally I just drag and drop the note into the desired notebook in the sidebar.
  19. I think the title of your post is a little misleading. If you type a word in the search bar you get a selection of search suggestions (upto 3) any saved seaches, upto 7 actual notes and any tags. How EN chooses which 7 (out of all the possible hits) to display is anyone's guess but you are right that having the word in the title is given high priority - probably not unreasonable. If you want to find all the notes you have to press enter and then you will also see the word(s) highlighted in the note list (if it's in the snippet of text in the note list) and in the actual note.
  20. Thius has been raised several times before. It's an odd feature and I don't really understand why they though it was sensible. You can click the notebook name at the top of the note to view the list of notes in the same notebook but it doesn't automatically select the note you are on. Very strange.
  21. So you can join us Windows folk who have never had inline views of anything except pdfs!
  22. If you drag it onto the stack and release a window pops up which allows you to choose which notebook in the stack you want to add it to.
  23. You are right. I'm quite surprised that it strips out the text and just pastes the link. You would need to extract the link by editing it and then do the whole process over again. Not straightforward.
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