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About richard-j-c

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  1. When adding tags to a note using the tag bar at the bottom of a note, auto-complete will respond to the user entering characters by providing a list as expected. Hitting the TAB key, during this process, should select the top tag (with further TAB key hits cycling the results). This is a UI convention. Instead, on hitting TAB Evernote creates the tag if it doesnt already exist. E.g. I want to add the "annoying" tag. I begin to type "an" and the autocomplete shows me "annoying" and "android" - I press TAB and "an" tag is created.
  2. For example, if I add an image (via copy/paste) in the middle of a note (which is open in a independent window), then scroll down to the bottom of a note to add further text, I am automatically scrolled back to the image. The only way to overcome this, is by closing the note, and then re-opening. Rather annoying.
  3. A tag can be placed under shortcuts (eg by dragging it there) - whether there are notes with the tag or not. (Good!) However, if I remove that tag from all notes, then the tag is automatically removed from the shortcuts. (Bad!) The tag shortcut should remain whether there are notes with the tag or not.
  4. Seems to happen consistently now. Once I have used CMD + J and selected one of the results, any use of CMD (eg CMD + C) after that activates the 'Switch to...' feature as if CMD + J had been used. Restarting app fixes.
  5. Sometimes pressing COMMAND triggers the 'Switch to...' feature as per COMMAND + J . Only happens sometimes, and I see no pattern suggesting why except as below. Very annoying when trying to copy and paste! Application restart fixes the issue - and I think it only occurs if I have previously used COMMAND + J since application opened. Occurring on two different machines
  6. answering my own question... reverse alphabetic order. What a silly default! IMO results should be ordered by reverse updated timestamp, ie most recently updated first
  7. Can someone explain how the search results are ordered on the Mac v10 app? The order makes no sense to me - they're not ordered by created date or updated date, and certainly not by relevance (unless what the developers have deemed relevant bears no resemblance to what I would).
  8. I do a search using the search box, e.g. "altruism". And note/s with that word in both title and text do not appear the results, though those notes are available. It's not the first time I've had trouble with the search in v10 There is nothing I can see that is special about the note. There is text and there are pasted images. Very frustrating. Using 10.12.6 (latest)
  9. With v10 it is no longer possible to indent images. I use indented paragraphs a lot to express hierarchical dependencies between bits of information. Often I want to include images in those subordinate paragraphs, but images cannot be indented.
  10. Currently indenting only works when the cursor is at the beginning of a line. Outdenting works from anywhere within a line.
  11. When attempting to open audio recorded on the Android Evernote app, the file opens as a text file (they have no extension). To play requires saving the file and opening in a audio player (e.g. VLC)
  12. This has occurred four or five times on Evernote for Mac 10.1 or 10.2 (10.2.4) since v10 went public. When editing a note, some error in syncing will cause the note to be duplicated and I receive the notification "We found more than one version of {Note Title}. You can view the alternate here." This then requires me to compare the notes to establish the desired note with all edits. Never had this problem in the <10 version. Long-time heavy user. I have minor complaints with v10 (the only other major one being it's relative slowness), and really appreciate some of the new features, but surely the sync should be reliable!
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