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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. Thanks for this. I looked at that info also. I don't use an iOS device, but the changes to the editor look like what has been tested out in the Web beta is bearing fruit. And hopefully these new features will show up in Windows and Android fairly soon.
  2. In a blog post yesterday called "Unlocking Evernote's Future," Ian Small announced the release of the updated Evernote for iOS. The post is well worth reading, and not just for iOS users. Small acknowledges the delays in development and encountering problems they didn't know they had. But he also says that they plan further innovations. Small also says the new experience will be coming soon to Windows and other clients, rolling out to each platform separately. I took a look at the featured updates for iOS, and the changes to the editor seem to include features that Windows users have been requesting, including highlight colors, headers, etc. So there's something to hope for in the fairly near future. I'm not expecting it next week, but the coming months may be very interesting for Evernote.
  3. Hi, and welcome to the forums. In fact the problem seems to exist only with certain browsers. I just tried it in Opera, for instance, and it works fine to paste an image into a note in the Web editor. Are you by any chance using Chrome? There have been many reports of problems between Evernote and Chrome, including earlier in this thread.
  4. Hello, @Yang Xiaozhou, and welcome to the forums. This is indeed a serious bug. It is also possible to insert checkboxes from the Insert (blue +) menu, but while those do not have bullets, they are just single boxes; they do not function as a list. See also the discussion here:
  5. Thank you for this careful research! But out of curiosity, what version of the Web client are you using? I ask because there are two important points to add to your research, at least WRT Web client beta v. 6.18.0. In that version (as of 17 September 2020), there is no longer a checkbox item in the edit menu/ribbon/toolbar. What you describe above can be achieved by pressing Ctrl+Shift+C (or, as you state, by typing []<space> at the beginning of a line). Secondly, and very importantly, using this method produces a checkbox list that presents as a bulleted list with checkboxes after each bullet in other Evernote clients (including the "Classic" Web editor!). See the screenshot below, and the discussion in this thread: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/122361-checkbox-shortcut-indents-checkbox/. So the Ctrl+Shift+C method produces a highly functional checkbox list that has useless bullets in other Evernote clients, while the Insert-menu checkbox produces checkboxes but not a functional list. I would have to say that both of these options are seriously lacking in usability. I hope they are not intended as the final state of checkbox lists!
  6. In a blog post yesterday called "Unlocking Evernote's Future," Ian Small announced the release of the updated Evernote for iOS. (Such an announcement has also been at the top of the forum screens.) I took a look at the featured updates for iOS, and while the navigation looks like simply an upgrade to match the Android app, the renewed editor looks like it will incorporate many of the features Android users have been requesting, including control over fonts and colors, headers, etc. In his blog post, Small also says, "Soon, we’ll bring the new app experience to our Windows, Mac, and Android users, rolling out to each platform as final testing rises to meet our expectations." So there's something to look forward to, hopefully in the fairly near future. The post is well worth reading, and not just for iOS users. Small acknowledges the delays in development and encountering problems they didn't know they had. But he also says, "We’re not stopping there, because we’ve worked too hard to allow these shiny new apps to stagnate. You can look forward to a new era of innovation at Evernote, and we’re excited about what the next year will bring." I'm not expecting all of this to spring forth next week, but it looks like the coming months could be very interesting for Evernote.
  7. It may be that not many other people are using Scribzee and Evernote together. Which doesn't mean they shouldn't work together if they're advertised to do so. Evernote's support is for paid subscriptions, but I understand they have a support service on Twitter for Basic users. You could try that, or upgrade to Premium for one month to get access to support, then revert to Basic at the end of the month. I presume you've looked into Scribzee user support as well?
  8. I think you are required to have one notebook that is synced to Evernote's servers ("the cloud"). But I'm sure you could put one small dummy note in that notebook, let it sync/upload, and be done with it. Then (in the Windows desktop program) go to the File menu and choose New Local Notebook. If you make several local notebooks and place all the material you actually work with in them, they will never upload to Evernote's servers, and the upload limit simply will never apply to your usage. At any rate that's how I understand it. You are wanting to use Evernote in a somewhat non-standard way, but I don't see any reason not to do so. I hope this is some help.
  9. Glad it's fixed. Did you restart Evernote or reboot the computer? That sometimes fixes inexplicable stuff like this.
  10. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Please see the previous suggestions.
  11. Hi, @placemidgelorn, and welcome to the forums. In Windows, from the title of a note Shift+Tab will move to the note list, and from there you can go to a different note, up or down. Hope that's some help.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I hope I'm understanding you correctly. Copying numbered lists from Word into Evernote will not always reliably produce the same type of list in Evernote, because of underlying formatting differences. The simplest thing might be to copy the list into Evernote as plain text (Ctrl+Shift+V), then highlight it all and convert it to a numbered list. However, if I understand correctly, you want to have a numbered item, then an unnumbered paragraph relating to that item, then another numbered item with its own unnumbered text paragraph, etc. Correct? That's a little different; it might be possible in Word, but Evernote's HTML-based list style understands each new paragraph as a command to insert the next number in the list, and any unnumbered paragraph as the end of the list, so that the next numbered list item would start at 1. I'm not sure there's a way to do this in Evernote. Hold the phone, I found something that seems to produce that result. Create a numbered list, with each entry consisting of the title and some dummy text. Once you've got a few numbered items, go to the start of the dummy text in the first item and press Enter. This of course starts a new paragraph and new numbered item. Then indent that item, using Ctrl+M or the indent icon on the toolbar. This indents it as a numbered item and restores the later numbered items to their original numbering. Then remove numbering from the dummy text, using Ctrl+Shift+O or clicking the numbered-list icon. For me, that leaves the dummy text as unnumbered text under the first numbered item, with subsequent numbered items being in proper sequence. It's easier to do than to explain; give it a try.
  13. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a user-to-user space, so the rest of us here aren't able to get things fixed directly. Evernote does have a support handle on Twitter for Basic users. There's also a Web beta forum, where there are other reports of checkbox issues: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/638-web-client/.
  14. For once, @gazumped has, well, gazumped himself. The issue in this thread, which I've been following carefully since it affects me frequently, is precisely with notes that are edited or created in Android and then fail to sync, with a red indicator on the note and an error message, often indicating (stupidly and wrongly) that the note was created in another app. If the note already existed on other Evernote platforms, it will still exist there, but the edits made in Android will not be synced to it. @SM@EN, I know it's tedious, but if you haven't yet, please read through the thread from the top, including the workarounds that have been suggested. You are right that EN, while fully aware of this issue, is probably not going to fix it before the new editor is released, in part since they are unable to reproduce it, since the @#$$# thing is so %^&+$ random. The workarounds do work, and for me it's best to do it as soon as the problem occurs rather than waiting till I have to do it on half a dozen or more notes.
  15. I'm surprised that you're getting the miserable "Read only, created in another app" message every time you try to share a Web page to Evernote. Is that correct--all of your Web page clips result in this? Do any other types of notes work correctly? WRT that error message, it is a known problem. Please see this thread: Also see this longer thread about what seems to be the same issue:
  16. Please see my post above: In that post I linked to another thread which seems to be about the same problem, and which includes a workaround that is tedious, but functions; I also linked directly to it in that post.
  17. One other note: in the Evernote Android app, "Paste as plain text" simply doesn't work. I don't remember if it ever has, but if so, it quit working a few years ago. So that is why you won't see any difference when selecting "Coller en texte brut". I often use the Evernote "Add note" or "Quick note" (I have no idea what it is in French) on the pull-down notifications. Paste as plain text does work there, and after some editing the text can then be cut from there and pasted into a regular note.
  18. Hi, @torrezea, and welcome to the forums. The editor in the Android Evernote app is not yet as capable as on some of the other platforms, as you are experiencing. There is an option in the menu while editing (3 dots at top right) to simplify formatting. This may or may not help, depending on what the underlying formatting issues are.
  19. I appreciate the clearer explanations of the problem that have been given. Please be aware, though, that these are user forums. Evernote staff may look in, but this isn't a direct way of addressing them. @iRwanYoung and @Dr.AzmiShah, since you have Premium subscriptions, it might be best to submit the problems to Evernote support. This is difficult to do from within the Android app, but here is the Website: https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new. All that being said, let me ask a couple of user-to-user questions. First, can you describe the exact procedure in WhatsApp that formerly worked to send material to Evernote? Also, since this formerly worked and no longer does, can you give the version numbers of WhatsApp, the Evernote Android app, and the Android system itself that you are currently using? This will be necessary when you submit the problem to Evernote, and may even be helpful for fellow-users trying to track down the issue. Lastly, @iRwanYoung, you said this happens only on Android. Is there a procedure that does work on other platforms? Again, this may help to pinpoint the issues.
  20. What about using the Web client in Safari (https://www.evernote.com/client/web)? Do the GIFs work there?
  21. There are advantages to the Premium account, such as more devices, searching and annotating PDFs, larger upload limits, emailing into Evernote, etc. But the user interface and primary features are identical. See the feature comparison.
  22. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user forums; Evernote staff may look in, but this is not the most direct way to address them. Two suggestions: One of the things you're paying for is support. Contacting them may help, or at least give you a more productive place to vent. As in DTLow's signature line above: Contact Evernote Support. Secondly, there are some experienced users here who might be able to help sort out specific issues. What are some things that aren't working? And please indicate what version of Evernote and what platform (Web, Windows desktop program, Mac, iOS, Android, etc.).
  23. I believe something like this has been reported here a few times. I don't recall what the solution is, but if you search the forum for it, you should find some suggestions.
  24. Thanks for your sleuthing! That would also be good to report to support, since as I understand it they are still trying to figure out a solution for this.
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