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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. @McVitas, the developers generally don't read these forums; some Evernote staff do, and they may pass suggestions along to the devs. Please see my post above: In that post I linked to another thread which seems to be about the same problem. Assuming that it is, there are also reports of interaction with Evernote support in that other thread: as of March 4, "the issue reported has been incredibly difficult for us to pinpoint. It's currently our number one issue on Android and continues to be our main ticket driver on my end and I assure you our development team continues to work on pinpointing the cause." There's also a workaround that is tedious, but functions; I also linked directly to it in that post.
  2. @Masked_In_Light, welcome to the forums. What platform(s) are you and your group using: Web, Android, Windows, iOS, etc.? It's not precisely clear what you were trying to do and how it was not working. But it may be that Google Docs is better for your specific purpose, since it is designed explicitly for collaboration. Evernote has some collaborative features, especially Evernote Business. Of course, that's definitely not free. It also definitely won't harvest and sell your personal information, or push advertising to you. For some, that's worth the money, but not for all.
  3. Try the blue button (Insert) at top right. I find that it can insert a checkbox into the middle of a sentence.
  4. I'm on Web beta v. 6.15 in Opera and Firefox, and there's no clock or other reminder icon anywhere, even in notes that I know do have reminders.
  5. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are user-to-user forums, and while Evernote staff do look in, this isn't the best way to make suggestions. But there are forums dedicated to feature requests, and you'd get more attention by posting there, for example: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/304-general-feature-requests/.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Can you say more about what platform you're using? Is this the Evernote Web client, or the Windows, Mac, or Android app, etc.? If it's the Web client, which browser are you using? I've had a problem similar to this in the Web client for awhile. At present, I've found that what works is to clear just the most recent cookies. Your browser's options should provide a way to do this. It will unset some settings in other Websites, but it may fix the Evernote problem. I've been in contact with Evernote support, and they are working on this.
  7. @jacob_solbux, I hope you'll find another program that works better for your specific purposes than Evernote. Here and in your similar post in another thread, you complain about one particular feature that most people, I expect, find very useful (I know I do), the automatic formatting of hyperlinks. Evernote did not invent this. MS Word does it, even Wordpad does it. One program that doesn't do it (at least in Windows 7) is Notepad. So try this: create a note in Notepad, put in all the URLs you want, arrange them as you wish, then copy all that into an Evernote note (to use for whatever purposes Evernote does work for you). If you select all the text in Notepad, Ctrl+Alt+Shift+A should automatically copy it into a new Evernote note. The URLs will remain unformatted, unless you edit them. I think @charlieedstrom got it right: Evernote is a rich tool that allows users to select from among its many functions to create the working environment that they like. I'm happy that URLs get converted to links. I benefit from creating notes in one environment that I can edit and merge, etc., in another. I work alone, so I don't use Work Chat or other collaborative features; I rarely even share a note. And so what? Others benefit from those tools, and their presence doesn't slow me down. If you can find an app that has the features you like about Evernote (there must be some, or you wouldn't have been using it for 6 years) but doesn't automatically convert URLs to hyperlinks, go with that. But why suppose that something that annoys you must be a problem for "most of us"?
  8. @dminkus, hello and welcome to the forums. You may be experiencing a couple of different problems. WRT the duplicating notes, see this thread, especially the note from @Nick L. at the end. WRT the problem in the present thread, it may be connected to this issue, which I've been in dialogue with Evernote about and which they're working on. It has been pretty vexatious, but just lately I've found that clearing recent cookies, for some strange reason, seems to fix it. In any case, you shouldn't lose any notes. However, if you do have duplicated notes, be very careful as you delete the duplicates. I once did so and emptied the Trash without verifying that I still had a good copy of the note, and ended up losing it.
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is a thread that hasn't had a legitimate post in almost 3 years, so the problems it addresses may not be relevant anymore. Nevertheless, if you can provide more details, your fellow users here may be able to help. The way Evernote works is that notes created on a phone, a computer, or a tablet, in a browser or a dedicated Evernote app, are all synced to Evernote's servers, where the master copies are stored. This means that they can then be viewed and edited on any other device with an Evernote app or a Web browser. Generally, the syncing process happens automatically. When you create or edit a note on your phone and tap the ✔️ mark at the top left, the note should get synced to Evernote's servers. When you access the note later, from that phone or another device, it will be downloaded as it was most recently edited and synced. I hope that is clear. Please say more if you are having a problem.
  10. Some of my notes that refused to sync have dates in, some don't. I don't recall getting that request from Evernote, but I probably would have denied it too.
  11. I'm also on v. 6.15 now, and I can confirm this. Specifically: The Windows program can produce 2 different types of link: evernote.com/shard..., and evernote:///view.... The former links open properly in the Web beta, although in a new tab for some reason. It is the latter type of link that still opens first to the top note in the notebook rather than to the linked note; going back to the link and clicking again will send it to the proper note. Based on exactly 1 test, so FWIW.
  12. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Are you trying to move a note from one notebook to another? That should be a pretty swift process. I gather you're saying that the app freezes when you try to do that, and you have to force stop it? The usual fix for problems with the mobile app is to uninstall and reinstall it, making sure that you do one or two manual syncs before you uninstall. Alternatively, just restarting the phone could possibly clear it up. But if you could explain more fully and/or send screenshots, that might help us understand.
  13. I don't think it's a very common problem these days--this is a 4-year-old thread pertaining to v. 6.0.6; the current version is 6.25.1, so if it's happening again the cause may be entirely different. I just tried pasting an image at the bottom of a note, and the cursor stayed put there. Can you give some more details? Evernote v. 6.25.1, correct? What version of Windows? Does it happen when pasting certain kinds of material? What's the exact process? Any of this info may be helpful in sorting it out. (Note that we are mainly fellow-users here, not Evernote staff.)
  14. I'm on FF 78.0.2 on Windows 7. I just tried logging out of Evernote and back in, and it went smoothly. Did you try clearing cache and/or cookies?
  15. OK, let me suggesting posting this in the Mac-specific forum, where there will be a higher concentration of users familiar with that platform: https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/forum/219-evernote-for-mac-issues/. Hope you're able to get it sorted.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. These are a user-to-user space, primarily, and this sounds like something beyond what a fellow-user can diagnose. Since you have a Plus account, you may want to contact Evernote support.
  17. What platform are you using: Windows, Mac, Web, Android, etc.?
  18. To find your version of the Web beta, click on your account initial at the top left; it will be at the bottom of the drop-down. If you're still having the problem, you might want to see (and respond to) this post from Evernote support in the thread I linked to earlier ("about 90% fixed" as of June 17):
  19. I heard some vague reports about a virus going around that slows down a lot of people's work....
  20. Ahh yes, that's it. I tried a note with a multi-page PDF attached, and the browser's print preview shows only the first page of the PDF. That's with the PDF viewed as "Page-Through Preview." If it is viewed only as an attachment, of course only the attachment icon will be printed. But if I select "Full Preview", then the first two pages are printed, while the following pages show only a frame, even though they are fully visible in the note. This is with Opera; other browsers may work differently. So, @Jennifer McCarty Charette: if you click on the gray border at the top of the PDF in the note, there's a 3-dot menu, and clicking that should offer the option of "Full Preview." Depending on the length of the PDF and perhaps on your browser, you may get it to be printable, along with the rest of the note, using that.
  21. That's really interesting. Definitely moves the needle on that meter. I suspect that sometimes individual notes just get corrupted, and then give various kinds of grief. Mmph. Glad it's working now, though.
  22. Ah, but it does: it pays for a forum where you can come in and low-rate it to your heart's content. As for little moi, I can't imagine wanting to learn to use markdown to take notes. Evernote's editors definitely need work (which they're doing; have you looked at the current Web beta?), but at least you can use them the first minute you see them without having to learn a new typing system. IOW, I am in that place for Evernote. Wherever it may be that I am.
  23. Begging to differ with this last. I just looked at a note I clipped from Buzzfeed, and when I go to print it, the preview shows all 12 pages. This is in Opera, but I'd think Firefox would be similar. The deal with the Web version of Evernote is that it depends on your browser for some functions, including printing, so trying a different browser might help. But let me back up and try to grasp the whole situation, because I may be way off. Did you clip a Web page, or a PDF or other document on a Web page? I can't get Evernote to actually clip any part of a PDF using the "Save to Evernote" popup at the bottom of the screen. I have to save them and attach them to a note manually. But clipping a Web page works pretty well. I've never tried clipping a Web page that had documents embedded in or attached to it, though.
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