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Everything posted by Dave-in-Decatur

  1. And apparently only affecting YouTube, which leads me to think that YouTube made some change to their code or formatting or something that the EN clipper can't pick up. YT ain't going to fix anything they break just to please Evernote, so it sounds like the EN developers are doing what they have to do.
  2. Hi, and welcome to the forums. There have a lot of reports about this. If you search the forums, you'll find several other threads, some with a suggestion or two about what's going on.
  3. Glad the new ones are working properly. Would it be possible to recreate the old one as a new note to see if it behaves then? May be time to fire up the old weird-[stuff]-o-meter.
  4. Agreed. But the Web client beta is still a beta, which means it won't be bug free. This one is kind of like a literal bug--a gnat in your ear, not doing you any great harm, but #@%$#% it's annoying.
  5. You could try this (the exact sequence may vary depending on your version of Android; I'm using Android 9 on a Samsung phone): go to Settings, then Apps. In the top right, tap the 3 dots and tap Default apps. (Or just search Settings for "Default apps.") Tap "Set as default." This should open up a list of apps--for me, I get all the apps on my phone, of which only a few are marked as "Set as default." Scroll down to Hancom Office Editor, tap it, and tap Clear defaults. I honestly don't know if this will work--there have been a number of reports of Evernote acting screwy when opening attachments. But it may be worth a try.
  6. Hi, and welcome to the forums. This is indeed very strange. I would suggest changing your password right away, to ward off trespassers (use something that is unique to your Evernote account, not a reused password from another site or service, since it could be stolen from there and used to access your Evernote). You might even considering 2-factor authentication. As for "untranslating," the only suggestion I can offer is to upgrade to Premium for just one month, so that you can access the history of your notes. (The history is created for all users, but you need a Premium account to access it.) Hopefully that will recover the untranslated notes, and maybe show when they were translated too. Then you can drop back to Basic from Premium.
  7. This is a problem that has occurred many times when a bad guy has stolen an Evernote password from some other site. It usually happens when people use the same password for multiple sites and services, and when it gets stolen from one it can be used to hack into the others. The symptom is always that an "iPhone" (which is likely a spoof in itself) has synced to your account. They are looking in your notes for stuff that is worth stealing. As @Idahobob said, change your password ASAP, and use something that is unique to your Evernote account. Consider setting up 2-factor authentication for greater security also.
  8. Glad to hear it! Interestingly, at one time a year or so ago there was a problem with Evernote (blacking out of the note window) that could be solved by disabling hardware acceleration. Doesn't sound like it could be related to this; but it seems that hardware acceleration can cause programs to have problems.
  9. Hi, and welcome to the forums. The interfaces for Evernote on the various platforms (Windows program, Web client, Mac program, iOS, Android) have always been different from one another, and their capabilities have always differed. Currently, I believe they're working to unify them as much as is possible (given the differences among operating systems). But the new look and capabilities have come to the Web beta first, and it is kind of a testing ground for what will eventually come to the other platforms, as I understand it--which means, however, that it is even more different from the current looks of those other platforms than it has ever been. What you do in the Web client in terms of headers, highlighting, etc., will show up in Windows (and the other platforms), with headers appearing as particular fonts and sizes. So it's possible to insert headers on the Web and at least get the look of headers in Windows. Eventually, it should all be unified and working the same or similarly on all platforms.
  10. The latest update (v. 6.25.1) fixes this problem. Each previous version of a note imported from history goes into a new Imported Notes folder with a sequential number (Imported Notes [2], Imported Notes [3], etc.). Not sure this seems necessary, but the function is definitely working again.
  11. Since uninstalling the Evernote beta didn't fix the problem, it seems unlikely that it was the source of it; the timing might be a coincidence. Nevertheless, you could use something like Revo Uninstaller to be sure that any stray bits of the Evernote beta are gone. If that doesn't fix it, the next move would be to look into PowerPoint support. I have no idea what that amounts to, but I know there are forums on Microsoft Office products, and one of them might be the place to look for answers.
  12. The Web client beta is known to have some issues with search. Check out its forum, and look there for threads on searching: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/638-web-client/.
  13. Ah, I see. The request here was for a bigger font in the text of the notes. Interface font size is likely to be a system-level setting.
  14. Please do look at the thread, and the specific post, that I referred to earlier. Assuming you can have access to your Android device and Windows desktop at the same time, you can follow the steps there. They do require manually duplicating the unsynced information in fresh notes in the Windows program, but in the end you can get notes that sync again. I've had to do it with several notes, and while time-consuming, it does get the job done. One way to simplify it is to create a note in Android that contains the unsynced information from the problem notes. IF that note will sync to Windows, it will make it easier to do the manual updating.
  15. The text of the note should be the body of the email. I don't think you can get something from the title into the note text--you have to actually have something in the email. The Help article on this is here: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005347.
  16. Hi, and welcome to the forums. Could be a couple of problems, most likely that the PDFs are taking some time to sync. Which platform are you using (Web client, Windows desktop program, Android, Mac, iOS)? And thank you for your work--my wife and daughters are nurses and hospital workers, so let me know how I can help!
  17. Hi, and welcome to the forums. What platform(s) are you using for Evernote (Windows desktop program, Web client, Mac, iOS, Android)?
  18. Hi, and welcome to the forums. That looks like spell-checking has identified misspelled words (relative to the current language setting). If you're using the Windows desktop program, go to Tools > Options > Language and deselect "Check spelling as you type." If you're using the Web client, this setting will be in your browser's settings.
  19. This sounds as if the email address is stored in your Evernote account, and then "migrates" to the forums. Perhaps the migration is just being slow.
  20. Hi, and welcome to the forums. I think this is the right approach. Test it out and see which system works best for you. You won't lose anything, and if the duplication begins to seem burdensome, then it's decision time! FWIW, Evernote can do some PDF annotation, but it's not great. I would think that annotations created in other programs could be searchable when PDFs are uploaded to Evernote; but I don't know that--something else to test out. I haven't used Hypothes.is, so I don't know what its capabilities are by comparison.
  21. Hello, and welcome to the forums. There are a couple of things that are not clear here. You say you have "Evernote version 4.25." Which Evernote client is that (Windows desktop, Web beta, etc.)? "Tools > Options > On demand sync" sounds like the Windows desktop program, which is currently at version 6.24. The Web beta is currently at version 6.14 (in Opera and Firefox). Your account type (Premium or Basic) should not make any difference with regard to what version you have or how it syncs (as long as you don't exceed the Basic limits, as @CalS says).
  22. With one exception--a note shared with a public URL link that has been posted online in a public place--according to this Help article:
  23. Hi, and welcome to the forums. While viewing (not editing) a note, select the portion of it you need to share (Select All if need be), then from the popup select Share, and WhatsApp should be on the list of apps to share to. IOW, sharing like this only works with selected text, not with the note as such. (This applies to Android; I don't know anything about iPhones.)
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