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This version of the app is outdated. You need to install the latest version to keep using Evernote. Update now

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5 hours ago, KoZz said:

Screen Clipper worked in Win 11 for Legacy. I used it all the time > the problem using native windows screen clip using alt , shift + s..  is that it creates those individual clippings which are located in my documents\pictures someplace.. found this the other day. The folder is jam packed..

Windows 11 took over the shortcut.  (And I don't think it's just the shortcut they took over - it's the function behind the shortcut. I've tried changing the shortcut to something else and I still get Windows Snip.)  It's not the end of the world though - it's a little less convenient than the Evernote screen clipper, IMO.  You don't have to save the clip to your hard drive -- I generally don't - you can simply use control c and control-v to cut and paste the screen clip directly into your note.  Then just close the Windows snip utility without doing a file-save.



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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, KoZz said:

What's the situation with this? I noticed that since I closed Legacy that files are building up in my import folder


Remove source file (coming soon) will remove it once it's imported ? 

So for now I need to delete manually right ?

Correct. I just have them sit and wait, they won’t import again, so there is no need to rush. Empty it from time to time, maybe when you empty the EN trash either.

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38 minutes ago, VincentC said:

Windows 11 took over the shortcut.  (And I don't think it's just the shortcut they took over - it's the function behind the shortcut. I've tried changing the shortcut to something else and I still get Windows Snip.)  It's not the end of the world though - it's a little less convenient than the Evernote screen clipper, IMO.  You don't have to save the clip to your hard drive -- I generally don't - you can simply use control c and control-v to cut and paste the screen clip directly into your note.  Then just close the Windows snip utility without doing a file-save.



Yeah maybe so but only applies to Evernote v10. In Legacy it works 100% I was using this yesterday ... In fact I'll do a test and see if the crosshair still appears .. Therefore they've coded it different in Evernote 10 .. Thus it can't be a Windows 11 issue rather code in V10

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Isn't there like a feature request that we as end users can submit to Evernote ? There has to be...

As I stumble across issues in v10 I will add them to a note and keep a list... 

The major issue issue at the moment for me is the inability to modify the updated date/time stamp, such a pain in the backside.. what happens is you open a note via mobile phone, that stupid thing updates the note for no reason whatsoever just by browsing a note, then the file has an updated "updated" time stamp.. I have to change it and in v10 you can't.. so I'm using legacy to change the timestamps....


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10 minutes ago, KoZz said:

Yep.. it's an Evernote v10 issue .. Works in Legacy fine and I'm on latest version of Windows 11


Hopefully they sort it out in the upcoming releases...

Yes, but the shortcut works fine with version 10 on Windows 10.  Anyway, doesn't matter.  It's not that difficult to do screen excerpts with other tools.




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2 minutes ago, VincentC said:

Yes, but the shortcut works fine with version 10 on Windows 10.  Anyway, doesn't matter.  It's not that difficult to do screen excerpts with other tools.




Agreed - win shift S for now, but that does create the snippet in my "my documents\pictures\screenshots".. which I've only just round out recently.. 

I may have to expunge :)

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  • Evernote Expert

With Win 11 you simply tap Win+Shift+S and you get the cross hairs. Highlight the area you want to capture (just as you would with the old Evernote screen capture) then open a new note and paste the clipboard into the note. If you want to automatically create a new note after capturing the clip then you can link the Windows screen capture directory too an an Import Folder in Evernote. This will create a new note containing the clipped area just as you were familiar with proper to Win 11.

If you don't like this workaround, please complain to Microsoft who broke the integration.

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4 hours ago, patrik.friggebo@vrg.se said:

Attached to this reply you will find a .enex file

And here's the end of the imported note - the format change if you wish to edit is a little extreme - I think you'd want to find a new note taking option for the future...



If you want to edit - 


If you update...


-You may be able to use the sketch app,  but it doesn't look too hopeful.  I'm sure it will be improved - But not this year!

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4 hours ago, KoZz said:

So for now I need to delete manually right ?

Yep - you're otherwise just wasting storage space;  the imported file is part of Evernote's database as well as being present in that folder.

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45 minutes ago, gazumped said:

And here's the end of the imported note - the format change if you wish to edit is a little extreme - I think you'd want to find a new note taking option for the future...



If you want to edit - 


If you update...


-You may be able to use the sketch app,  but it doesn't look too hopeful.  I'm sure it will be improved - But not this year!

Thanks for your help. The updated version of the file isn't readable. One last question: Can you display the original .enex file in Evernote 10 or do you have to update the file before you display it?

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, betnel said:

Apologies for the very basic questions here. Looks like I will finally have to update to V10. I use Evernote to organize information that becomes historical files for future reference once the project/topic is completed.

Like Kozz I am quite nervous about the update. I have used EN for more than 14 years & depend on it to maintain an organized, searchable database of my work, leisure, & volunteer life. I would like to find the step by step directions for using Legacy & V10 side by side.
One comment was to 'use new version as the web client'. The meaning or how to implement that is unclear.
Anopther suggestion was to 'copy the databases folder to the desktop as well as the installation file for legacy'. Then installing V10 will be easy... Sooooo - the V10 install will create all new program files (will not overwrite the legacy program) & empty databases etc?  How would I then be able to go back to the legacy program to access information if there were to be a problem? 

I'll let others advise about moving the Legacy database around. Regarding the Web client, that simply means use any browser to go to https://www.evernote.com/client/web and log in with your username and password. This will open the Evernote Web application, showing all your notebooks and notes, and a Home page ready to be set up if and when you choose. For now, if you just click Notes in the left panel, you'll see all your notes; or click Notebooks to start in a notebook. This gives you a chance to develop a feel for the new setup and the capabilities of v. 10, without actually downloading the new database to your computer (the Web client only works with the notes on Evernote's servers). You can keep working in Legacy, but you'll need to be careful about syncing. Legacy lets you sync on a regular schedule, and sync on demand. V. 10 syncs all the time. So what you edit in the Web client will automatically sync to the Evernote servers, but won't appear in Legacy till a sync happens there. Likewise what you do in Legacy will only show up in the Web client after a Legacy sync, but should show up pretty much immediately after that.

I also want to address your first concern, about 14 years' worth of organized, searchable data. (@Feitz, I've got your concerns in mind here too.) None of that is going to disappear even if Legacy stops working as a means to access it. When the new owners of Evernote introduced a new data structure and sync system in May of this year (one that had been under development well before they took over, as I understand it) they frankly did not lay a proper groundwork for this introduction, IMHO. Converting existing notes to the new structure takes processing work on the servers, and they seem to have underestimated the resources that would be needed. There were other structural problems in the new system as well, apparently. That caused some very slow syncing, and much worse some actual loss and corruption of note data. They did not address this as promptly as they should have either, and (again IMHO) that is responsible for a lot of the outrage and anxiety that you find in these forums today.

By now they seem to have gotten it sorted out, and I'm not seeing problems with sync or data corruption. My point is that there's nothing inherent in v. 10 in comparison with Legacy that caused these problems. It was a badly managed introduction of a new and actually better system of syncing data that led to the issues. The new system is great. The first time you have a note open on two devices at once (even a v. 10 desktop app and a Web browser on the same computer) it is kind of amazing to see what you type in one appear essentially instantly in the other. Now, what this makes you think about the company and Evernote's future is up to you. I feel that lessons have been learned, and that leadership is more involved in making the product succeed than had been the case for awhile both before and immediately after Bending Spoons took over. I'm as confident in Evernote's future as I am in the future of anything involving tech. I'm not a fan of AI, but there's nothing mandatory about using it in Evernote, and its introduction has been handled more smoothly and with more thought for the user's experience than the new sync structure. V. 10 as it has been developed has features like backlinks, tasks, the Home page, connections to Google calendar, and something so simple as pasting a URL into selected text that I find useful. Most people find some of them more useful than others, but focusing on what has been "lost" from Legacy ignores the large amounts that have been gained. Anyway, those are my thoughts, and I hope it's in some way helpful.

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8 minutes ago, patrik.friggebo@vrg.se said:

Thanks for your help. The updated version of the file isn't readable. One last question: Can you display the original .enex file in Evernote 10 or do you have to update the file before you display it?

Not sure what you're asking here - I imported the enex file into v10 and got a note with perfectly legible content as picture 1.  No updating was required.  You can display that as is without any problems.  If you were to edit it though,  there are those format changes when it is 'updated'. 

It does occur to me (and I may try later) that you could export the content to a PDF file and then re-import that file and annotate it from there - but since I don't know what you might want to do with it from there,  I think it's best if you do any further investigations!

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56 minutes ago, gazumped said:

Not sure what you're asking here - I imported the enex file into v10 and got a note with perfectly legible content as picture 1.  No updating was required.  You can display that as is without any problems.  If you were to edit it though,  there are those format changes when it is 'updated'. 

It does occur to me (and I may try later) that you could export the content to a PDF file and then re-import that file and annotate it from there - but since I don't know what you might want to do with it from there,  I think it's best if you do any further investigations!

Your answer is just fine. I guess I didn't completely understood your second to last post. I'm happy to know that I'll be able to view my ink notes in Evernote 10 if I will be forced to update my version; that means that there is no risk for me to lose information. But, as you stated earlier, I will look around for another handwritten notes app to create my future handwritten notes. Once again, many thanks for your help!

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3 hours ago, Dave-in-Decatur said:

I also want to address your first concern, about 14 years' worth of organized, searchable data. (@Feitz, I've got your concerns in mind here too.) None of that is going to disappear even if Legacy stops working as a means to access it.

Although my views regarding V10 might be different, I really appreciate the time you put into this answer. 

For me data loss or data corruption in V10 simply is a no-go, even more given the fact that with more than 22 000 notes I probably wouldn't notice corrupt data for some time making any kind of restore impossible or at least very difficult. 

I hope I can stay with legacy until these severe issues have been ironed out.

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@patrik.friggebo@vrg.se My personal favorite handwriting app is GoodNotes. They just released GN6.

It won’t sync directly into EN, you need to export to a pdf to share your notes with EN.

What‘s sometimes forgotten is the ability of EN to digest fotos taken from handwritten pages, make them searchable and store them. I just took pictures of my physical notebooks pages, stored them in notes and saved.

Shortly after the handwriting is searchable, and highlighted in the pictures. An electronic handwriting solution may not be necessary, after all.

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4 hours ago, Feitz said:

Although my views regarding V10 might be different, I really appreciate the time you put into this answer. 

For me data loss or data corruption in V10 simply is a no-go, even more given the fact that with more than 22 000 notes I probably wouldn't notice corrupt data for some time making any kind of restore impossible or at least very difficult. 

I hope I can stay with legacy until these severe issues have been ironed out.

Thank you, @Feitz. I just want to re-emphasize that at present I'm just not seeing issues of data corruption or loss. Not saying that no one is, but I'm confident that whatever remaining issues there may be are getting addressed.

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Just dropping by with a little update from my end. It's day three with v10 for me, and I couldn't be happier. It's truly surpassed my expectations!

For anyone feeling a tad nervous about making the switch, I was right there with you, but I'm genuinely pleased with v10. And it's only going to get better from here. I've popped in a request to see if we could tweak the updated date stamp, but that's about it. Everything else has been smooth sailing, with just the occasional slow loading moment, but it’s nothing too bothersome really.

All in all, I'm well pleased!

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16 minutes ago, KoZz said:

Just dropping by with a little update from my end. It's day three with v10 for me, and I couldn't be happier. It's truly surpassed my expectations!

For anyone feeling a tad nervous about making the switch, I was right there with you, but I'm genuinely pleased with v10. And it's only going to get better from here. I've popped in a request to see if we could tweak the updated date stamp, but that's about it. Everything else has been smooth sailing, with just the occasional slow loading moment, but it’s nothing too bothersome really.

All in all, I'm well pleased

Glad you are enjoying v10. Like most I was not a fan when it was introduced but about 18mths ago I bit the bullet and made a concerted effort with it.   It only took a few days to get familiar with the things that were still there but accessed differently,  since then many of the things that were only on Legacy reappeared with updates and in only a few weeks I ditched Legacy for good as I had no need for it.   With the introduction of Calendar,  Home,  Tasks,  Widgets can't. Backlinks my use of EN has increased substantially. 

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We will leave evernote too if legacy stops working. More than half the documents we scanned cant be found via V10 evernote. Legacy finds so much more document. We sometimes need to find Documents from 2017 and older.... For this one search term i found 15 HITS with legacy and only 3 with the new version. 


And are they really removing import folders in the new version? 

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  • Level 5*
1 hour ago, VISUS said:

More than half the documents we scanned cant be found via V10 evernote. Legacy finds so much more document. We sometimes need to find Documents from 2017 and older.... For this one search term i found 15 HITS with legacy and only 3 with the new version. 

When installing v10, depending on the size of your database, it can take time to download and reindex the database.  If you tried testing the search immediately after downloading, that could be the reason for not finding all the documents.

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5 hours ago, VISUS said:

And are they really removing import folders in the new version? 

That was suggested three years ago but, instead, the feature was retained for Windows and added to Mac desktop. Do you know something that would indicate something else?

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One of the biggest gains for Mac users, BTW.

I found that from time to time the import folder connection is lost after an update of the client. It’s easy to reconnect, and usually it will detect and import missed files right away.

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On 9/30/2023 at 6:26 AM, bmcl26 said:

You can choose to move your V10 data to a different drive.  I created a Folder on G:    G:\Appdata   To move the data to a folder on a different drive press the Gearwheel on the top left-hand corner to take you to settings . The first option in Settings is Preferences (See Below)

 Make selections as you wish.  The bottom line will show where your data is currently stored to change this click on the circle and then select the d\folder that you wish to move it to


 This is weird.

When I open this in Settings/Preferences/Application, I only have 1 checkbox showing under "Advanced" (that is Hardware acceleration). I get continual low storage space warnings - but no check box to choose it or not. Also there is no option regarding "Evernote local data". Does anybody know what is going on? Evernote says I have the latest version.

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  • Evernote Expert

@dave23 Can you check whether you have the direct download from evernote.com or from the Microsoft Store?

The Store version doesn't support the option to change the data location.

This is one of a number of limitations working through the Store.

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44 minutes ago, agsteele said:

@dave23 Can you check whether you have the direct download from evernote.com or from the Microsoft Store?

The Store version doesn't support the option to change the data location.

This is one of a number of limitations working through the Store.

Thank you - but how do I check that?

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Help, About

The direct download includes the letters ddl and the the store version store or winstore (not absolutely sure for the store but anything other than ddl)

If you have the Store version uninstall through the Store. Then download the direct version from evernote.com and install that. Login and wait while your data is restored. Then change the data location.

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3 minutes ago, agsteele said:

Help, About

The direct download includes the letters ddl and the the store version store or winstore (not absolutely sure for the store but anything other than ddl)

If you have the Store version uninstall through the Store. Then download the direct version from evernote.com and install that. Login and wait while your data is restored. Then change the data location.

Thanks for that. I have 10.58.8 -win-ddl-public on my Help/about screen, so I guess that indicates the direct download?

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I do not understand from the message  if the usual LEGACY version will serve all users that cannot withstand the new layout. Where I can find the download of the legacy one? The legacy version works perfect. To be honest I don't care of the company business expansion so that it will destroy the interface with useless stuff.

can anybody explain me what's the ESCALMATION MARK I see on the SYNC and what does it mean?



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I keep getting this all of a sudden... Any ideas ?


I moved an important PDF that I just created into the import folder on my desktop. The file appeared in my Evernote Inbox and then disappeared when I doubled clicked on the PDF.. concerning to say the least.. Maybe something to do with that temp paused message???

In all honesty this message was appearing prior to me moving the PDF into the import folder. Anyway, I haven't seen this message before only today, well in fact, only in the last 30 minutes

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NOW WE KNOW --------- it's all ***** now. evernote is doomed forever. they sold the business with no regard of users wanting to write notes. it's all about stupid useless integrations to suck content all around... nothing that cares of users.


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9 minutes ago, KoZz said:

I keep getting this all of a sudden... Any ideas ?


I moved an important PDF that I just created into the import folder on my desktop. The file appeared in my Evernote Inbox and then disappeared when I doubled clicked on the PDF.. concerning to say the least.. Maybe something to do with that temp paused message???

In all honesty this message was appearing prior to me moving the PDF into the import folder. Anyway, I haven't seen this message before only today, well in fact, only in the last 30 minutes

It keeps deleting my PDF that I'm trying to import which is only 28mb.. I'm going to leave it for some time. Something is clearly going on in the background.

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maybe you think that killing users or deleting words like C*R*A*P from posts is clever than comments... true is YOUR NEW LAYOUT DOES NOT WORK WELL. YOU HAVE TO KEEP IT CLEAR IN MIND WHEN YOU PAY YOUR PEOPLE: THE NEW VERSIONS ARE UNUSABLE (INCLUDING THE MOBILE APP). and we are all doomed for the sake of your monthly payrolls.

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  • Level 5
3 hours ago, kiwiads said:

NOW WE KNOW --------- it's all ***** now. evernote is doomed forever. they sold the business with no regard of users wanting to write notes. it's all about stupid useless integrations to suck content all around... nothing that cares of users.


3 hours ago, kiwiads said:

maybe you think that killing users or deleting words like C*R*A*P from posts is clever than comments... true is YOUR NEW LAYOUT DOES NOT WORK WELL. YOU HAVE TO KEEP IT CLEAR IN MIND WHEN YOU PAY YOUR PEOPLE: THE NEW VERSIONS ARE UNUSABLE (INCLUDING THE MOBILE APP). and we are all doomed for the sake of your monthly payrolls.

There are a lot of rude and unjustified assumptions being made here about users who are not ... well, you. You are not shouting at Evernote, you're shouting at the other users who populate these forums. Like me. I like v. 10 and find it more useful, not less. My experience is as valid as yours, and even if yours is terrible, do you honestly think you're doomed and going to die?

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10 hours ago, agsteele said:

Yes but we'll out of date .

Go to evernote.com and grab the latest version which will have the option to move your data.

Will have a look - but if I go to check for updates I get this

You’re up to date!

Evernote 10.58.8 is currently the newest version available

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Just now, dave23 said:

Will have a look - but if I go to check for updates I get this

You’re up to date!

Evernote 10.58.8 is currently the newest version available

Also strange is that the warning about low storage space suggests going to Settings to change the data location - yet that option is not there as mentioned above.

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28 minutes ago, agsteele said:

@dave23 Occasionally the app update gets stuck. As I said go to evernote.com and download the latest version. Install and then you should be on 10.63.3

Hi Agsteele,

Thanks so much!

I did as you suggested and sure enough I now have 10.63.3 (that is some massive "stuck" on the app update)

Have also now transferred data to my D drive. Your help is much appreciated.

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4 hours ago, bmcl26 said:

Na väčšinu svojich klipov zvyknem používať Snagit, ktorý je oveľa všestrannejší a má schopnosť „uchopiť text“ z grafiky.

Thanks for this tip with the text. I've also been using Snagit for years, but I didn't even know about this option...

I started using this free software in addition to Snagit with Evernote a few days ago and I find it even more nimble now... (I don't need grab text)

LightShot - https://app.prntscr.com/

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3 hours ago, ferol said:

Thanks for this tip with the text. I've also been using Snagit for years, but I didn't even know about this option...


With the latest version, there is a Widget that resides. hidden top centre of the screen, which is customisable I have the "Grab Text" command on it.

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I just noticed something and wanted to run this by you guys before I do anything.

In Legacy I set an Encryption p/w to encrypt text which I deemed as needed to be encrypted. Well I've just gone to Encrypt a text passage in v10 and it seems it's asking me to set the Encryption p/w.



If I change the p/w then I presume I will lose access to all the notes from Legacy that was encrypted with the password set in Legacy.

I'm not sure why it's asking me to set a new p/w maybe because it's because it's the new version v10 and a fresh install.. Do I simply use the same p/w that I used for encryption in Legacy and use that p/w in the above prompt?

Personally I would like to use a new stronger p/w that I can store in my p/w manager, however if I set a new p/w will this prevent me from accessing previous encrypted notes..  I must have at least a couple of hundred bits of text which is encrypted throughout my EN database in Legacy?

Best thoughts moving forward? Shall I set it to the same encrypted p/w I used in Legacy? 

Please advise thank you


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Also what does this supposed to mean?



Evernote v10 is EXCELLENT.

I ran a search for "encrypted notes" and it found all the notes which were encrypted .. total of 102.

It seems was able to decrypt an old encrypted note using the old p/w that was set in legacy.. So if this is the case, do you think I could set a new complex encryption p/w that will be used for all new notes but still be able to decrypt old notes using the old p/w that was defined in Legacy ? 

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  • Evernote Expert
12 minutes ago, KoZz said:

not sure why it's asking me to set a new p/w maybe because it's because it's the new version v10 and a fresh install.. Do I simply use the same p/w that I used for encryption in Legacy and use that p/w in the above prompt?

Why not, first, open a note that you encrypted on Legacy and double check it still opens with your previous password.

Then I would give that same password for v10 to continue with.

To be absolutely sure, ask Tech Support, but I think I recall that whatever you choose will then become the password for all notes thereafter.

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  • Level 5*
Just now, PinkElephant said:

there is a risk that later encrypted text will show in note history, not encrypted.

That's one reason I don't use the option;  if you encrypt an existing note,  you can always step back to the plain text.  The trick is to encrypt two lines - 



Encrypt that text,  then decrypt it to edit and type or paste content between those limits.  (Your choice which characters to use.)

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My apologies if this is the wrong location to seek guidance. I stayed with Legacy on Mac Mojave, it has been excellent. I am now getting the headliner message, the message that started this chain. I am considering updating, I have interpreted that I will lose my Apple scripts and ability to format text. I use my Evernote pages in my teaching daily. I am wondering if my shortened links will break.  Any guidance is most welcome.


Mac Mojave 10.14.6

Evernote Legacy Version 7.14.1 (458325 Direct)

I also have an Evernote (Electron) on this Mac, which I have not used,  Download January 2022 

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36 minutes ago, MosesMoses said:

My apologies if this is the wrong location to seek guidance. I stayed with Legacy on Mac Mojave, it has been excellent. I am now getting the headliner message, the message that started this chain. I am considering updating, I have interpreted that I will lose my Apple scripts and ability to format text. I use my Evernote pages in my teaching daily. I am wondering if my shortened links will break.  Any guidance is most welcome.


Mac Mojave 10.14.6

Evernote Legacy Version 7.14.1 (458325 Direct)

I also have an Evernote (Electron) on this Mac, which I have not used,  Download January 2022 

I am now getting the message for a new version of "Evernote Legacy" am checking it out, 

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  • Evernote Expert
13 minutes ago, MosesMoses said:

I am now getting the message for a new version of "Evernote Legacy" am checking it out, 

There is no new version of Evernote Legacy. It will take you to the latest version of v10

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1 minute ago, MosesMoses said:

is losing links to Evernote pages and attachments staying with the parent note,

Your links should be preserved,  as should any attachments to your notes.  If there is a problem,  contact Support - or ask here!

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  • Level 5

You can update the new client you say you already have installed , and at the same time keep your legacy install.

Or use the web client (new version + v10+ checked) to test drive your existing notes.

What works there will work later as well.

Apple Script won’t, that’s for sure.

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On 9/30/2023 at 9:42 AM, KoZz said:

This is easiest way if you follow what I did you'll be up and running in no time.

Go into C:\Program Files(x86)\Evernote . In there right click and copy Evernote Legacy and paste it there it'll create a new folder called "Evernote Legacy - Copy" You'll be using this to access legacy moving forward for the side by side situation...

So after you paste, you'll have two folders one without the - Copy.. The original folder without the copy, will be removed when you update to v10.. but the "Copy" will remain as it's not included as part of the v10 clean up wizard.. it'll remain intact and this you will use for running the side by side with v10.

Don't worry about copying anything to desktop,  I didn't do that and in fact , even if you copy the database to desktop, you'll delete it later.. it's of no use. it's just backup, but you don't need it.. Just make sure in Legacy EN you move the database elsewhere PRIOR to the upgrade...

So go into Evernote Legacy > Tools > Options > under General at the bottom. Select a different drive and move the DB. This takes very little time and is automatic don't worry.. It'll move the DB to wherever you specify.


Once you've moved the DB to a different location, and I would move it into a folder like I have , don't move it at root level or you'll complicate matters. Create a folder called Evernote on a different HDD/SDD and move it into that to be safe.

Once that's done, go to https://evernote.com/download > this will download the latest installer.

Double click the installer, it'll say we need to a cleanup/uninstall of the old version etc .. yes don't worry about this because we've created a copy which will be excluded from that process.

If you read above you'll know where the v10 install will reside, in %appdata%\roaming\evernote.. 

Let it do it's thing. And when you want to run side by side go into c:\program files\(x86)\evernote\Evernote Legacy - Copy create a shortcut to the evernote.exe and put on your desktop or wherever you'll be launching it from as to not waste time having to navigate into that folder constantly.. and that's it.

Legacy is a grey icon and v10 is a white and green icon :


Good luck it's not difficult at all trust me. I was worried to.. I'm happy so far with v10.. way way WAY more features and it's very smooth after it replicates etc!!!

I may even incorporate my calendar today and where have Tasks been all my life!!!! Damn!!

P.S.. Create a backup real quick before you do anything. Click file top left of Evenote > Sign Out > on the splash screen press Ctrl Shift E > export all notes desktop. this won't take long, depending on your DB..  I'd DO THIS FIRST.. it'll backup everything in their respective notebooks as ENEX files and then at least you have an entire copy of ALL your notes in their respective notebooks.. then carry out the steps above..



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Thanks for the guidance and the formation of this super community. Gazumped and PinkElephant I have been seeing your work here for quite a few years, excellent work, Thanks, 
Betnel, Thank you! for the great description I will mull it over, I might not be able to use it because my Evernote database is 55GB, mulling it over,  ... I understand correctly you recommend making a copy of that database for a side-by-side situation,   ... And I have a copy in a time machine backup, 
On my MacBook Pro running Mojave, I have Evernote Legacy - which remains an absolute ally, master archivist, and curator, - and Evernote 10.29.7-mac-ddl-public (3186), the latter not used since Jan 2022. 
Last night I fired up Evernote 10.29.7, and it went to syncing but only up until August 2023, after 6 hours. With no offer to update and telling me it is the latest version.  I went back to running Evernote Legacy and it is still doing super fine; I am one of those folks who does not have a day without using Evernote,   
I know that I must move forward with Evernote, so what next: download a newer version of Evernote 10 from the E website, replacing Evernote 10.29.7. 
Best to you all, 
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I am running Windows 7.

The version of Evernote I have been using was 6.24, I believe I remember.

I did just do the upgrade using the Latest Version link.  Now running 10.63

Now the computer app won't operate.

Error message of:

Evernote Entry Point Not Found

The procedure entry point DiscardVirturalMemory could not be found in the dynamic link library KERNEL32.dll

Can I possibly return to old version?


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  • Evernote Expert

Windows 7 doesn't support the Electron framework that Evernote users. Your only option is to upgrade to Windows 10 to use Evernote 10.

You can search online for archived copies of Evernote 6.24.

But you should not expect that this will continue working in the future.

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I just migrated from Legacy to v10.63. The tutorials seem to be out of date thus not very helpful. I have been a user for over 10 years. I try to embrace change but I do not like alot of what I am encountering. Less productivity at this point; harder to perform the duties I did so often.

PLEASE: Set the date format to replicate the date format of the PC System Clock! Every other app I use does this which is logical. 

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Any tips on potentially optimizing and speeding up EN10 in terms of it's interface? It takes quite a while sometimes for it to conduct a search or even list notes in a notebook you may click on, or even right clicking on a note to bring up the menu can take time as well.

When I conduct searches most of the time it displays the following : 



Is there anything I can do to speed up my EN10 front end ? 

Also whilst here on a separate note, I'm searching specifically for files that end in .CFG (router config backups) so in search if I search for *.CFG using a wildcard it returns nothing :( , actually it pointed me to a African Holistic book of Medicine  PDF book I have in Evernote which was very strange, but it works for some audio recordings that I have saved in EN in MP3 format.. so *.MP3 returns results. .just not the CFG which is really confusing. 

Anyways it has been just over a week now since I've been on v10 and I can quite comfortably work with v10 for the foreseeable. I haven't even tried new features yet which I'm keen on going. I'll do what agsteele did and run a search on few features, but if you guys know of a link that covers new features in v10 please share so I can get up to speed.

It's just the interface showing sluggish behaviour which has me stumped.. Surely there has to be something we as end users can carry out to optimise and improve the speed our end. My experience is equivalent to a system trying to load notes which are stored in the cloud over a very slow dial-up connection, this shouldn't' be the case, I should have a massive portion if not all of the database downloaded and stored locally, so there should be no reasons for the bottleneck.. Very confused as to what is causing this sluggish behaviour.. and it's this very issue initially which initially led to me being reluctant to migrate across to the latest version from Legacy.. Anyway I'm here now and it looks like I'm staying put for the foreseeable, so I'm just wondering if there are any insights that may increase the performance ?


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I don't much like the new version interface, which I use on a work computer for a very small database of notes, but the real dealbreaker for my much larger personal account on legacy is the lack of the ability to easily back up ALL of my notes into a single backup file. I do this manually on legacy every week and it takes about 5 minutes. Has anyone found a SIMPLE workaround for the lack of this feature in the new version?

My backup files come out to .5GB+  and include some attached photos and PDFs, but most of my notes are text. I do not use tags or internal links between notes. I do use selected-text-in-note encryption. I have MANY notebook, and a few (crucial) notebook stacks. I have been tracking suggested alternate apps for years but I have yet to find one that's a good match to my workflow - most seem to be grotesquely overfeatured for my needs, or don't have a decent Android app which is a must (my PC is Win10), and I don't plan to upgrade to Win11 anytime soon).

I'd rather stay on EN if I can. I received a survey awhile back about why I preferred legacy, and was hopeful they might actually address the backup issue, but it doesn't look like they plan to :(

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  • Evernote Expert
5 minutes ago, ElizabethB said:

Has anyone found a SIMPLE workaround for the lack of this feature in the new version?

I use the GitHub project evernote-backup and have mine backed up automatically every week.

Search for evernote-backup on the forums and you should find some links to installation and setup.

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@KoZz, re: the speed issue -- I don't notice a problem on either my Windows or desktop.  My desktop is a cheap ($500) micro PC.  My laptop is a $1500 two year old LG Gram.  Pretty standard stuff.  I write this because those symptoms sound to me like they might be caused by hardware limitations.  Windows memory getting swapped in an out?   

Also, I don't have experience with this but many folks like @PinkElephant report that things can get really slow if you have a marginal internet connection. Even though all your stuff is locally stored, Evernote still "calls home" if you're online and, with dicey Internet, this can slow things down,   Maybe try disconnecting your computer from the Internet, so you are really, truly running locally, and see if the speed changes?

And my standard disclaimer -- I'm no expert and others may weigh in with better suggestions.


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  • Level 5*
2 hours ago, ElizabethB said:

the ability to easily back up ALL of my notes into a single backup file.

Your backup file may be worse than useless if you come to use it...  The ENEX format does not include notebook metadata,  so your backup will be one huge notebook containing all of your notes.  The best option is to copy each notebook into its own ENEX file.  A subscription service such as Backupery will do this for you.

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On 9/29/2023 at 10:11 AM, kkarney said:

My entire life is based around being able to sort tags. I don't understand why that feature was taken away. I can't upgrade without a complete overhaul to my modus operandi. That is not something I have time for. And now I'm being told that the legacy version is going away. Why? Why? WHY??

You could try upvoting this, on the off chance they're still listening to users:


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  • Level 5

Actually you could have known since 3 years that you use a deprecated software that will eventually stop working one day. The only difference is that it seems that day is now getting closer.

The usual "need to sort by tags" user is on something like TSW. This means you use a general tool like tagging in a very narrow, specific way. Unless you do, sorting by tag won't work. But tags are not build for this use, and anybody using them in the original, generalized way doesn't benefit much from sorting by tags. It sorts by the first tag only, in alphabetical order. When you use normal tags, this won't do you much good. So I doubt its high on the backlog, if at all.

You can now try to find another way to handle the goal (which is to organize your content, not to sort notes). I think Tasks are a great addition to v10 that makes notes actionable in a much better way - but hardcore legacy users don't know, because they are not supported in legacy. Or you try to reach support to tell them you (and others) need sorting by tags.

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Ackshually, no it's really not. You can continue to argue with the dozens of people that have posted that they use this feature, in different ways, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a feature that was removed with no warning or explanation or replacement. Sorting a column is a basic feature, and sorting by date is unhelpful for all but the most simplistic uses. They also removed saved searches in the left hand navigation.

I don't do whatever TSW you keep derisively referring to,  but I use evernote to store procedural steps for varying projects. I want to see groupings of tags, sorted. This isn't an outrageous, fringe ask. It's a feature that paying customers used that was removed.

4 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

Actually you could have known since 3 years that you use a deprecated software that will eventually stop working one day. The only difference is that it seems that day is now getting closer.

The usual "need to sort by tags" user is on something like TSW. This means you use a general tool like tagging in a very narrow, specific way. Unless you do, sorting by tag won't work. But tags are not build for this use, and anybody using them in the original, generalized way doesn't benefit much from sorting by tags. It sorts by the first tag only, in alphabetical order. When you use normal tags, this won't do you much good. So I doubt its high on the backlog, if at all.

You can now try to find another way to handle the goal (which is to organize your content, not to sort notes). I think Tasks are a great addition to v10 that makes notes actionable in a much better way - but hardcore legacy users don't know, because they are not supported in legacy. Or you try to reach support to tell them you (and others) need sorting by tags.


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  • Level 5

It was not removed, as nothing was removed from legacy in v10. v10 is 100% new code. It may be that something was not added. But nobody took any code and axed it. Nobody can take a snippet of code and just drop it in.

What proves my point: Ask support. It’s the only know way to get anything added.

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On 10/8/2023 at 6:53 PM, VincentC said:

@KoZz, re: the speed issue -- I don't notice a problem on either my Windows or desktop.  My desktop is a cheap ($500) micro PC.  My laptop is a $1500 two year old LG Gram.  Pretty standard stuff.  I write this because those symptoms sound to me like they might be caused by hardware limitations.  Windows memory getting swapped in an out?   

Also, I don't have experience with this but many folks like @PinkElephant report that things can get really slow if you have a marginal internet connection. Even though all your stuff is locally stored, Evernote still "calls home" if you're online and, with dicey Internet, this can slow things down,   Maybe try disconnecting your computer from the Internet, so you are really, truly running locally, and see if the speed changes?

And my standard disclaimer -- I'm no expert and others may weigh in with better suggestions.


There are no hardware limitations here.. Intel I9 10850k running at 4.8ghz per core.. 32GB or DDR4 ram clocked at 3200MHZ.

It's EN10 and it's obviously the way it's built which is the problem.. The below spinning green circle is doing my nut in.. I've reached out to support and they have gone quiet!


It is sad.. it works don't get me wrong, but you just have to WAIT around and click off notes when you see the spinning logo above and click back onto it and sometimes that helps but sometimes not! To be honest, it's really driving me mad.. I've had to really slow down and accept the speed, it also isn't a problem with my internet trust me, if I can stream 4K content from Netflix on my shoddy 300MB connection, then trust me it isn't the internet that is causing the underlying bottleneck. The bottleneck is EN10 itself and everyone in here knows it!

In terms of speed in comparison with Legacy, V10 is clearly a snail by it's very design!

How they plan to improve the speed is beyond me.. You could also argue and say, Oh, well EN10 may be installed on a very slow speed HDD thus when accessing whatever files are local is also causing the bottle neck, but this isn't the case also. My files are stored on high performance Samsung 860 pro SSD devices! 

Conclusion: EN10 is inherently slow... It's clearly obvious why Legacy is blistering fast, it's because all notes etc are stored in single .EXB database (also where this DB is stored affects it's speed, if on a HDD you'll notice a difference as opposed to it residing on an SSD) much quicker access times.

EN10 doesn't matter where you store files.. This is some cloud backend , serving all users via some kind of QoS algorithm.. God knows. I'd even Pay more to have speed that I'm seeking! 

Anyway I'm not going to let it affect my day.. Just enjoy the green circle!!!!!  

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  • 4 weeks later...
On 10/8/2023 at 9:38 PM, gazumped said:

A subscription service such as Backupery will do this for you.

Oops, I just checked, Backupery is Windows only and a bit on the espensive side, 104$ p.a. for something that should be available from inside Evernote.

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  • Level 5*
28 minutes ago, Feitz said:

for something that should be available from inside Evernote.

It may become available at some future time,  but Evernote are currently focussed on stability and speed - and when they come to the 1,000+ feature requests they already have,   what are the chances that this will be one of the first?  It's unlikely that there will be any movement for several months,  if ever...

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1 hour ago, Feitz said:

Oops, I just checked, Backupery is Windows only and a bit on the espensive side, 104$ p.a. for something that should be available from inside Evernote.

Well... This depends on your point of view. 

They do offer their cloud-protection and redundancy and history. Also there are manual alternative in Evernote by exporting, which can cause a lot of labour. Automatic free (more nerdy) alternative exists. And a paid alternative exists (like Backupery of which I am a fan and which I pay gladly). Four layers/options of some kind of 'back-ups'.

I'd personally rather they spend their energy on stability, performance, and 'features' such as: sort-on-tags, synced-sections like Microsoft Loops/Notion, hide-unused-tags in the dialogue and keeping backlinks and reminders working better than they do right now after merging of notes. 🙂

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9 hours ago, MvdH said:

I'd personally rather they spend their energy on stability, performance, and 'features

agreed, but since the export mechanism is already in place, programming a simple picklist to check off the notebooks you want to export and then exporting them one by one (and preferrably remembering this choice for the next export session) doesn't seem like a huge endeavour. So this shouldn't prevent them too much from making Evernote more stable (finally) and faster. 

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  • Level 5

A high percentage of users fanatically using a method meant for exporting (1 timer) to run backups (weekly - nah, let’s do it daily - no even better hourly ….) WOULD quite obviously affect server performance.

It’s a cloud service, and it’s running its own internal data security.

For those who want a backup there are external solutions.

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24 minutes ago, PinkElephant said:

 WOULD quite obviously affect server performance.

Correct.  That's why @Denis L is looking into/considering making a local cache, only downloading changes made since last time.

The you can then make full backups all you want, without extra load on the server. Without all the ***** timeouts Evernote introduced to reduce/spread server load.

Detail: this is how Backupery used to work with Evernote legacy, using the local cache of Evernote itself. 



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2 hours ago, PinkElephant said:

It’s a cloud service, and it’s running its own internal data security.

which won't help if V10 deletes content as several users (including me) have experienced. A cloud service is no backup if I may repeat this mantra.

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  • Level 5

It wouldn’t…

And I wouldn’t trust a backup from a local database, that may or may not be intact.

When I switched to v10, I had a lot of differences in the note count between legacy and v10. v10 web, mobile and desktop where showing the same, legacy was off.

Using the legacy database repair tools I found the local database had collected mistakes over time. It was not trustworthy, and for sure no source for a solid backup.

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