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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Data is "encrypted at rest" >>Are local copies encrypted in any way such that if I were hacked, my information is still protected? I have local client 10.4.4 Is it possible to encrypt just notebooks? Not supported by Evernote I have FileVault enabled on my Mac (disk encryption) >>Is it possible to encrypt a note other than selecting all the text and doing so? I use the native encryption of attachments; pdfs, MS office documents, ...
  2. You might be happier using Evernote's Legacy product; install at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  3. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote I don't have the version number but they used the latest pre-version 10
  4. I can confirm this, Evernote has offline capability on all platforms An offline database is maintained in various formats
  5. On my Mac, I don't have to re-login - even after turning off the computer
  6. @Shane D. Can you confirm @dcon's post that "v6 and v10 count as separate device instances"
  7. Yes. Preferences can be seen in the screenshot As you can see, not many options We expect to see this expanded with ongoing product developement
  8. You started this discussion with "answering questions", now you've progressed to "reading" Evernote staff monitor posts; it"s one of the factors in identifying development priorities
  9. This is a user discussion forum; it's mostly us users posting here The contact for Evernote Support is at web page https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  10. Just to clarify, your login is being blocked by the two device limit Shouldn't this mean there are two devices where your login will be successful
  11. I'm using Evernote Legacy on a Mac I use the export feature, with html format The note itself is converted to html format; any attachments (like pdf) are exported in native format I can drag individual pdfs to the desktop I can use the File > Save Attachments to save attachments (like pdf) to a file folder
  12. The Version 10 product is named Evernote.app; and overwrites the Legacy product of the same name To reinstall the Legacy product, download from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote The app name will be EvernoteLegacy.app There are no concerns about the notes database. The local database copies are different, but both products access the same master database on the Evernote servers
  13. Evernote is a cloud service For Version 10, a local database is maintained but only used for offline access This architecture does not allow support for Local Notebooks Note attachment files can be moved to external Local Folders, and replaced with a file link
  14. Evernote has two products; Legacy and Version 10 You might be happier with the Legacy product The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress and not ready for general use
  15. Evernote is my single repository for all my data; I have over 15k notes Most of the data is archived status, but cause no issues being stored in my database I use other applications in processing and reviewing my data My Mac Evernote is integrated with scripting via Applescript and Keyboard Maestro I also take my data to a spreadsheet for better presentation options The Evernote editor is fine for basic notes; For extended features, I use word-processing and other editors. The documents are stored in Evernote as note attachments Examples of notes are: Journaling; a daily journal/dashboard note and others Receipts; scanned paper, emailed, monthly feed from my bank Task notes; used in my GTD task management process
  16. The Version 10 "sacrificing functionality" was more about development timetable and the new architecture
  17. I think the list is fluid, but Evernote did publish https://evernote.com/blog/new-windows-mac/ there are a handful of features—such as AppleScript, import folders, and the ability to edit note creation dates—that are not yet available We've also been told expanded export options are pending; hopefully that includes html format https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/131326-evernote-for-windows-104-updated/#elControls_591191_menu Coming soon: Quickly search and move to different note using a keyboard shortcut (Mac - CMD+J, Windows - Ctrl+Q) Create new audio recordings and playback audio file Dragging and dropping note links and tags directly into notes Global keyboard shortcuts Additional export options Import folder https://discussion.evernote.com/forums/topic/131639-evernote-for-ios-version-102-release-notes/#elControls_593068_menu Coming Soon: Table editing Apple Watch support Search in PDF files iOS Widget Share a note via email
  18. If these are pdf attachments, select the notes, then File > Save Attachments Screenshot is from my Mac, Evernote Legacy product >>I selected a notebook [1124 items] and exported it but it came out in the enex format for Evernote The export feature only supports two formats: enex and html This gives you an easier problem; convert html file to pdf
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