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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote says Import Folders are a pending feature for the Version 10 product; we expect implementation shortly If this feature is critical to your workflow - use the Legacy product
  2. As you posted, the note-id is the last section in the internal note link I use Applescript to retrieve the note link, and parse before pasting
  3. So the issue is multi-note selection with the web app I've moved this discussion to the web forum The title is misleading
  4. The theory is - let the Basic users continue to use the service forever The more they use the service, the higher the paid conversion rate
  5. Not an outlook user but I include the raw email in .eml format as a note attachment
  6. As I said, use the the notebook/tag trees They pass the duck test
  7. Can the notes be identified by a saved search, maybe a tag The search can be triggered by a shortcut
  8. Export all is an option for the Evernote Legacy product I use it for weekly backups Expanded export options are pending for the Evernote Version 10 product
  9. Log out of the new account Log in with the account/password of the old account
  10. https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  11. The Evernote apps are free; install and you "own" the product and it's functional As to processing the data, the server stuff, that's an ongoing cost I'd be happier with a less expensive subscription, but I have no real idea of the actual expenses incurred in this service
  12. Not crippled - the Version 10 product is a work-in-progress Evernote told us "If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps."
  13. Not clear how this relates to "for each Stack or Notebook" My project dashboard is automated using an applescript This runs each morning and takes my data to a spreadsheet Displayed are Goals, Projects, and Tasks. The tasks are presented in a gantt timeline view
  14. I'm using the Evernote Legacy product with no issues Install at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  15. Bypass the desktop, and use Evernote Web (www.evernote.com) Make sure you're using the correct userid/password It seems like you accidentally created a new account
  16. I added my vote It should be an option, but is obviously connected to starting entry in the note body
  17. How about this please be aware that there are a handful of features—such as ...—that are not yet available. If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps https://evernote.com/blog/new-windows-mac/
  18. Agreed, it's better if attachments stay with the base note I use the html export on a Mac for my backups and the format works well for me For each note, I get a note-title.html file, and a note-title.resources folder (if there's attachments) I'm hoping to see the same when html option gets implemented in Version 10
  19. I would export the notes to a .enex file as backup There is a pending delete that may trigger with the first sync; which can be recovered from the Trash I would have expected to find the deleted notes in the notebook owners Trash
  20. Evernote has an html export option or I can convert to Word/Pages format.
  21. Moving sensitive attachment files out of Evernote and replacing with a file link The files will be stored in a local folder on my Mac The notes themselves will be moved to an online notebook
  22. I moved your post to the Requests forum but I doubt Evernote will increase the Basic notebook limit from 250 The limit for paid accounts is 1,000 Personally, I basically use a single notebook Evernote's primary organization tool is Tags (limit 100,000) Notebooks are used to identify notes as private/shared, online/offline
  23. My understanding is the local offline database is a complete copy of note data (allow time for download and indexing) Agreed, there is a difference in online and offline searches Online searches are run on the server, which has it's own search index and algorithm
  24. I'm not an encryption expert but my info is: Encryption at rest is a key protection against a data breach. If the hackers get in, they can't access the data >>Also, If you use local encryption for EN local data, how does EN get to it? It's transparent, based on my login to the device
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