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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I added my vote fwiw Version 10 on my iPad displays tags at the top to the right of notebook
  2. For Windows C:/users/<youraccount>/appdata/roaming /evernote For Macs /Users/<youraccount>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  3. The actual wording is the "Save data at log out" displayed in your screenshots
  4. It's the default setting specified in Evernote > Preferences; Save Data ....
  5. There's a single database on the server, accessed by both the Legacy and Version 10 products The local database copies are completely different The Windows Legacy database is a single .exb file; an SQLite database holding metadata, note.enml, and attachment files The Version 10 database is optional, and only used for offline work Attachment files are stored in a folder, with subfolders for each note Note.enml is stored in a single .sql file
  6. You can install the Legacy product Here The Version 10 product is a cloud service; there is an optional local database but it's only used for offline work
  7. There are still some bugs to be fixed, and also a pending feature list I'm not completely clear on the list, but I know it includes import folders, export options and scripting integration >>Those who are expecting a high level of feature parity with the legacy version will, I think, be disappointed. Agreed. I have my list of must-have features, but I recognize Version 10 is a new product and I'm prepared to adjust
  8. Your post has been merged with an existing discussion for this issue For now, the Legacy product seems to be the best solution
  9. That's the same mistake as when notebook stacks were implemented Do it right with parent/child elements for unlimited levels
  10. There's a mid-tier request at the note linked below To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion..I think they need a mid-tier at about $35/year
  11. Wrong; Folders are a different filing method than the notebook/tag methodology used by Evernote Users can emulate folder hierarchy by using the notebook/tag trees
  12. They're claiming Version 10 is not a finished product; a work-in-progress The Legacy product is still supported, an installation available to Mac/Window users
  13. Quoting the release notes please be aware that there are a handful of features—such as ...—that are not yet available. If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps.
  14. Evernote has no support for "after death" access For myself, I've prepared an email that specifies access details like userid/password I"ve implemented a script on my Mac that triggers if my daily journal notes in Evernote haven't updated in n days; day 1-3 email to myself, day 4-5 email to family, day 6 final email to family There are third party Dead Man's Switch services that perform a similar function
  15. You missed the interview where the CEO said tags are used by less than 2% of users
  16. My only archiving action is to assign tag:!Archive This allows archived items to be excluded from searches With the html export of notes, the note contents are exported as separate note-title.html files Attachments are exported in their native format to a note-title-resources folder
  17. My database just under 15GB My devices have lots of free space so I carry full offline copies (Mac and iPad) I have a designated offline notebook, but that's for quick download I don't do any curating of my notes As to portability out of Evernote; I append the note-id (and other metadata) to the note contents This allows replacement of the link function with text search As part of my backups I run a full export in html format My notes are can be accessed without the Evernote interface edit; As posted by @eric99, I avoid Evernote text encryption
  18. Here's a comparison on my Mac V10 Legacy Sans Serif Helvetia Neue Serif Source Serif Pro Slab Serif Zilia Slab Monospace Source Code Pro Script Dancing Script Handwriting Kalam Note: Sans Serif is simply the device default font There's no font assignment to the text
  19. This is the first time that Evernote has specified in the release notes please be aware that there are a handful of features—such as ...—that are not yet available. If your workflow depends on these features, you can continue to use our legacy apps. and released a special Legacy version
  20. Agreed, I don't trust the auto-file routines (neither notebooks nor tags) I prefer an inbox collection, and manual notebook/tagging assisted by scripting on my Mac
  21. Youu might be happier using the Legacy product (https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote)
  22. If these forums are any indication, an AMA would be a real sh*tstorm I can't see anything useful in that I would like to see a definitive list of features dropped vs pending
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