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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Evernote indicated pending expansion for the export options however this is expected to be HTML format Evernote's native note format is ENML, which is basically HTML >>We (the team) will need to copy/edit/update all the files. HTML files can be edited - your users can import into MS Word
  2. I have not deleted any of your posts My moderator activities are restricted to forum assignment and merging common discussions
  3. see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  4. Not necessarily For iOS, the Legacy product is still functional but only the Version 10 product is available for installation Version 10 will overwrite the legacy product; there is no option to change your mind Before installing Version 10, be sure you really want that product
  5. I use Evernote as an email, storing in both .eml and .pdf formats The reason for attachments is to isolate the email from editable text in the note contents
  6. I'm using the Evernote Legacy product Mac/Window users can install from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote The new Version 10 product is a work-in-progress I will consider switching when the work is more advanced and my must-have features are implemented
  7. Your post has been merged with an existing discussion To indicate support for the request, use the vote button at the to left corner of the discussion
  8. If there's an urgent need, you can subscribe to a paid account for a single month
  9. I don't think the two issues are connected >>I'm trying different versions on different devices Better done with a paid account; you can subscribe for a single month
  10. Evernote has an export function, but it"s only supported on the Mac/Windows client devices The only cloud option I know of is cloudHQ I moved your post to the Requests forum
  11. I'm thinking it would be better to have one device enabled, and use the web for all other devices
  12. Confirmed, there is currently a 50 note selection limit We expect this to be removed in future implementations For backup, export by notebook is recommended - there is no note limit Personally, I'm still using the Legacy product for my backups. There's no note limit
  13. I see a note with a checklist There is no "All ...Date/Timeline" added by Evernote
  14. Confirmed, additional export options are pending I'm using the Legacy product for my data backups
  15. My backups are automated with scripting - Applescript is integrated with Evernote on a Mac - I understand Enscript is integrated on Windows Scripting is a pending implementation feature for the Version 10 product
  16. I would suggest to export notes by notebook; this is supported in the Version 10 product
  17. My daily incremental export takes seconds to run The weekly full export takes 30 minutes for 15k notes at 13GB It is what it is - and quite feasible >>Yes, I can perform a backup from the legacy version (but for how long?) Long enough until features are expanded in the Version 10 product
  18. I use Evernote's export feature to back up my data; daily incremental and weekly full exports (html format) This is currently running on a Mac using the Legacy product and is automated using scripting I expect to transition to the Version 10 product after pending features are implemented >>if the legacy version is deactivated and there is a data loss, I'm stuffed There's backup options in the Version 10 product - Why are you "stuffed"? Currently, the Version 10 product supports export in enex format and supports separate exports for each notebook
  19. Agreed, the public share feature is a great feature; I use it all the time My suggestion to Evernote is for a properly formatted link with note title and url
  20. In the latest video, tag users are now at 5% Still don't believe it; I can believe the CEO isn't a tag user
  21. On a Mac Evernote > Edit > Emoji & Symbols
  22. Here's a sample using AppleScript on a Mac Keystrokes could also be used to retrieve the note link
  23. 5 years is overly optimistic For me, the important point is that I don't have to make any decision today or in the imediate future I merged your post with an ongoing discussion
  24. Table editing is not currently supported Evernote says table editing is a pending feature for the Version 10 product; no timetable but we expect to see it shortly
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