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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. What device/platform are you using?
  2. I use Apple Mail Payment included in the device purchase I have no problem paying for services I use
  3. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion This is a known issue and Evernote is working on a fix
  4. There's no indication that Evernote plans to implement this feature Evernote has an OCR process, however it's purpose is to build a search index
  5. Actually, you're demonstrating the company did not make a mistake >>The company is not making money Right, these are non-paying accounts
  6. Use the Legacy product - install from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  7. >>Copy 8 lines of text from a Word document (for example, eight topics from a meeting agenda) and paste them into a note. Yes >>Create space between any two lines of text, where handwritten notes can be created (and everything else shifts down to accommodate the ink) Yes - it's just inserting line breaks
  8. My favourite editor is the Notability app I save the documents in Evernote as note attachments (jpeg/pdf format)q >>but getting things into Evernote is a tedious, multi step process Click on the share icon
  9. Very good reason to install the Legacy product Note - it runs along side the Version 10 product
  10. My understanding is the accounts are being accessed with userid and password The issue is users not keeping their password secure
  11. Not a good idea 1. Import may have a problem with large .enex files 2. Notebook information is dropped with the export
  12. Import folders on a Mac were previously processed using an script (Applescript) I merged your post with the AppleScript request discussion As discussed, Applescript is not yet supported in the Version 10 product Also, we've been told Import Folders are a pending feature for implementation shortly This may not require a script
  13. fwiw Emoji and symbols can be used in the note title For example, my daily journal note 2020-12-25 Journal [🟢2020.360 Friday] !JournalDaily
  14. Evernote/IOS really sucks at editing attachments My solution is to use a file link instead of a attachment. The spreadsheet file is stored in an iCloud folder and can be accessed by my devices
  15. I use the HTML export option - it's not proprietary >>Evernote 10 only allows for export of 50 files at a time as the database will be cloud hosted only as far as we know Our expectation is the 50 note limit will be removed as the project development proceeds Note: There is no limit when exporting entire notebooks fwiw Export is a local function, not cloud The export is from the local database
  16. For me, it is really important to be able to exit from a proprietary system Evernote's export feature provides the assurance that my data is not locked in In the meantime, I'm able to make use of the Evernote features; organization, search, ... Note, I'm using Evernote's Legacy product I won't consider using the Version 10 product until the ongoing work is completed
  17. No one is locked in With Evernote's export feature, it's always been easy to exit with our data As part of my data backups I run a full export weekly (html format)
  18. That's a good point; my experience is with Macs I edited my post to include this note It will be interesting to see how Version 10 handles this when html export is implemented
  19. Both html and enex preserve the note links (evernote:///view/.../GUID/GUID) This jumps to the Evernote app - not within the backup folder The jump (link) is preserved but the target (GUID) is lost My solution is to append the GUID to the note contents I can jump around the HTML backup folder by using a text search instead of link edit: My experience is with the Mac platform. Windows may differ
  20. As mentioned, not supported in the EN note contents I would use a different editor (like MS Word) and include the document as an EN note attachment
  21. On Mac/Windows, in the Version 10 product, Evernote > Preferences > Save Data The only options are yes/no for the full database On IOS/Android, this is specified at the notebook level for selected Offline Notebooks
  22. For creating a note, Siri Shortcuts (scripting) still works
  23. This might depend on your definition of "note taking" I value Evernote for it's storage/organization of notes and documents Since a note can be extended with file attachments, any note-taking editor can be used Evernote's integrated note editor is useful for basic notes, however I don't rate it as "best"
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