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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. This is a feature request with 10 user votes (including my vote) What kind of "official response" are you looking for?
  2. I'm sill using the Evernote Legacy product on my Mac It continues to work well for me; I have no plans at present to switch products
  3. I'm still using the Evernote Legacy product My backups include the raw database (Mac TimeMachine), also a weekly full export in HTML format The HTML note records are read-able by any browser app, and include attachments >>Now that I am not able to backup the entire db What's the problem - the Version 10 product maintains a local "database" I don't know how useful it is for restoring data
  4. Evernote has been very clear about their plans for the list of fonts, however they only list generic descriptive names
  5. Let's see if we can get @Shane D.'s attention
  6. No updates to the Evernote - links within a note are not supported I recommend separate notes, or use a different editor and store the document as a note attachment
  7. Contact Support at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  8. Do you still see your notebooks? The usual reason for this is you're using a different userid
  9. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  10. The Version 10 product is a work-in-progress, and not ready for this type of backup processing As you mentioned, there's a 50 note selection limit; also html is not currently an export option Personally, I use the Legacy product for a weekly full html backup
  11. No it's not - your reputation is whining posts I prefer assisting users with my experience in using the Evernote product
  12. I don't use them but you should look at the calendar templates There's not a lot of space; I would insert a link to a more detailed note
  13. No problem. The discussion has been moved to the General Discussion forum
  14. Use the Notebook page To access the Notebook page, click on the notebook icon in the sidebar
  15. Version 10 doesn't use a .exb file The offline data is stored in folder/files within the C:\Users\XXXX\AppData\Roaming\Evernote folder
  16. Not currently supported by Evernote/IOS The only backup solution I know is cloudHQ, a cloud solution backing up to a cloud drive Currently, backup is only supported on the Windows/Mac platforms, via the Export feature I moved this discussion to the Requests forum, but I don't see it being implemented
  17. Alternatively, a stack named Fitness, with notebooks Cardio, Leg Exercises Videos Personally, I prefer tags, with unlimited levels of hierarchy Tags also allow for notes that fit multiple categories; for example a Cardio Video Compound names also work. Fitness-Cardio, Fitness-Leg, Fitness-Videos
  18. You should check the device list in your account settings There should have been a link in the error page
  19. The free Basic account is restricted for access by two devices; web access counts as one device If this limit is exceeded, a device must be revoked before continuing
  20. I'm a tagger, so I use the tag filter often Sometimes text searches; my titles have all the keywords so intitle is useful I also search on metadata fieldnames; example reminderOrder:* lists all reminders The search syntax is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  21. The app does maintain an offline database There's a setting in Evernote > Preferences to enable/disable Allow sufficient time for the offline download >>The program files on my computer used to have an EN folder. I find it not longer has anything in it Evernote/Legacy stores the local database in a .exb file (Windows) Version 10 uses a different set of folders see
  22. The Evernote Legacy product is working well for me I'm testing the Version 10 product; it's a work-in-progress and imho not ready for general use I'm waiting for some must-have features before I'll consider switching >>I don't use the mobile app as much as some people Likewise; a Mac is my primary device I use an iPad for mobile access but it's not as functional
  23. I use this all the the as part of my GTD processing (task management) I have task notes with no set due date, however I want to flag them as active >>Also isthere a way for me to see completed date/time for a task without AppleScript? Not directly, but you can use the search feature; for example search ReminderDoneTime:*
  24. The Reminder feature supports 1. Flagging a note as a Reminder 2. Optionally assigning a Reminder Date (hence dated and non-dated reminders) Yes Reminder Date and Due Date are the same 3. Flagging a note as Reminder Completed A note has three reminder fields; ReminderOrder, ReminderTime, ReminderDoneTime These fields can also be accessed using the Search feature I'm using the Evernote Legacy product on a Mac and can access these fields using Applescript
  25. Step 1 is to identify task notes My tasks are flagged as reminders, with the due date stored as the Reminder Date Step 2 is export > a spreadsheet As I said, I use Applescript on a Mac Applescript is currently only supported with the Legacy product, but we expect/hope implementation on the Version 10 product An overview of the Applescript code is tell application "Evernote" set theNotes to find notes ("reminderOrder:* -reminderDoneTime:*") ... end tell tell application id "com.apple.iWork.Numbers" open "/Users/.../Journal-Tasks.numbers" tell table "Tasks" of sheet 1 of document 1 repeat with theNote in theNotes set currentRow to currentRow + 1 set value of cell 1 to .... set value of cell 2 to ... ... end repeat end tell end tell
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