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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. I merged your post with an existing discussion for this feature To indicate support, use the vote button at the top left of the discussion Saved sort order was implemented on the Windows platform, but got dropped in the Version 10 implementation
  2. The Evernote Legacy product can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote I'm interested to hear your process for Evernote > Excel export
  3. And many don't consider this feature a priority (in relation to other requests) Personally, I have minimum notebooks For organization, I use tags which supports a hierarchy (unlimited levels) >>because sorting things based on tags is *****. As noted - sort by Tags is not supported I've always exported data to a spreadsheet to sort by tags (notes may have multiple tags)
  4. Just a guess - you didn't export all the notes in the notebook I'm using a Mac and have two options - select the notes > right-click > export notes - select the notebook > right-click > export notebook I use html format so I can access the notes without importing into Evernote
  5. There is no "merge" function Select the notes and move them to the other notebook Screenshot is from my Mac
  6. I use a table to define a framework for notes Columns and Rows can be combined to create a free form layout The screenshot is my daily journal note
  7. I use a spreadsheet to present my budget information which is stored in Evernote A spreadsheet provides much better presentation options than the Evernote note list Receipts are stored in Evernote with the information in the note title example: 2020-12-10 Receipt [HomePod Mini] ?Vndr-BestBuy !Budget-Furniture !HomeContents-LivingRoom $-145.98 I use a script on my Mac to generate a .csv file which is imported to my budget spreadsheet The spreadsheet is stored in Evernote as a note attachment file
  8. You're posting in a user discussion forum To contact Support, open a ticket at https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action
  9. fyi The app automatically maintains a local database for offline use I use the Legacy product and am able to export my entire database I use the html format. To maintain the notebook structure; separate exports are required for each notebook I have this scripted on my Mac as part of my data backups; a weekly full export
  10. For the Version 10 product, we can export notebook dataUsing the Notebook page, right click a notebook and select Export Personally, I'm using the Legacy product and have no problem exporting my data
  11. I think this works with the Preference setting Save Data at Logout Note: This data is only used when offline
  12. For the Version 10 product, we can backup each notebook Using the Notebook page, right click a notebook and select Export
  13. Evernote Legacy can be installed from https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  14. I'm using a Mac and marked the reminder as removed The .enex file shows no reminder attributes When I mark the reminder as completed The .enex file shows all the reminder attributes as per your example
  15. Yes, pasting the link into a note, then copying from the note includes the note title We're using the Copy Internal Link menu option, and pasting into an external app - we have the choice of in-app or web link - note title is not copied afaik the in-app link works when pasting into external apps
  16. The Version 10 product has no option for saving the sequence setting per notebook
  17. Evernote >Tool > option is used in the Legacy product The Version 10 product uses Evernote > Preferences
  18. Identifies the note as a reminder Identifies the sequence when the notes are listed in the Reminders panel
  19. Your example is showing web links In-app links (evernote;///view/...) are used to open in the Evernote app
  20. I pay for my hamburgers The Legacy product addresses my current user case I'll review the Version 10 product after it's more fully developed I can work-around the Local Notebooks, but I have a set of must-have dealbreaker features >>And if you decided to undertake it, it's certainly not going to happen in one day. I've been test driving the app Likewise; I've paid for alternative software (Devonthink) to fully test and implement an exit if/when required My Plan B has always been a flat export of data in html format
  21. You can select multiple notebooks and put them in a stack You can't "convert" a notebook to a stack
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