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Everything posted by DTLow

  1. Try source:web.* created:week-1 For "or", use any: source:web.* created:week-1 Search syntax is documented at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313828
  2. With the Version 10 product, local storage is optional Specified in Evernote/Preferences/Save Data at logout
  3. I have this scripted on my Mac. My Legacy product backups run automatically overnight - about 45 minutes for 14GB data
  4. The vote button is at the upper left corner of the discussion >>IMO being able to work in another app is better Agreed; a note can contain files of any format; word processing, spreadsheets, images, ...
  5. Critical for my use, the Version 10 product lacks - Applescript Integration - HTML export; full database export We hope/expect this to be resolved; no timeframe specified >>the data you mention for attachments in 10's resource-cache sub-folder is goobledegook These folders are used by Evernote for offline access There is a defined specification for the data; it's not intended to be user read-able For read-able data, my backups include a weekly full export in html format
  6. RemoteGraph.sql is your combined note enml and metadata; 1.3GB for me Attachment data is stored in the ..../Evernote/resource-cache subfolder
  7. I'm beta testing the Version 10 product, and know about the current state On my Mac, the local storage totals 15GB; about the same total as the Legacy product >>However, the version 10 I'm using only has a few tiny files in the Local Storage folder at the location you note. No sign of the large files I'd expect if local storage really is located there. Did you allow time for the complete download? I see a large .sql file holding the combined enml source and metadata for all my notes I also see separate folders for each note, holding attachment files
  8. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion To indicate support for this request, use the vote button at the top left corner of the discussion As noted above, this is a feature on the mobile platforms, but missing on the desktop Also noted is your there are security features you can use; account password and device password, screen lock, ...
  9. The Version 10 local storage is at /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Evernote
  10. The Version 10 local storage is at /Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/Evernote I'm using the Legacy product and my data backups include a weekly full export in html fornat
  11. Another vote for Devonthink (Mac only) It's my exit plan A Warning: tags are converted correctly, but hierarchy is lost and poorly supported Also, for Blade Runner fans - there are replicants 🙂
  12. Some services are able to import directly from the Evernote app, or from the .enex file Personally, as part of my backups I run a weekly export in .html format The notes are read-able using any browser app
  13. Before I commit to any service I made sure I have an easy exit Evernote (Legacy) meets this requirement with the export feature
  14. Personally, I'm using the Legacy version and have no backup problems
  15. I'm looking at Devonthink Great product but no Notebooks
  16. The save-sort options is a feature on the Legacy product (I edited my post) The Version 10 product only supports saving view options, not saving sort options
  17. This is incorrect - data can be backed up with Evernote I'm using the Legacy product and run backups using the Evernote export feature (daily incremental and weekly full) The Version10 product also supports an export feature - currently restricted to .enex format, with .html format pending - currently restricted to per notebook, or 50 note limit; we expect/hope limit removal
  18. I merged your post with an ongoing discussion As you discovered, Applescript is not yet supported by the Version 10 product
  19. I have a simple question for those with data backups Do you know have a plan for recovery If Evernote goes dark? If you have missing data?
  20. Would that be like the Evernote Legacy app? No button but we can install at https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314-Install-an-older-version-of-Evernote
  21. This is a user discussion forum - we're all users Evernote staff do pop in occasionally - they are clearly identified in the sidebar >>Apple email is free. Google Keep is also free. You should use it instead of Evernote. Apple email is not free - you have to buy an Apple deviceGoogle Keep is a fine service, but I need extended featuresI'm looking at Devonthink - no subscription but the apps are purchased
  22. It seems like you created a new account Log out, and log back in with your original id/password
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