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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. I'm not sure that this was an answer to your original question. Sorry 😞 I was simply picking up on the Evernote-backup software option. However, this morning I find my anti-virus has identified evernote-backup.exe as being a carrier of Beareuws.A!ml and has dutifully sent it to virus nirvana. I suspect that this may be a false positive but it is enough to reject this unless I was able to build from the source code and test again.
  2. Good point from @Jon/t. I have all the smart filing etc disabled. This feels like Gmail trying to be too clever.
  3. Just checked and my Gmail address received the shares invitation within 2 seconds.
  4. I think the ENEX exports address complete copies of each notebook. All the regular sync does is amend the local database so that it is a complete copy. Not incremental backups.
  5. I think I saw a similar reporrt a day or two back. You might have a search and see what you can locate... Found it
  6. I found myself with a little time on my hands so I gave Evernote-Backup a spin and have been pleasantly surprised. For Windows I downloaded the portable exe file (There are similar options for Mac). It has to be run at the command line so my ill spent youth pounding the keys with CP\M and later DOS stood me in good stead. I think I could probably create a couple of shortcuts to get some GUI experience if I wished. The sync update can be run on a schedule using the Windows Task Scheduler and, presumably, so can the export to ENEX. SO this would provide a automatic backup process for notes. For my modest database it took around 15 minutes to sync the data from Evernote.The final command which actually creates the ENEX files was quick and I have all the notebooks represented by and ENEX. I'll import a couple and see what happens. By default it creates an ENEX for each notebook although there is a setting to create a single ENEX file. Subsequent syncs should, I believe take less time since only changes and new notes will be processed. I really not sure I'll be doing this often if at all. I'm quite content with the security of the data already. But for someone wanting the ability to create an ENEX export of all their notes this seems like a straightforward task for someone willing to put their command line hat on. Thanks @Dave Green
  7. Don't blame - congratulate yourself for getting good life from a phone and avoiding adding to the mountain of eWaste
  8. That's not a Win 11 issue per se. I don't recall having that issue before I added my batch file to clear out the Import Folders. So you might record a ticket so that the cause gets adressed. FWIW, here is the batch file I currently use to clear out the Import Folders on my machine. Change the obvious bits that refer to my PC/folders set folder="C:\Users\<myPCusername>\Desktop\ENfolder1" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) set folder="C:\Users\<myPCusername>\Desktop\ENfolder2" cd /d %folder% for /F "delims=" %%i in ('dir /b') do (rmdir "%%i" /s/q || del "%%i" /s/q) Repeat the three lines for each of the Import Folders. I have the clearfiles.bat linked to a Windows task schedule to run at logon and startup
  9. Android (8.13.3) is the older version of Evernote for Android which does support the old ways of checboxes and reminders. MacOS (10.41.5) is the new release and supports checklists in preference to checkboxes. So working across versions is likely to create challenges. The new checklists will not appear in Android v8. The old check boxes work differently to the past in MacOS v10. If you are not able to upgrade to the v10 app for Android or if you just prefer to use the old checkboxes then the best thing is to add a character in front of the checkbox such as: -▢ This will display in Android v8 and MacOS v10 The problem is working across the old and new applications. Mostly this isn't a problem but checkboxes and checklists is one of the areas where the new application lacks flexibility for the user.
  10. If the file has been attached to a note then right click and select Open. The file should open in the default program (eg Excel) When you finish working, save and exit. It will go back into the city in Evernote.
  11. @PinkElephantmakes a good point about tagging. I learned the hard way that tags in shared notebooks needed to be unique. I started with ToDo as a tag on both accounts but ended up with two ToDo tags in my list - one of which took ages to delete.
  12. Some of us are obsessive and compulsive about disk space 😜 Compare my downloads folder to the one on my wife's PC or compare our Email inboxes. You'll see which of us is obsessive about this sort of thing 😁 It's a personal thing but as my daughter often reminds me, 'It isn't fatal!'
  13. The delete after import function is promised to be coming. But so far it hasn't arrived 😥 I wrote a short batch file for Windows which runs when I log in and deletes all files in the import folder. It saves me the trouble of remembering and the number of files that gather in a day or two is trivial. For me the minor added benefit is that it empties the several Import Folders that I have in use.
  14. I'm not sure that you'll get much assistance in these forums for working with the API. We're mostly regular users not using the API. I can say that Evernote 10 doesn't support scripting. So I suspect you may be heading down a too hard to do path. Or at least a task that you take on only because you enjoy the challenge.
  15. If you have the time and energy you could advocate for the company to adopt Evernote Teams. All colleagues would receive a Personal account for their private use whilst Teams comes with the added benefits for organisations and team working.
  16. Your second point. The Gmail add-on displays across the Google space. It is a Gmail add-on and offers nothing in Google Calendar. I would have gone down the route you describe in point 3. Certainly what you describe in point 1 isn't intended. That you cannot disconnect your Google account isn't correct. I think I'd leave Google disconnected and rebuild your Evernote data. I'm assuming you are using the desktop application. File / Sign out / Remove your data Then log back in and the data will be rebuilt. This will take a short while. Then reconnect Google in your account settings.
  17. You should use an uninstaller program such Revo Uninstall. The default uninstallers don't clean out the old data. Since you've deleted the %AppData%\Evernote directory you should also remove %LocalAppData%\Programs\Evernote Also, I'd suggest you reboot your PC just in case...
  18. Win+Shift+S is a built in Windows function so you can try clipping with that method. Then, does that clipboard paste into a different program - say Word? If that works then the confirms that the Windows screen capture is working. If not then that confirms that the clipboard isn't holding the image. Armed with that information you can open a support ticket.
  19. Then you need to open a support ticket. FWIW the web share option worked for me yesterday as anticipated.
  20. The Evernote Experts group is told that the announcement was added in error. The Google Play Store listing is supposed to have been updated but the Apple App Store details cannot be changed until a new release is uploaded.
  21. Each of these services have their own options for export. I noticed another thread where someone has located a means of importing a Markdown file. Because ENEX is an XML format it is technically possible to create a file for import via a text message process but it would be hard work and not possible to include attachments. So, practically, I think the answer is no unless you can export into a format that exports to ENEX. A two step process seems most likely.
  22. See my comment above. Uninstall and reinstall is likely to be the resolution.
  23. This has been requested by others so you can add your vote to the idea. It isn't going to happen anytime soon. The number of options/settings on Evernote 10 is limited. I find that if I wait until I need to view a PDF in All Pages mode that the process is not overly time consuming. I agree that this could be an optional setting. Perhaps it will be one day.
  24. Thanks @Dave Green. I can see that this service will have real potential for those who are anxious to have a backup. My main concern would be the security of my Evernote credentials with a GitHub project. But really grateful for you highlighting this.
  25. I'm not sure I've seen any data on this but I would imagine that asking a program to scan multiple folders every few moments would ultimately become demanding on processor time. I'd worj on the assumption that eventually it would have an impact.
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