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Everything posted by agsteele

  1. This support login issue has been identified and a solution identified. I'll DM you
  2. I hope you have all opened support tickets. There'll be no action of nothing is reported 🤔 https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  3. Directly from within the mobile apps or https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new If you are on the Free plan via Twitter @evernotehelps
  4. The simple answer is yes but I doubt that anyone would be likely to target the Evernote web clipper. Some sites which require a login to view content effectively block access because the clipper had no means to provide a user/password. Since this is a part site it could be such an issue when you try to clip the whole page.
  5. There are two options which depends upon how it was first setup. Either 1. Windows Settings | Apps | Startup Scroll down. If Evernote is shown then there will be an on/off toggle OR 2. Win+R and type shell:startup in the box which opens. If there is a shortcut for Evernote then delete it. (If you think you may want to restore the function then move the shortcut to the desktop from where it can be restored). I understand that a setting will be introduced sooner rather than later after which the first option will be the preferred method and a startup shortcut will not be required.
  6. In the old days you could log in with a username. I still do and it works just fine. But you do need either a username or Email address. The four digit code on the Android devices was a second level security thing. Reinstalling the app from scratch would mean you'd need your original login credentials as @gazumpedsays
  7. I suppose it could a local data problem. That does happen with updates occasionally. In the desktop rebuild your data File | Sign Out | Remove my Evernote Data the sign back in and allow your data to be rebuilt. I think, for mobile, you'd need to uninstall and then reinstall.
  8. Do you have a Professional sub for Evernote? I've not heard of anyone having problems with two Google accounts in Professional. Of course that doesn't work with Personal where you can only have one Google account connected to calendar.
  9. I've never experienced missing data in a sync. All or nothing... I think I'd open a support ticket.
  10. I think you're saying you don't feel you can trust the sync to deliver. I guess you'll never be at ease with Evernote v10. The sync isn't, perhaps, sufficiently instant for you. I'm more than happy to wait for a few moments while I get on with things. If I have any challenges, the mobile app is a tad slower to sync but nothing I can't live with
  11. @DaveM This isn't an entirely unknown issue. Access your account settings and disconnect all the Google accounts listed then reconnect and I think that could fix things for you. You might need to reconfigure the Home/Calendar widget as well - I don't recall what I had to do.
  12. Little chance of this in the short term. You should report your needs to Evernote via ticket and explain the reasons it would be a benefit. Meanwhile the workaround is to create a template note. Adjust the settings you require in that note. From then on start a new note from that by copying. Not a perfect solution but it does the trick.
  13. You need Evernote support but I think you are not on a paid plan. You'll have get va ticket opened via Twitter @evernotehelps
  14. I suppose that support will tell you that a manual sync is not, normally, necessary because Legacy and v10 sync in entirely different ways. The Ctrl+R method is only needed when things get stuck. Hence it is buried in the troubleshooting menu. You shouldn't need it. I've only used it once in anger.
  15. Account issues need to be taken up direct with Evernote. You can open an Account/Billing ticket regardless of status.
  16. To ensure that a big report is picked up by Evernote you need to open a support ticket. What is posted here may not be seen by Evernote staff on a timely manner.
  17. For me, I get a link to the offer on the Evernote.com website. 50% discount until 18 September.
  18. You have posted on a 5 year old thread for an older version of the web browser software. So not even the desktop. So not, perhaps, in the right place...?
  19. I think you may find that your personal account is not irretrievably linked to Teams. The free personal Evernote is designed to allow you to leave a team but still keep your private Evernote content. If I'm correct then you should be able to upgrade to Professional if that is what you require without a third account being needed. You can double check via an account support ticket.
  20. What @gazumpedsaid ^. But to clarify if you set Evernote to start on a Windows login then it will open in a window set at whatever size you last worked at. It will not start minimised. There is a setting on the way inside Evernote and perhaps things will change. We'll have to wait and see. For now, Evernote starts in an open window - not minimised
  21. Have you submitted a support ticket? I'd say that would be your best best given that nobody else is reporting this.
  22. Have you tried a different browser or, indeed, uninstall the web clipper and then reinstall it? The URL you provided clips for me. If uninstall/reinstall doesn't fix things for you then you need to open a web clipper support ticket.
  23. All seems good here. I used the web clipper and chose first of all a 'simplified article' which came through OK. Then an 'Article' and that also arrived. As ever the time taken to arrive in the account was a minute or so.
  24. I think the best thing is to review how Evernote data is stored. That will, I think, point you to the most up to date back up that is easiest to access being the Evernote servers. If they fail then your next option will be the local copy on your computer. On Windows this is stored at %AppData%\Evernote\ . There is an equivalent location on MacOS. I understand that Time Machine should be backing this up routinely. You can also save ENEX files. In the Legacy days it was possible to select the option to backup all notes in one large ENEX file. Whilst this is superficially interesting it suffers one major issue, the ENEX does not hold the notebook information. So when used to restore notes they are all imported into one, single, large notebook. You then have to manually recreate your notebook structure. The advice has long been to export each notebook as an ENEX. You can do this with Evernote v10. At the moment you cannot export all your notes in a single ENEX file with Evernote v10. There is a limit of 50 notes per export although there is a config tweak that will allow you to increase this 1,000 notes (search the forums for config.json). However, I'm assuming that your desire to have a backup is so that if Evernote was to fail then you could go elsewhere with your notes. I think the big issue here is which services will allow you to import from an ENEX. I haven't explored these options. I'm sure others have and will chime in. I know that in the past the one or two services I looked at actually transferred data by a direct connection to Evernote rather than through an ENEX import. That, obviously, would not work if Evernote had ceased to exist. But that would be true regardless of which software you might be using. So, if you have a real need for the security of a physical backup to reassure you then the Time Machine backup is probably the way to go. You can create the notebook ENEX files but this is a manual task. For collapse of the service explore your options well in advance so that you know what you will need. However, I'm confident that in that scenario there would be a clamour to entice Evernote emigres by other note taking applications.
  25. We passed this up the chain and after some investigation he report was This thread has been reviewed so, by now, the issue may have been resolved but if not please post again...
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