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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you check Evernote's activity in Task Manager, what is it up to when you see the sync wheel spinning? Is the activity on CPU? Disk? or Network? I suffer from occasional 'timeouts' where the Evernote Window greys out, which in a way is handy because I know that when the color comes back it's talking to me again. These fugue moments always seem to be disk activity rather than any network traffic. I'm also on an i7 with a fast connection. (There is a fix for the network activity - I'm not on my main laptop at the moment so I'll have to add the link later; but broadly it's possible to firewall Evernote to prevent syncing - though from your need to sync before tagging that might not be a viable option.)
  2. I agree with your confusion - when you buy into Evernote, it's pretty clear what package you're paying for. Demanding extra bells and whistles 'because I'm a paying customer' is like your boss telling you that you'll need to work extra shifts from now on 'because I pay your wages'. And another favorite - (not saying anyone here has done this) threatening a multi-million dollar company that you'll withdraw your payments if they don't straighten out and deliver your preferred feature is... unproductive. If thousands of users leave, they might take notice. One person isn't worth the development cost of any new feature. Not to mention the irony that the disputed extra might be on the route map anyway for next year, or maybe the year after... but there are lots of other tasks to complete first. Evernote don't (usually) comment unless they have something constructive to say.
  3. In Android the major difference between picture and PDF formats is visibility. PDFs don't (yet) show inline on mobile - they're an icon that requires a download. They do display thumbnails in the note index view, but on a mobile that's rather small. Pictures do display as thumbnails and inline when the note opens, so it's better for general accessibility to use that format.
  4. Hi. What alternatives did you have in mind? The available options within Evernote seem to be - find a way to ignore the red marks, go to Evernote > Tools > Options > Language and untick 'check spelling as you type', uninstall your current version and go back to 6.5.7 (if that's possible), or leave spelling active and start saving the queried items to the dictionary. If you'd like me to do so I can move your post into a voting 'feature request' forum where you can see whether this is a feature that enough members value to persuade Evernote to spend development time getting it back in place. Outside of Evernote there's always the possibility of using a word processor to edit your content unbothered by any spell checking, then copy and paste the finished version back into Evernote, or of using something like OneNote instead of Evernote (although I have no information about how that spell checker deals with codes.) FWIW There are 'text expander'apps around like Phrase Express which can insert a chosen word or phrase into your copy with a keypress - "#k" forinstance could generate K42 without having to type all the characters. (Clearly much more useful for long codes). Phrase Express can also run small macros, so could in theory be used to accept a term into the dictionary with one keypress. (You'd need to develop your own code to achieve that.) Hope some of that helps...
  5. Evernote has been around for nearly 10 years. 5 or 6 posts per day over the period gets you close to 20,000 notes. And some of us converted a library / filing system into a paperless environment, so in some cases there was a lot of scanning over a short period, followed by some steady additions...
  6. So far we're up to 9 users in favour. Not denying that this would be a useful feature for some users, but if you don't handwrite your notes, or are content with the handwriting being searchable, but not converted to text, it's not a priority...
  7. All known issues - see comments above. You already have the work around: it is possible to edit tables created on the desktop client, or in a wordprocessor.
  8. Hi. Evernote's server-side backup of all notes in your account is active for all accounts from the day they're set up. If you upgrade to premium - even if only for one month - you would find the history of that note and be able to step back to a previous version. Not saying that this will be a full copy since you may have lost some of the most recent edits; but you should get everything that was synced for several hours prior to this loss. If you do lose data in this way, simply replacing the current database with a copy of a past version won't help. The date stamps on the backup notes will be older than the current version, and will just be overwritten with the existing data. You need to be offline and extract the backup note(s) you need from the backup database as ENEX files and to re-import them into your account as new notes so that they will sync as is. I do suggest you use Twitter and @EvernoteHelps to report your issue with full details - you may not get any specific feedback, but Evernote is interested in all data losses to try to improve their systems for the future.
  9. Hi. There's a tick box in the login screen which gives you a 30-day extension, but I don't know of any way to extend a time out within one working session. Is you machine locked or idle during the period you're timed out, or are you working continuously throughout? You could consider raising this as a votable feature request to check what support you have from the community?
  10. Which OS, which client? Evernote Web will show you how many notes have been synced.
  11. Hi. Don't know about iOS, but Evernote Web includes these options...
  12. Hi. No - I'm afraid Stacks are regarded as a local user's tool to organize his/ her own notebooks, not a way to bundle notebooks together. Once you've shared the notebooks it should be fairly simple for the recipient to gather them into one stack - or not, as they prefer...
  13. Not looking to start (or resume) the whole tags vs hierarchy debate, but Evernote have never shown any sign that they are considering changing their view on this. That bird, as far as we know has flown, despite the ongoing lobby to the contrary. Plus I do work with hierarchical systems dealing with (for instance) technical faults, and the fix for one fault may easily be the same for several others. In many structured filing systems there's no single 'obvious' place to store information. In a flat tagged system, the single solution can be tagged with all the cases to which it refers. (It is extremely bad practice to duplicate anything, from addresses to fixes, because these things are dynamic - and when they change, can you be sure you got all the instances in which they appear?) I totally sympathize with anyone who finds the tag system frustrating and unworkable (I was there myself for some months), but while it sounds unhelpful it is a fact that to use this app, that's the system that is in place. If you need something different, there are alternative systems...
  14. There have been issues with mathematical expressions before. They tend to use an image format to show the formula, which Evernote Clipper can't currently handle. Does your web page have an option to print or output directly to PDF? You could then add the file to your note as an attachment.
  15. Hi. What is your operating system? Which browser are you using? Have you installed the Evernote Clipper? Evernote Web Clipper options
  16. Evernote Clipper has the disadvantage that every browser is being updated frequently - with Firefox and Chrome I believe it's daily - following a road map of its own. Firefox (they say) just went to a whole new architecture. Evernote have to try to stay on top of any changes that might affect Clipper - and some times it takes a while to catch up. So far (touch wood) my Firefox clipper is still working, even with the new version. There have been a couple of threads about this so it sounds like Safari might have changed - again - to cause a new problem. To make sure that they're aware of any issues as quickly as possible I'd recommend everyone reports them to Support - they are available on https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber, Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not.
  17. Not sure you can 'miss' something that's never been available. As long as we're getting votes at the top left of the page here (141 now!) Evernote "should" be thinking about this...
  18. Could it be this easy? I rarely use Evernote Windows because it has so many less features than the desktop version, but I recently saved some bookmarks that I need to get to so.. I happily middle-clicked my mouse in Firefox (which is the 'open in new tab' shortcut I use a lot) and got through about 10 before it occurred to me that all my new tabs opened up without a single "you are leaving..." message! Went back to recheck, and yes - left-clicking a link gets a warning; middle-clicking doesn't. So any of you that have 3-button mouses (possibly with Firefox) can maybe have a 'leaving' free life!!
  19. Hi - everything else where? AFAIK there's no automatic uppercasing except via a spellcheck or grammatical utility which corrects that sort of error as you type. certainly doesn't apply. to my keyboard here...
  20. Just random thoughts here from a Windows user, so your mileage will vary anyway, but I rebuilt the index on a 41,000+ note database a few weeks ago. That took around 11 hours, and the computer appeared to be usable for other things during that time. I didn't try Evernote though - didn't want to interrupt the process. I'd imagine that the duration would vary with your connection and processor speeds, database size and system type (SSD vs HDD) so any sort of forecast would be difficult even assuming you weren't also using the system for additional tasks. I just left my laptop to get on with it overnight. Not something you'd wish to start just before an important meeting, but also no big deal to schedule in at an appropriate time as a bit of useful maintenance...
  21. Hi. There are lots of 'crucial' issues out there with far more votes than this feature. There are still a lot of bugs Evernote needs to squash.
  22. No experience here either - if you recover the original notes I'd suggest duplicating them to make a 'backup', then repeating the merge - it may be that some conflict in the process caused the system to register an oversize note. You generate a very long note however, and for a variety of practical reasons I prefer much smaller packages wherever possible - would a Table of Contents note linking to all your 'child' notes work as well?
  23. OK - I assumed that you meant the whole note, not just (if I got it right this time) the title line. Same question though - did you restart? If so and there's no change, you might want to try rebuilding your database from the server. If you have any local notes you'd need to export and re-import them since they only exist on that one drive. Otherwise just File > Exit Evernote and rename the Databases folder, then log back in...
  24. Hi. The notes aren't missing - the originals are stored on the server - but clearly they are not being displayed. Have you tried File > Exiting Evernote and restarting your computer? As a paying customer you can reach out to Support directly on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
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