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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. I used MSOffice's Mail Merge feature to do something similar a while ago - use the Excel file as a database, and set up mail merge fields in Word; then save the output as files rather than printing them. Worked for me at the time...
  2. Hi. If you have a comment about a recent release it's always best to post in the actual release thread...
  3. It helps to move the feature request up the priority list if you folks vote at the top left of this page...
  4. If it gets more than the current 14 votes it stands a chance of getting there...
  5. If they decide to do it, and can engineer the same behaviour in multiple OS's and screen resolutions and sizes from 2 inches to 5 feet...
  6. About the same that that encryption is added I should think - but Evernote don't (usually) discuss any app features before release...
  7. And just to make the tired old point one more time - that's the Web client plus 2 currently connected devices - it takes a few seconds to drop one current device and temporarily connect another to sync it up to date and continue working. Yes it's a little more work, but this is an otherwise fully-featured FREE product. If you're using it enough to feel the pain of that operation, you should really consider upgrading. And given that another favourite complaint is the number of times Evernote pops up a reminder about upgrades, I can see the idea of in-app advertising from third parties causing an uproar. And a security hole.
  8. ...and Uncle Phil doesn't work here any more... the new management may have gone off in a new direction.
  9. I imagine they'll manage to cope somehow, but there are a few thousand other 'essential' and probably equally easy fixes already in the pipeline. Which one would you suggest they dump to get to this one next?
  10. Your link is pointing to http://www.translation.pk/language/590/english-to-urdu-mistranslation-translation-by-google/ ...did I miss something?
  11. Interesting... I'm not sure whether a few characters is enough to cause that much trouble, but I guess if they're in the wrong place on one or other of those notes it could be a problem. This is one I think you need to kick upstairs to the Evernote support team. If you're a paying customer you can reach out to Support directly on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps You may want to send this nugget on to the other teams as well to see if you can get a response...
  12. If you export a note to ENEX and then open that file in a text processor, you'll see exactly what (if any) HTML has been used for the title.
  13. All due respect to Support that seems a pretty lame response to your issue. For the moment you might want to work in another word-processor app when you're editing or drafting. Copy paste from a note to the app if you're editing, or set up a new document if you're creating a new note, and copy/ paste from the app back to Evernote so you only have one version of a note open at any time. A variation on the above is to attach the word processor document to your note and do all your editing in that app - just use Evernote to backup your work and make it available online.
  14. Hi. It seems like the problem here is not with Evernote, but with either the format of the Clippings.io output or the way in which that code is interpreted by OneNote through the importer. Have you tried those companies' support links? I can't help you with this, and I don't know of anyone who might unless they're using exactly the same process and have already found a work-around. You could contact Evernote Support directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  15. I'll vote for that. I seem to recall one of the Employees around here saying something recently about font styles being under development...
  16. This is a feature request forum, but the current title of this thread doesn't really tell the story - you should be able to edit that (I can't). Requests are dealt with in order of practicality and user demand, the appeal being measured by the number of votes at top left. (Sadly the originator of the thread can't vote for his/ her own suggestion.) To attract some votes I'd suggest you change the title here to something like "please add multiple undo/ redos as an option". I started you off, though I don't know how practical it will be to store multiple versions of one note (or changes to the current version) in a browser editor...
  17. Hi. It occasionally happens that images get lost, but can also be that a slow or imtermittent connection is slowing or preventing the download. Have you looked on another device to verify whether images are, in fact missing? SIgn in to Evernote.com and check the server copy of that note to verify. If they are 'lost' it doesn't necessarily mean gone forever - Ctrl+Help in Evernote Desktop will give you an extended menu including 'Fix Lost Resources' which will try to reconnect attachments that may have been orphaned. Affected notes will be moved to a 'Notes With MIssing Resources' notebook where you can use the URL saved in most notes to revisit the source and correct any losses. (I have 40,000+ notes and most recently ran that check. 12 notes were affected - a small fraction of 1% error rate, which doesn't seem unreasonable). Digital devices being fallible, any software is subject to occasional corrupt or missing data - Evernote seem to do a good job of avoiding the issues generally. In case they don't, and because I love my precious data, I keep backups from which I can restore missing information. Paying customers also have access to Note History which snapshots current note content a couple of times each day. It's easy to step back to previous versions (and attachments) of a note if necessary.
  18. This post seems to pre-date some others that we dealt with elsewhere. I hope your issue is now resolved.
  19. If you watch the top line of your note, you'll see a grey or green arrow which gets surrounded by a green circle from time to time. That's a sign that your content is being synced/ saved. It happens automatically, whenever you pause typing for long enough to suggest you may have finished editing that note. So yes, it's constantly try ing to sync / save your content.
  20. Hi. You're copying an email from what? Web page / email client? And into which Evernote - Mac desktop? Evernote web?
  21. Hi. Since the last on topic comment was more than a year ago, 'much needed' may be a slight exaggeration... The Feature Request forum here allows you to set up a votable request for items like this - if you collect enough positive votes from other users, Evernote might revisit the thought... If you explain why this is important to you - what use case you have in mind, it may help others (including Evernote developers) see that this is a feature they've been lacking.
  22. I did this with a new laptop. There's actually no conflict in practice, and it was pretty pain-free. The steps were: Sync your main device and File > Exit Evernote. Copy the whole Databases folder onto USB download and install Evernote on the 'new' machine - at this stage it's a basic install with no 'personality' at all. It does have a Databases folder though... Exit the new app without logging in Rename the installed database folder Copy the original folder from USB to this location restart the app and log in as usual. Takes about 10 minutes. (Depending a little on the size of your file to be copied across....) Good luck!
  23. I tend not to use the browser-based version at all - I'm almost always connected to the network on one laptop or another, so I might be overreacting.. but there are several threads around the forums of users - especially with intermittent or slow connections, or maybe with busy local networks - experiencing duplicate and incomplete notes. I've certainly lost the odd long answer in this forum (even on my fast network) through fumble-thumbing a Ctrl+key selection and losing the page, or occasionally through a connection fault. I'll normally do a long answer here in Windows Notepad first - though (trade secret time) a lot of them are pre-typed answers saved in Evernote and edited to fit the current case. Even so most answers are as short and pithy as I can make them. I have no problems drafting in Evernote for Windows Desktop. If some other option works for you, then go for it!
  24. Hi. Very simple - don't use Evernote for your drafting, try Word or another word processor. Main changes can be made to that document, then saved to a local file - which can be attached to the Evernote note. If you need to include search terms (only premium accounts search inside attached files), then copy and paste the content roughly into the note body. Layout is immaterial - future edits can be made directly into the source file using your WP app. I know your reaction is possibly 'why have a dog and do my own barking' but Evernote Desktop has limited editing resources suitable for notes, not presentation documents. The web version via a browser has less in the way of features - and you're also risking that the connection to the browser will drop out before you manage to save a long note content. Using an independent, locally saved option may be in your best interests...
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