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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. This is a (mainly) user-supported forum for general tech and usage queries. Evernote developers do read the posts, but not with any urgency - they're working on global fixes for ongoing issues and signs of possible major bugs, not individual tech support. This isn't an alternate way to report a fault and get individual assistance.
  2. Possibly because only 13 users (currently) out of 200M or so seem to find it an issue. We can request a feature, but Evernote are not obliged to deliver...
  3. Hi. have you verified that the address you're using is correct? Can you send a standard email without problems?
  4. Hi. It is possible (kinda) to set up recurring reminders using Evernote initially - create an Evernote task and get Cronofy to convert it to a Google Calendar entry... then set the GCal entry up for recurring reminders... you can link back to the original note for details.
  5. Hi. You've presumably already looked at the options described above... I already get a similar problem with clipped web pages and the like. It's partially that some clips contain stuff that isn't the reason that I clipped them, but are still words that mess up my searches; plus once you get past a certain volume of notes, almost any basic search will turn up as many false positives as useful hits. This is where I get onto my usual hobby horse of 'curation'. There is no way, in my considerable experience, to have a database that is completely hands-off. You always have a maintenance element of improving titles, keywords, tags and your knowledge of the search grammar. If a search turns up records that shouldn't be there, then they need to be edited so the correct hits have a tag you can use, or the wrong ones have a tag you can exclude. Or your search term(s) needs to be improved so that -forinstance- a search for commercial sand suppliers excludes the word 'holiday' so you don't get the away-day links your searched last summer. It would be nice if Evernote would have an option to exclude attachments from searches, but it seems like it wouldn't completely address the problem of notes containing additional irrelevant text, and it's a 'nice to have' that comes low on the priority tree in my book.
  6. Yeah - if I remember the quote correctly, there was a post last year that some new code would be in beta "in the new year..." and we're now running out of 'new year' fairly quickly. Even if the development got bogged down or is waiting on HTML 6 for new features, it would be nice to know that work is still ongoing.
  7. AFAIK no-one has said they are against subfolders, or that they wouldn't use them in some way if they were available and fit into a use case, or ignore them if they didn't. The only point anyone is making is that subfolders don't exist yet. If you need that, then tough: developing the feature will take weeks if you're very lucky, and months or years if not. You will need to get around the concept of tags, or use a different package. If you want to continue to use Evernote and winge occasionally that you're being ignored, that's also fine. But Evernote take the view that this is their product and they don't (usually) share any information about whether or not they'll be introducing a new feature, and if so when that might happen. It's already been a quiet few years on this topic - it's unlikely things will change soon. The no info about stuff in development (I'd imagine) is so they're not telegraphing their moves to the competition so someone else can launch the same feature a week before they do. The weeks / months / years timescale is because (according to one of Evernote's devs) some features are easy to add because that's an extra line of code. Others are much more difficult because it would require code rewrites for every one of the app variations to make them work. Just sayin'
  8. Hi. You pay a licence fee to use Evernote's software and server space - you're not owners of the company, or even - apparently - members of a sufficiently large body of users to convince Evernote that it's worth doing the necessary research and development to add this feature to their product. If you can't live without 'sub folders' in one form or another, then this isn't the product for you.
  9. Hi. I just tried using my Note 4 S-pen in the current Android beta and it seems to work OK; it's also possible to mix typing and text apparently. Give it a try. If this is a beta feature, it'll trickle through into the production version soon. (Haven't tried the pen for a while, but it's now a good option when I need to draw something in a note...)
  10. No information AFAIK either - Evernote really don't share what they're thinking - and plans can change from year to year anyway. Best advice is always: use what you got, worry about problems if and when they happen.
  11. Hi. Not sure what you're experiencing, but I just logged into my account without issues*. I'm not an avid user, but it comes in handy from time to time. I seem to recall getting a 'new features!!' email as the last contact - maybe they're a little busy at the moment A quick Google turned up this entry down the page here - https://www.producthunt.com/alternatives/text-2-mind-map ..and that's allegedly from last month. * OK - update: I logged in OK and was getting a 'processing new entries' page, but that's now failed twice with DropBox connection problems. Agreed I can't find anything else online after December 2016. Anyone else using this software with better results?
  12. Have you tapped the 'edit' button? Toolbars aren't fully visible when just browsing.
  13. Hi. It's not a routine requirement that you log in as Administrator, though in practice it often gets around Windows' restrictions on folder access and occasional complications about who installed Evernote in the first place. You could try File > Exit and Uninstalling your current setup completely and re-downloading the current version of Evernote. A restart and reinstall using your current profile may resolve your issues. NB: Locate your Databases folder via Tools > Options > General and copy it to your desktop for safety before you begin this process. Reinstall Evernote and log in using your normal user details. If you have problems seeing your notes, replace the newly installed databases folder with your backup. As a general note, right-clicking an EXE file will usually pop up a menu offering an option to 'run as administrator' if your current profile has that level.
  14. Hi. You can't copy text formatting on a paragraph by paragraph basis, but you can copy a note. If you format some placeholder text and then save the note as a template, just copy the note and type in the format you selected earlier. (On a desktop export the note to ENEX and double click the enex file on your desktop to create a new note with that setup.)
  15. Hi. This is the current latest Mac version - Always best to raise any comments or queries in the appropriate release thread where there's a lot of activity...
  16. Sorry - Evernote don't (usually) comment on whether they're actively considering or working on a feature, or when any such features might be released.
  17. This thread has been going for a long while now with no reaction from Evernote - which is fairly typical.. the company has never felt the need to justify its operational choices. Their ball - their rules. It does seem to indicate that there's little chance of seeing a return of the 'official' Atlas - which may have been dropped because of other geolocation services being developed by thrd parties. There are apps like IdeaPlaces which offer mapping 'extension' features for Evernote; and additional services like Google's geolocation mapper which might form part of a work around process. Some web searches might help you build something useful
  18. Hi. I use Workflowy to keep outlines handy, and flesh out / re-order content as necessary. Evernote does already provide the resources to do the same thing, but the execution is a little clunky, though perfectly usable... Create a new (temporary) notebook for your project. Add a new note for each main topic. Add additional comments to the same notes, or add new notes as required. Create a Table of Contents note from your notebook content. This will give you a link to each note file. Re-order the ToC lines as necessary for your content - indent any child notes under their related parent note link Use the ToC note to manage your work, adding content as necessary to each note, and additional notes as necessary (manually add these links to your ToC in the correct place) Additional features like copy and merge notes may be hepful here too... When you're finished, select all notes and print. (I'd do that to a file, then open the output file with Word and add more style) It's a possibility.
  19. Hi. This was already dealt with in another thread. Evernote don't currently cover this file type, though they do include what seem to be amongst the top five image formats available. Evernote also don't (usually) comment on individual feature requests, though they do prioritise the most popular and the easiest to implement, especially if supported by a large group of users. Don't know how much work is involved for them in adding another format to display reliably in several different operating systems and dozens of devices, but it would seem unlikely that they'll be able to add this option anytime soon, even if they choose to do so.
  20. There seems to be a fix which works for lots of users - see above. If all else fails, contact Support. You can contact them directly if you're a paying customer on https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new or tweet them if not via https://twitter.com/evernotehelps
  21. Hi. Since I'd never heard of this format before you posted it (although I see it's been around for 6 years...) I'd say this isn't exactly a priority. All the sites I checked for image file formats mention the '5 main types' of JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF and PNG - which Evernote currently has covered. There seem to be various ways to convert from those five to the more arcane formats like this one - why would it be a good idea to add Evernote as another?
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