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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. From a quick read of the website - https://www.fujitsu.com/uk/products/computing/peripheral/scanners/scansnap/software/sshome/ - it looks very like SSH will 'intelligently' suggest names for your scans, and can store them for later retrieval. There's no mention of Evernote in the storage process, so I guess they have their own document store - maybe with cloud backup. Possibly an Evernote competitor - provided you are willing to limit your inputs to scannable documents. The naming thing might make it worthwhile if you have lots to scan, but the whole filing and finding part of the software is academic if you're going to move / copy content into Evernote. I'd have a play if my old S1500 was compatible, but this app is limited to scanners currently on sale. Don't recall seeing much about pricing either...
  2. Hi. As illustrated above, your post seemed pretty loaded with generally negative views on Evernote's viability, which I don't think are applicable at all. Certainly (if the last CEO is to be believed), Evernote is now profitable, and has completed organisational changes to fit in with its expected growth in the next 12 months. It's as lean and mean a notation machine as it's going to get. Most of the complaints in the Forums are about Evernote not being complicated enough - requests to add more styles / outlining / mind maps / page layout / edit images / 'folder' hierarchies. And if you believe the 'average user' has given up, just check out the thousands of teachers / parents / productivity gurus posting out there with their views that "Evernote is the best" and offering templates from everything to packing lists to record collections. I don't think any of us can or should speak on behalf of users everywhere - Evernote seems to be doing pretty well (I believe it currently has more users worldwide than Japan has citizens...). I can certainly say what I want out of the product, but I leave it to Evernote to incorporate and prioritise my individual wants with the general feedback from everyone here and around the world... and their need to operate a platform that works on many different devices with varying screens, interfaces and operating systems. Your last comment I partially agree with - in the sense that adding more options and controls to the existing features would be unwise. I could live with Evernote pretty much as it is - provided the team can wipe out some of those pesky persistent bugs. ...And maybe a link to some kind of mind mapping tool so I can keep data in Evernote but see it laid out in a spider diagram... ?
  3. Standard advice for better formatted notes, is: use a word processor. A lot of my Office and Mindmap files are attached to notes so they are available to view and edit in compatible software wherever I am. Providing the same level of formatting in Evernote as either or both of my go-to apps for those files would mean menus covering most of a laptop screen. And Evernote's version of formatting might not be compatible with, or as good as the stand-alone apps I use. Plus Evernote would probably be 10 times more expensive to cover the development cost. OneNote are sheltered by the Microsoft umbrella and they started from a different place. Maybe they have a better product - only time will tell. I do know it doesn't work for me in any way shape or form.
  4. Hi. Not a Mac or iOS user, but in Windows I do know there's a 'hidden' Help menu in the desktop version which includes a couple of options to delete unused tags. The menu includes some commands that can seriously ruin your day if used incorrectly, so proceed with caution (and with database backups) but try Cmd-clicking Help for a possible solution.
  5. @k9gardner - I'm not a MacOS user, so can't comment on the 'best' version to try, but if 7.2.1 is working for you and someone higher up this thread was suggesting 6.13.3, it looks like you are ahead of the curve anyway. Evernote have already stated they're not supporting older MacOS builds before 10.12, so I don't think they're in a position to say 'this works for such and such version" because that statement in itself lays them open to complaints of "I'm having issues with your suggested version, how do I fix them" and puts them straight back into supporting older OS's. Older Evernote versions are still available - from the release thread in the Forums if you can find the right one, and from library sites like https://filehippo.com/mac/download_evernote_for_mac/ If anyone else here is still using El Capitan you might get some better suggestions, but if it works - I'd suggest you don't upgrade from whatever you've got, unless there are major issues.
  6. Not a Sentinote or a Wordpress user, but there's another option here - have a look at https://postach.io which "turns an Evernote notebook into a website". There are no limits I'm aware of, and the whole thing is free unless you want to subscribe to 1) support development in a unique Evernote add-in, or 2) want a really fancy website. You might also have to subscribe for stats on how many hits you get - I'm not sure about that. Maintenance is really easy - tag a note with "published" and it's online. Change the note and sync, and the website is updated. Easy.
  7. There are a LOT of users out there using tags quite intensively - and some of their histories probably go back 10 years. I'd think they (and I) would be mortally upset if tagging got deprecated. I use titles as my principle indexing tool, supported by searches to link multiple notes together. Where necessary I can generate a ToC from a search, and merge, edit or tag notes to link them more strongly if necessary. I don't especially 'like' tags as they current are: it's too easy to tag topics with different words for the same thing - "banks bankers banking" and throw in more confusion with mistypes - "bonkers". Much better if there were more and better management tools for tags (and links!). Just sayin.
  8. You're not getting smacked down here - like @DTLow said, you asked, we answered. Sorry it wasn't what you were looking for, but we're not being mean - just stating the facts... Feel free to comment / ask for more information if it's necessary any time. There's lots of queries out there, so our posts tend to be short and to the point. Usually...
  9. Hi. You can't. Trying 100 simultaneous clips would not only fail because of the bandwidth and connections required to copy and sync all the content, but you'd also possibly blow your monthly upload allowance out of the water and lose half of the ones that made it. It's not necessary to wait for a clip to finish before you move to the next tab and clip again, so you could always move pretty quickly through your tabs, clicking the icon and moving on... which might mean that the processes complete quickly enough so you only have 5 or 6 running at the same time. Even so I'd recommend checking after a dozen or so that you are getting the content you want by logging in via Evernote.com, or by syncing your local Evernote client. EDIT: For completeness, you could always set up Phrase Express or Autohotkey to step through the keystrokes for clipping -say- 5 tabs at a time. I'd keep the total pretty low, because sooner or later you'll run into a wall with too many parallel syncs and connections.
  10. Some random observations - Not sure how far they take it, but What 3 Words has an Android app that will automatically geolocate any picture taken with the app, using their unique system. "banks voting them" - https://w3w.co/banks.voting.them - is the exact location of Evernote's front entrance in Redwood City. (I swear these addresses are specially chosen or something...) If you added the three-word-code to your notes in titles or tags, you could search by the same criteria. Since the locations are common words, you'd need to use the "terms in quotes" to search for the exact phrase. Only drawbacks - this is quite precise: a 5-metre square, and the address of the next square will be quite different - there's no easy way to widen out your search to a district or a city. Google Maps allows you to upload pictures to a location, and there's a 'My Maps' feature you might be able to use - don't know how secure that is. It's always possible to just tag notes with a town or region to group them together...
  11. The answer is still: use an external word processor (or any app that supports line spacing) and copy / paste into the note. Evernote (still) does not natively have the ability to mess with line spacing. This is a votable thread, and with a massive 3 supporting this feature, it seems unlikely to get much priority in the grand scheme of things.
  12. I believe there are several RTL languages. Evernote hasn't yet commented on whether or when it might be able to deal with any of them - in fact it almost never comments on its future plans or upcoming releases.
  13. Check the app store - there are lots. I can recommend Adobe Scan / Office Lens / Camscanner - but mainly I do use the native Evernote camera feature; I capture in Android and edit on a desktop to crop / size / annotate the results. On the more general topic - I also scan everything that comes my way (unless it's food or drink, anyway...) and have a shared notebook with the family for grandson-related stuff. He's not old enough to use his own account yet, but guess what he's getting for a Christmas present in a few years... ?
  14. Hi again - I totally agree with the sentiment (on the website) that the less time spent planning, the better. I currently use TickTick (which has a calendar and repeating reminders) and its task lists (which I can set up for both dated and undated entries like Project 1, Home, Project 2 etc) to link to the Evernote notes which contain the details of everything with which I'm involved. I subscribe to TickTick, as I do to Evernote. TickTick can also link to external calendars like Google so I can sync dates when necessary. I also use cronofy to sync Evernote reminders. Sadly, I also maintain a hand-scrawled hard copy cross between a calendar and a work sheet which boils down to "where am I this week" with scheduled locations and activities marked down - it's what I look at if I'm home based when someone says 'when are you free?' (This gets scanned into Evernote at the end of each month) I'm not interested in whether I cleared more theoretical 'items' this week/month over last - I'm my own boss (after the wife, the tax man, the bank...) so I don't need to prove my worth; and I'd consider any time spent comparing bar charts just wasted. I'd rather kill another task. I'm pretty invested in the whole system, so on the basis of "If it ain't broke" - I'm sorry, but I'm not likely to be one of your early adopters.
  15. With a support count of 4 so far (see top left of this page) this does not appear likely to happen any time soon. I use mind maps - FreePlane in my case - but I wouldn't like to have the job of deciding how to fit in all the necessary menu options onto a Note page - that has to be accessible to four operating systems (including updates and OEM versions) on screen sizes ranging from 2" to huge. I put a FP wiindow on top of a note window just to get an idea - there's some overlap, but the devil's in the details - especially when all the branches from the blue main topic are effectively separate notes in themselves. Kinda also throws the context of Stacks / Notebooks / Notes out the window right there. I said before. I prefer using a dedicated, experienced, best-of-breed app like FreePlane for my mindmaps, many of which are stored as attachments to their related note. Freeplane within a Note window many of which are stored as attachments...
  16. Hi. Which version of the web client are you using? Have you emptied the Trash folder on all your devices? Changed your view in the web client to another note, then signed out of the client correctly? What OS and browser are you using?
  17. As far as I can tell, my beta version of Android allows me to follow links when I need to do so. You could try to uninstall and restart / reinstall Evernote on your Android to see if that improves the situation, or wait for this version to come out as a public release. You could also try to contact Evernote via Twitter on @EvernoteHelps. Sorry I can't be of more assistance.
  18. A small amount more information... https://techcrunch.com/2018/10/29/ian-small-former-head-of-tokbox-takes-over-as-evernote-ceo-from-chris-oneill/
  19. By all means, let's see the idea - you might have something new
  20. Well gosh. Bye Chris it's been good to know you. Hi Ian, who appears not to be currently part of the Google family. Interesting...
  21. Beta versions are just that: not necessarily meant for full-on productive use - and the announcement that started this thread says that there are features missing... revert to the previous version in Settings and watch for developments!
  22. Hi. Not a Mac user, but AFAIK it's no big deal to migrate from the App Store version to a direct download. It is a very good idea to backup your notes in case anything goes wrong, and Evernote covered that here - How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks It seems that the direct download version is smart enough to know that App Store versions put their files in a different location than it prefers, so it will move the files across. Your database should open in the new version exactly as it was in the old one. Given that I'm not a user, you might want to catch up on the backup part of all that, and wait for more comments from others here on the Mac bit.
  23. ? Evernote does OCR images. Do you have a specific issue?
  24. It may or may not be valid - I'm not qualified to argue the technical aspects, though it seems to me that web browsers are increasingly reluctant to allow web pages to steal much in the way of resources from the host device on account of zombie networks and similar unfriendly threats. So Evernote has to rely on whatever resources the browser will provide. Plus both browser and Evernote are reliant on a steady connection between the device and the remote server to maintain syncing and storage for the note content. One serious break in the chain, and.. problems arise. Not offering that as an explanation or an excuse, but I've had that experience in many forums (fora?) that involve web forms for communication, including this one. Not saying that Evernote couldn't or shouldn't change their process and fix it. But realistically, alongside the thousand other urgent things that we users want them to sort out (and the 225M people, many of whom use their account on a daily basis and would be very very unhappy to have the syncing process go wrong, even slightly...) I can see why this might be on a "let's think carefully about this" pile. Meantime, wearing my practical hat, the way to avoid any and all dropouts is to minimise the time Evernote spends connected to a note open for editing - hence the third party editor. I have Notepad++ too, and agree it's great; but I tend to use Google Docs for my temporary notes - there's a document there called 'temp' for that reason - so I don't have duplicates or different versions of content cluttering up my hard drive.
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