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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Er, you're welcome, but I thought Evernote confirmed they did not use private data for anything other than for anonymised in-house account management. Maybe I should read those links again...
  2. One way to look at it, but is also a vulnerability; last time the cost of Premium went up a lot of subscribers went down to Plus because they didn't absolutely need all the Premium features, but didn't want to go back to the limited scope of Basic. If there's another unpopular price rise, there's nowhere for existing Premium subscribers to go but out. Evernote have said they're still considering options. Speculation is pointless until they announce their decision.
  3. Hi. Evernote have said somewhere (can't find the reference atm) that the analytics they're using are for design and planning purposes, and that personal details are not used for targeting ads or any other commercial purposes. They have a very strong commitment to privacy and the last discussion about that I can find was here - https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2017/06/08/privacy-policy-update/ There was also some talk of analytics here - We're a (mostly) user-supported forum, so you'd need to talk to Evernote to get anything official or more detailed on the subject. The discussion above points to an opt-out tool that I've used to limit the information provided from my browser(s) which may help.
  4. Can you give us a bit more information about your OS and browser, and the issue you're dealing with that makes you ask the question?
  5. Hi. It's not possible to use an email address in more than one account, so it appears that either you have changed your address, or you have another Evernote account with that new email address. There's information in the Help pages that might assist you... How to change your account login email address
  6. 6.12 beta is now out - Fixed: Drag & Drop of files to and from Evernote to other apps Top hang and crash issues
  7. Want to bet someone else with only one post to their name will come back and add a link to a likely candidate?
  8. Hi. I don't think there's much risk of the app disappearing - this is just chatter about a possible ownership change. Your data is still safe anyway - you might just have to consider which of the other worse options you're going to jump to...
  9. Hi. Duplicate note searches have been requested, but I don't see the point. If and when I see a duplication from an active search, I'll delete the duplicate. It does me no active good to do so, other than to thin down my 'found' list and the overall database size (very slightly). Why bother to do a specific search? It will take time to find and verify any duplications - which may then prevent my needing to delete some duplications in future. And duplications may be difficult to verify sometimes if the same page has been copied at different times. There is already a method for finding exact duplicates in Windows - set List view. Make sure you have Title and Size columns active. Select that view and Ctrl+A to copy all. Copy and paste to spreadsheet. Sort on title and find duplicates...
  10. Hi. That's totally outside the scope of a general-purpose notation app like Evernote. You would be able to do (most of) that with a script or an external application, but not Evernote. I've archived a lot of data into Evernote, and some I've saved into separate notes where it was convenient to do so. Some items I've left for more "agile" curation - they're saved as one (very long) note, which I normally hate - but I know I'll find the content within that note if I ever need it again; and when/ if I do, I'll probably copy it from there into its own note. That will be a highlight / cut / paste into a new note job. It's not worthwhile to spend the time now getting all those notes into some sort of neat and tidy order - there's too much to handle in any reasonable time frame. So I'll process it over maybe 2-3 years if and when I need it. If I don't need it within that time, it's probably no longer relevant anyway!
  11. Hi. Evernote rate these request pages on the basis of how many users vote for individual features. This request has been open for almost 2 years and has a total of 17 votes. It doesn't seem like there's such a huge demand for it...
  12. Hi. If you read the 6.11 release thread, this has already been reported and revisions requested. Currently (it's posted there, I think) downdating to 6.7.5 will give you the function back for the meantime.
  13. @LL2525 Thanks for the assist, but your settings look the same as mine: don't know what I'm doing wrong, but as long as this works for users that need it I'm happy!
  14. @LL2525 Hi. I don't have any special powers around here, but you could post a request for extra RTL buttons in the Feedback forums, or via https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber, Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not. I do use 6.11 and I'm sorry that using your listing above I can't produce RTL text. Maybe there's a setting I'm missing...
  15. Hmmn. Same-ish for me. I get Koalas and Penguins in Firefox, a blank screen in Chrome. If I disable the Evernote extension in Chrome, the Koalas come out to play. Looks like a conflict, certainly. We're (mainly) users here though, so for direct feedback go to https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber, Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not. Evernote also have some Contact Us options on the website which might be relevant...
  16. Hi - you say you "tried" to uninstall / reinstall; did you in fact succeed? If not, I'd suggest another go - and if it doesn't reinstall correctly, what error messages do you see - what works, and what doesn't. On a desktop you should still be able to log into your account via a browser at Evernote.com - just check to see what your notes look like there... If you can see the note in the browser / on your phone - what happens if you add another note from that end and sync it to your desktop?
  17. Thanks. Wasn't sure whether that was still the case for a new install - but if so @Bob Withers you should be able to kill your present Admin installation (copy the database folder somewhere you can get to it when not in Admin mode) and then reinstall the current GA as you. If you then log in, you will (hopefully) see all your notes. If there's are any issues, you have a copy you can access to resolve them...
  18. Hmmn. I don't see a way to default whether or not to capture the URL without offending 50% of the user-base whichever option Evernote choose, but it could certainly be simpler to have an option to switch off the URL view within a note - that option affecting the overall display of notes unless/ until changed. Maybe that's a feature that can be added in a future update?
  19. Hi. Any chance you could uninstall the current version (as Admin if necessary) and then download and install the latest version as just you? Take a copy of your Databases folder first, just in case; but a normal uninstall / reinstall shouldn't affect your database...
  20. Hi. So what versions of Windows and Evernote are you using? This was an unusual problem three years ago and there have been multiple updates since that version with no other comments about window size that I've seen; there's no continuing issue thatI'm aware of...
  21. @Jookman - see the post above from @kvitekp about adding spaces to the URL to avoid additions/ changes; and if you don't want to see the URL in side list view, it's already possible to switch this off and to choose from a variety of other options: right click the heading bar in that window for choices -
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