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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Well, I took a deliberately NOT Evernoted picture of some text yesterday to see whether the 'feature' would reveal itself again, but I have to say so far I've not seen any AI offers to OCR that bit of forgotten imagery. Maybe it takes a day or two...
  2. Hi. What's the issue with getting into the web account? If you log in to Evernote.com via a desktop browser you should have access to your notes... This particular situation seems more like the hazards of working on a mobile device than anything else - if you were syncing your note at any stage during your afternoon's work, you should have a version of the note up to that point if no further. In moving it to another notebook you may have inadvertently deleted the content, and if that empty note synced as a latest version, the only possibility of recovery will be Note History - a paid feature, even if you only upgrade for one month.
  3. Hi. This is a fairly new Evernote feature to 'help' users identify pictures on their mobile device which appear to contain text, and offer to save these into Evernote. AFAIK this is something done locally on the device, and I've had the odd reminder late at night - seems like it runs once during the day to review pictures taken. It's not come back to haunt me recently, and I can't remember whether I found some way to switch it off, or the feature works only on images that are not currently attached to a note - though on a couple of occasions I'm sure I got reminded about a picture saved to my Gallery by Evernote's camera feature. (Save images to Gallery is an option you can switch on and off in Evernote Android > Settings > Camera) The feature has a name*, and I even completed a brief survey from Evernote recently to say whether I found it useful. My reaction was that if I wanted to save a picture to Evernote, I would have saved the image already; I did not want to be reminded about the many images I also take which might have visible but totally irrelevant text. - An exercise which takes a little while to step through the pictures Evernote thinks it found and delete its interest in those pictures, some of which are interesting arrangements of light and shadow that have no visible text that I can see with my old-fashioned eyes. I can't find any trace of more details via a Google search or the help pages, so if anyone has any more information on this I'd be interested too. I don't think anyone has set up a voting page yet to get rd of it, but I would definitely agree: given the other things that we'd really REALLY like to see fixed or added, this little project seems like bad judgement and a total waste of time and resources! *I'm a bad Guru. So unimpressed with the feature that I can't remember what it's called. Apart from pointless.
  4. In Windows I can right-click the title (in the left window) and 'duplicate note' without trying to edit it - you could also try exporting a note to ENEX and re-importing it.. although I don't know whether that would remove a read-only block. Edited for clarity
  5. Hmmn. Nice catch with the 'duplication', though why not just duplicate into the same notebook and delete the original???
  6. Once the cause is found, a fix is probably easy. It's likely more of a problem to nail down exactly where the fault lies....
  7. In my limited experience, no way to tell I'm afraid; there may be some other Outlook users in the forums - you may get someone else commenting here... If you do come up with a work-around, can you post details back here please? I imagine there will be more users in your situation in the future. Oh - and it may be worth contacting Support on https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action if you're a subscriber, Twitter - https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not. Maybe they can suggest an option.
  8. I just said in another thread that fixes aren't a problem - but often finding out what's causing an issue is. Chrome has updated and Evernote will be looking into these and many other issues users are having with clipper...
  9. Hi. I've not been aware of any recent changes to the web client - could this be a connection issue? Are you wired or wi-fi'ed into a fast internet line? Does this happen on all your devices?
  10. Hi. About the only option I can suggest would be to forward the problem emails from Outlook to your Gmail account and clip from there. (It should be possible to use automation too - an IFTTT script should be able to forward on any emails received in Gmail that are sent/ forwarded from your Outlook address.) As a related option, Gmail can import emails from IMAP accounts - you could either check all your emails in Gmail, or maybe forward your emails-with-tables to another 'holding' account to be sucked into Gmail. Some of my colleagues around here are good with Mac scripting - they can maybe suggest some alternatives too...
  11. Hi. If you're sharing the URL, the browser automatically fills in the header and footer stuff - so no way to change that of which I'm aware. If you can share by email (Send a Copy), the footer does not include that social media information - but the layout may be compromised. There's a blogging solution postach.io which will output notes tagged with 'published' - you can choose your own style for the blog page, and for limited usage it's free - I think it would be possible to set up a personalised blog for each client if there aren't too many: (each blog has its own notebook) but you should try that out for yourself if you wish. Hope that helps...
  12. It's probably been mentioned here before, so sorry if this old news but Evernote is widening the goalposts a bit with 'Spaces' - ONLY available in Evernote Business Beta so far, but with (they say) intentions to spread to other packages - and 'spaces' can contain notebooks, notes, pinned announcements... A lot of very general information is available via their post, but it may be that this is Evernote's (partial?) answer to hierarchies. Actual practical use unknown as yet until we all get a chance to play with the nuts and bolts of the operation, and it sounds like a typical Evernote feature in that 'spaces' are open to be used in whatever way best suits your situation; there's no (AFAICS) pre-defined structure. Your spaces are what you make of them. Sorry that's vague - read the blurb and see what you think!
  13. Nope - Evernote don't (usually) trail an update. There's not even a current Beta version - the latest 6.10.3 GA is all anyone has for the moment.
  14. This is a Mac thread, so we tend to have assumptions about your OS here... the easy way to set this up in Windows is a free app - Phrase Express - which can insert a date as you require. Setting up a shortcut with this code... {#datetime -f yyyymmdd hhmm} Gets you this entry: 20180323 1654 There's an extensive help feature which will let you create different options as necessary.
  15. If I understood the question correctly, it's more about how you install Evernote in Windows. If you use the Admin account to install the app, it should be available to every user on that device. If you used the standard user account, it may only be available to that user and would not start up from the Admin profile. All of which is a Windows question, not an Evernote issue. The same is true of most apps. If you hit the Windows key from the Admin profile and type "Evernote", and get 'no results found' you may need to reinstall the app. If you do get an Evernote icon, just click on it to start the app, and log in as you normally would. If you need to install another copy, @dconnet just did the rest...!
  16. ...but which new version - iOS / Windows / Mac / Android ??? Sorry - just read the tag. Windows, uh - always good to make pro or con comments in the release thread: It's usually referenced on the main Forum page - and I'm sure the team like to get positive feedback!
  17. Hmmn. I was less than whelmed to have my premium version throw a Spaces advert at me today. After the blog announcement, and the emails, and the comments in the Forums. I do know this Business option exists, and I look forward to it coming to Premium accounts in due course; but no way do I need a Business account purely to get access to a feature that even Evernote doesn't seem to have locked down yet... Marketing department getting a bit prematurely excited perhaps?
  18. Hi. One of Evernote's benefits is that it doesn't try to impose a format or a given process on its users - you have a blank slate onto which you can add and edit any form of information. Sadly that's also its main drawback. As @DTLow said, there's no template that I'm aware of to help you get started. Having said which: you could certainly use Evernote to list the details of each one of the sites you want to visit, and add photos and commentary after your visit. Since (Google tells me) there are 58 parks, you could set up a notebook for each one (max 250 notebooks in one account) and add much more detail and pictures later. Evernote doesn't play too well with long notes, so I'd suggest you keep them short. There's no limit to how many you can add (actually there is, and it's 100,000 - good luck getting there...) As (amongst other things) you want to take pictures in a series of locations, you might look at photographers' use of Evernote - here's a few more links Google provided - https://shuttermuse.com/evernote-for-photographers/ https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2012/07/19/evernote-for-photography-tips-and-downloadable-presentation/ https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2010/08/16/7-ways-a-professional-photographer-uses-evernote-evernote-creative-series/ and (sorry about this...) There were 10M + hits to "how do photographers use Evernote", so there are a few more links available for more ideas if you need them. Two caveats: If you're taking a lot of pictures, and especially if you want to share them or present them later, I'd suggest you store the originals elsewhere. I use Lightroom and an external hard drive (plus backups) for my main storage, and Flickr / Facebook / Instagram / Twitter for sharing. Regard Evernote as your personal organizer to help you make your trips and keep to your budget and timetable. It's not - unless you spend some time planning how to do it - something you can share with people so they can see what you're doing. But try it out - see what works for you: you can always change your approach completely if you find things aren't working out. Best advice is that everyone is different - find out what feels right for you and stick with it! Good luck. When you do start taking pictures, please share a link back here - we'd be interested to see how you get on.
  19. Agreed - 'server not found' error for me - The page as of early March...
  20. I imagine you'd have to use your Admin status to create and name your spaces. Check out the help pages and webinars mentioned above, and try contacting support via Twitter and @EvernoteHelps for more. (I'm not currently a user - bailed on the sign-up process with my own basic account because I already have a separate premium account)
  21. Given this is a Mac forum, you'd be better off posting in the Android area. I think Evernote uses the Android copy/ paste process, so you might check when reposting to see if the same problem exists in any other app. It would also be useful to know what device you're using and what Android version.
  22. Hi. On a desktop, create a template note for your questions and answers. Question in the title, answer in the body. Apply a standard tag. Export to ENEX. Save the ENEX file somewhere safe. Click the file to create a new standard note with the right tag. Add a new question and the answer. Repeat as necessary. Apply new tag(s) for new subjects if required. Search on the main tag and sort the notes in any order. Create a Table of Contents note. This will contain a list of questions with links to answers. Vary the tags and try other sorts to group questions differently. Use the back and forward arrows in Evernote to get from questions back to the list. How to create a table of contents with links to other notes Just a suggestion...
  23. Hi. It's not possible to track clicks though Evernote. However if you share a shortened link, such as http://bit.ly/2HRrPpt (links back to this page) the link provider will supply stats about who clicked on the link and when. Shortened links can be a little suspicious since they can be used to hide malware links too; though again in Bitly - and presumably others - it's possible to personalize the links to make them more user-friendly.
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