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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Using the current web client, no. As discussed above, if you can, revert to the 'old' web version, or use the installed desktop app, you can merge notes.
  2. I believe the recent Windows Beta now includes some more friendly (and optional) warnings about various account limits and actions. While a 'simple' update to fix one message might seem a quick fix that is being willfully delayed, Evernote apparently had a more detailed overhaul of the user interface in mind which took a little time to design, test and release. They're also making some detailed changes to the web client (which could be good news or bad news!) but probably means it's not cost effective to change the old version at all - any new features will be in the new one...
  3. Hi. If you're using an up to date version of the app and still seeing this issue, then clearly there is still a problem on your system. It may be to do with screen scaling. Have you tried opening your PDFs in another reader? You're not obliged to use the Evernote reader / annotater - you should be able to open the PDF in another app and annotate the content, then save it back to your note.
  4. Me too with the DM - and an additional use case: I just had to restore my laptop to a previous date because the OS was shutting itself down randomly today. (I must have fixed something that didn't actually need fixing or something). Resetting to a week ago, we're back to normal - but after a solid 30 minutes of other issues, I now have to wait until Backupery completes another backup or kill the processes in Taskmanager. The app is showing the next backup as 'yesterday' so I guess it was affected by the system restore; it kicked off a backup as soon as the OS loaded up. On another subject: I was intrigued by one post that seems relevant here... This fix originally from @Austin G has been rolled out a few times with (apparently) excellent results, and seems to get totally around the drawback of simply copying the whole Evernote database (in Windows, anyway). It's apparently possible to parse an original EXB file on the fly into individual ENEX files (including tag data), one per notebook. There's still that current problem of big imports, but copying an EXB is a lot easier and (I'm guessing) quicker than ENEXing individual notebooks...
  5. Seems to have been moved - in the words of Shaggy: it wasn't me. I did vote though... ? See top left of this page.
  6. Back to practical considerations - in light of the above I switched back to full backups, so now have several folders with a 'grandfather' notebook ENEX file, several partial backups files, and (now) another 'father' backup. Unfortunately the backup hit while I was working earlier, so my system disk resources were maxed out by Backupery activity. It was not a happy time. There's no clock on the backups either, so unless I start a new backup at a different time, I can look forward to the same problem every day from now. Obviously my last act today will be to start a new backup series at a new folder location, using a date or number identifier for the backup destination that I can change easily. But the app really really needs a 'pause' or 'delay' button so that backups don't slow the system down at a busy time, and(or) a clock so I can set a time for the backup process to start. Automatic purging of older files would also be good so I can set a (maybe) one-week limit to the number of files I'll collect - and it would be really good if the folders containing notebook backups could be grouped below a parent level for that single backup; so you'd have Monday/notebook1, /notebook2, /notebook3 etc, then Tuesday/n1, /n2 etc. If I ever want to restore my whole database or move it across to another device, each set of notebook files will be easier to identify and use. With my big database and a total for all files of around 20GB per backup, a week's worth of activity will use 150GB which is about as much 'spare' disk space as I want to afford! (Though I might be tempted to save a separate set of backups once each month so I can reach back 6 months if I need to...?)
  7. Hi. Have a look at this service - https://blog.evernote.com/blog/2014/07/29/publish-books-instantly-evernote/ I don't know whether it allows direct output to PDF, but it may have options that suit your use case. This option - https://www.exportnote.com/ - is 'down for maintenance'. If and when it returns, it also saves multiple notes to PDF
  8. Hi. It's only possible to repeat such notes manually within the app - each time one pops up, change the date to activate the next due time. 'Repeat' is not an Evernote option. If you receive your Evernote reminders by email, various email clients have their own built in reminder systems to deal with incoming mails, and some web services like https://www.followupthen.com/ allow you to forward Evernote emails to that service and receive regular reminders from it. Most users seem to have a third-party solution - a 'to do' app - that handles repeats as necessary. Mine's https://ticktick.com/ - I set up tasks, appointments and reminders there, but add a note-link back to the details stored in Evernote.
  9. I recently switched to NordVPN and it - and Evernote - are working happily for me...
  10. It's actually pretty easy to set up a 'mail merge' session to create envelopes, letter or labels using data fields. convert your Word data into a table with headings and export that to CSV or copy/ paste it into a spreadsheet and save as a mail merge database file. Do the merge - on a trial set of 5 records for the first time. You'll have an option to either print, or save the output as files for printing later. You should now have separate files for your data that will import to Evernote. (If you use Windows, see import folders.) That may be a little complicated to set up, and YMMV depending on your version of Word or Office (mine's Office 2013). The method has worked for me in the past... OR You could just leave your list as is, paste the entire content to a note and use the search function to jump to whichever entry might be applicable to your needs... just sayin'
  11. My l-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-n-g note-keeping history includes quite a bit of time in Wikis, which have some interesting special talents. To recap a couple of them here - Include or create a link to a note by enclosing the name of the note in square brackets [like that]. If the link shows in red, there's no content yet. If it's blue, you just linked to another existing note. There's a command feature that will list out the note(s) linking to any single note. 'Transclude' all or part of one note into another - so that if you want to show your [[company address]] in several other notes, you can keep the details on one page and still show it everywhere anyone might need to see it. If that address ever changes, altering the 'source' note will show the change in all the other notes linked to it. There's lots more - the details may change a little depending on the software you use. I was into MediaWiki, which is what runs Wikipedia - at one stage handling millions of simultaneous logins every day. Having used Evernote for a while, I don't want to go back to Wikis, or have Evernote perform 'more like a wiki' - but I do think having links behave in that way would be a powerful addition to Evernote's features.
  12. Hi. I can understand the frustration, but Evernote is a commercial operation, chasing the bottom line - exactly like Google, who have started and then dropped too many products to mention, and Microsoft who have probably done the same but most lately and famously dropped out of the mobile phone market for purely commercial reasons. If a company doesn't think it can make a profit out of a market, it won't enter it - and I'd assume that Evernote has looked, given the interest shown in this and other threads, but has decided I ain't gonna happen - yet. There's a possibility that they're already planning something for the future - but Evernote (like the others) doesn't -usually- share what might be in their pipeline until it's launched.
  13. Good idea I think. I like the fact that Backupery will automate full and partial backups without my having to keep much of an eye on things, and my intention is to have a dedicated external drive backing up the laptop and (separately) my Evernote database. That, as we say in Blighty, is a jolly good question. There's no 'restore' in this app, you're reliant on Evernote's on-board Import option. @Backupery do I have this part right? - It appears that importing the initial full backup will restore a copy of all notes at a given date, with the later imported incremental files amending some of that, plus any previous incremental imports that were 'restored' already. But AFAIK those imports will go into different temporary notebooks during the import process so you'll have multiple conflicting copies of some notes, and duplicates of others (???) - a major mess to sort out to ensure you have the latest copy of all notes!! I could have that wrong, but it looks like a major issue. Incrementals are therefore pretty useless as a 'proper' backup if you may want to restore some or all of it later - it's much easier (but much more intrusive when it happens) to do a full backup each time!
  14. OCR can do a lot, but I found a while ago that images of book covers can't be processed satisfactorily. For artistic and marketing reasons they're colorful and loud - and not especially OCR legible. It's far easier as suggested above to use a barcode reader to get the ISBN number (if it has one - all modern books should..) and then search the net for details of that book using the ISBN as the key. There are several apps for Android that will do this, and I'd imagine similar for Apple. My (Android) app of choice is Book Catalogue, which will allow you to export a list of books and thumbnails as CSV, which I can attach to an Evernote note so that the details are searchable outside the book app. Book Catalogue searches Amazon, Goodreads and LibraryThing for ISBN details, and will save books back to Goodreads if you have a profile there. The other option is to take pictures, but IME you will also need to add some text to the images to ensure a hit. Here's a non-book example from my storage shelves... although "a5 note pads" is clearly visible in the picture, it's not straight and probably not at sufficient resolution to resolve. Only the text version gets highlighted after a search.
  15. Agreed, though I'm a little worried about the file management side of this. Currently the my Backupery app saves one ENEX file per notebook in a subfolder*, with the next backup for that notebook going into the same folder. I'm currently using incremental backups, so my initial 21GB file for my main notebook is followed by a subsequent 3MB backup covering changes. At some stage I'm going to want to get another complete backup to replace lots of small incremental files and start over. There's currently no way to manage that - if you have a lot of notebooks that means visiting each. mortal. one. to tidy up the file structure - or (my favourite) changing the backup destination to start another folder tree. I've already suggested that Backupery should include some backup management options, like overwriting the oldest files after an optional number (3+) complete backups, otherwise storage space is rapidly going to fill up. Limiting file size just makes that process more complicated. *for the sake of clarity - that's one notebook in one folder, with the next notebook getting its own folder, so there's a complete tree for all the folders, local and synced, under the main backup destination.
  16. Actually that may have changed since you last tried - my backups now come out as one ENEX in one folder per notebook. If only there was a way to compare notebook contents within Evernote, I could restore one notebook to a temporary location and check whether it is an accurate copy...
  17. My bad - poor explanation on my part. With the previous incomplete copy of big database backup problems I was running the app set for a full backup to ENEX to check the size of the finished backups. With a 19.4GB database, I was getting a range of sizes of total ENEX files from 4GB up to 19GB - most clearly not a full backup of the database, just partial copies. I eventually gave up on it, since I didn't feel I could rely on it. I started again and the total ENEX files for the latest backup are around 23GB from the same size database... I'll wait for the next run to see what happens!
  18. Hi. Haven't seen any follow-up messages on this, but I just re-installed Backupery and the first backup appears to have copied my whole database correctly. I had uninstalled the product because it was slowing my laptop too much, and generating HUGE folders full of copies, without necessarily having properly backed up the database. If things are slightly better now, I might go back to giving this a go...
  19. Anyone got any suggestions? AFAIR that was a fairly unique product, though I've seen a variety of apps that would display my notes in different ways. My use of Evernote seems to have defaulted to this: All notes and details - Evernote To-do's - TickTick with links back to Evernote notes Various projects - Freeplane with links back to Evernote notes Other - (like I have a calendar running in Airtable) research is done in Evernote and copied over
  20. Hi. No, we're not. I didn't say this should be a feature request, nor did I suggest it wasn't a bug. All I'm saying is that Evernote clearly can't do what you want for the moment, for whatever reason. If you need to get some work done, you have a choice of waiting an unspecified time until things get fixed, or using a (fairly easy) work-around. Entirely your choice. If that best suits your needs, then of course it makes sense to do so. I think you may be throwing the baby out with the bathwater, since GDocs doesn't have the same (working) features as Evernote, and it's quite easy to link (or attach?) a GDocs file to a note so you can take advantage of both. But again - your choice. In a perfect world, every app should deal with all my needs. Over here in the real world, I'm still using Windows and even after 26 years it's only just keeping up...
  21. Have a look at Airtable - you could create a table for customers, a table for products and charges, and a table for calls, then link the call table back to the others so you never have to type a customer name pr product details again... It's a spreadsheet crossed with a relational database.
  22. No, it's a work around that gets the job done. Not defending Evernote as such, but given they're trying to generate a text layout no matter which of several operating systems you're using on whatever device of several thousand possibilities, their options for fixing this may not be as wide as they'd like. Evernote folks (which isn't us by the way - I'm a user too) seem to be more than averagely smart and motivated, and if they had the opportunity to fix this I'm sure they would. Also more paying users would help fund more engineers to fix things. Just saying...
  23. Hi. This is a Windows thread - try asking in the release thread for your version, although I don't think there is an update yet... https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/112708-evernote-for-mac-71-ga/
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