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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. See https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/120210-behind-the-scenes-redesigning-the-note-editor-in-evernote/ for possible directions...
  2. I just use an external hard drive for photo backup, and Lightroom (other photo indexing apps are available) to find themes and tags. I needed recently to find a picture of a steam engine I had taken, and had tagged it with all sorts of keywords that didn't help me find the one picture I actually wanted. Turns out Lightroom recognises subjects and searching for 'train' (as opposed to 'beach' or 'face') showed me thumbnails of all the railway pictures, including that one.
  3. Hmmn. Can we see a screenshot of the message you see denying access? It's very odd for this to happen with your own notebook.
  4. Hi. As a subscriber you do can send emails to Evernote to create a note with options of notebook, tags and reminders set by the title of your mail. Depending on your OS you may also have the ability to create a 'quick note' with a keyboard shortcut or a home screen icon. There's no URL though - sorry..
  5. Hi. Is this a notebook that you own, or one that has been shared to you?
  6. Hi. I had this issue for a while but then either it fixed itself or my random fiddling actually worked... since it was random I don't know exactly what I tried, but this has never been a major issue. My taskbar shows when an app has more than one window open, and it's pretty easy to blink the backgrounded window forwards. I can understand it is annoying, but if this is an OS feature (not-a-bug) I don't think there will be ways around it. The only hope may be that if/ when the Web version gets 'fixed', a browser window will be easier to control. Full disclosure - my lack of serious concern will also be due to the fact that I operate multiple screens most of the time, so Evernote generally has spare real estate to move into...
  7. A lot of things are planned but haven't escaped yet. A Forum section might be a nice idea - I flagged your post for one of the admins to take a look at - maybe they can make it happen...
  8. Hi. I believe that when Templates were first announced it was mentioned that the upper limit on numbers would be raised and a sharing site / link added. It is still possible to public share a note which anyone can turn into a template in their own account - you could even ask here for anyone with interesting templates to share them to the Forums, or anyone with an idea or a need for a template to post a request...
  9. Whichever version of Evernote Web you're using - try the 'other' one - switch in Settings.
  10. Hmmn. That points to a sync / storage issue corrupting the note. Worth a support request if you can make one.
  11. It's eminently feasible to keep notes in Evernote and store attachments that don't fit elsewhere, with a link from the note to the attachment. Bear in mind that in any installation where the notes database is downloaded to local storage - ie desktops - an attachment that is part of a note just adds to the size of the database and takes up more disk space. I have a Google Drive folder called "Evernote attachments" which is where my large files go...
  12. Pretty sure they'll get around to this sooner or later, but it won't be high on the list...
  13. Speaking as a part-time Linux user, I'm very happy that Evernote are looking at improvements to the web client. Until there's a native Linux alternative, that's the only way I get access to my account on one laptop. And the Forum is full of complaints about the web client missing desktop features, so I can see where the Herd is going with this. In other news Evernote have managed, alongside this web project, to bring out new Windows, Mac, Android and iOS updates. I don't think they're concentrating exclusively on the web. Relax people - lets just see where Evernote goes next!
  14. Hmmn. Good that we had this chance to see behind the scenes - good that Evernote is looking at ways to make searching a more intuitive feature. Eleven out of ten for an interesting video. I look forward to experiencing the new bells and whistles - but I have a luddite fear of apps 'helping' me to do things, because although software can react scarily fast, it still takes time and system resources to come up with (and select between) titles, content, author names. If I already know exactly which tag or title keyword I'm looking for, that's just wasted time and (my) resources giving me changing menus of a hundred different note options when I just want to add simple details to a contact. I hope Evernote will continue the practice of allowing me to switch OFF the search 'helper' in Options or Preferences, and just go back to a straight keyword match!
  15. Another option you're probably going to hate is to have two L-shape sheets of paper handy. These would make a resizeable contrasting frame around anything from a small icon to a half-page which the document-detection feature would take as suffciently edge-like to autocrop down to that margin. Depending on the material you're clipping, you might need light or dark paper for the edging, but it does work... There are several tools out there besides Evernote for copying and perspective-correcting (not Evernote) document images, but I don't think anyone has yet cracked resizeable cropping on a mobile device screen.
  16. Hi. So there appears to be a new version out there - read the thread before you upgrade - but the 'rebuild your index' advice might be relevant here...
  17. Hi. Agree that's weird - can you copy the content of that note into another new note to continue editing? The content may not have saved/ synced correctly and now appears as incomplete (hence 'from another app') to Evernote.
  18. Hi. Don't believe there are any multiple AND options. It's possible to multi-select tags in the desktop client - but not AFAIK in mobiles.
  19. What are you seeing happen? I'm assuming that we're talking about editing notes via a web connection and having notes, which show in the browser, but haven't yet been sent to the server, lose some or all of the content. In that scenario Evernote's local processes in the browser don't have the access to save content to something which might not be the user's own device anyway...
  20. There have been various updates over the period and Evernote is continually trying to improve the service; but I'm not sure what we can expect them to do with this issue. If they never get to see some or all of the note content in the first place, they're hardly in a position to rescue it in the event of a comms glitch.
  21. Nothing new yet that I'm aware of - as you're a subscriber, you could raise this with Support and get some direct feedback -
  22. Hmmn. Lessons to live by. Give a someone a straight answer, and they know where they stand. Give some people an aphorism and they'll milk it for ever. Apologies for apparently disrupting this thread with the funny section...
  23. Hi @witherford - thanks for posting a detailed fix. Users should be aware that if you use any Local (unsynced) Notebooks, they are stored within the EXB file but they cannot be re-downloaded from Evernote. Local notebooks exist only on a single device. If you have local notebooks it's not possible to use this method of removing chat messages. Plus I think you have an extra step at the end - once the EXB file is renamed to OLD, opening Evernote will prompt it to ask you to sign in. When you do so, Evernote will rebuild the existing database from the server, regardless of using the 'add another user' option.
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