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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Weirdly, my search has just stopped working - enter any word into the search box, even one that I know is in a recent note, and all I get is an endlessly circling arrow. I'm still on 8.9_Beta3 and have tried the Search & Storage trick; no result. Hmmn.
  2. Are you getting requests to review your pictures for addition to Evernote? I've not had one for months - I must've got the settings right on my phone and tablet, or the app has given up checking...
  3. Hi. I'm afraid I killed your other two identical posts and moved this one from Windows to a general request since that seemed to be your intention. They're all (mainly) user-supported Forums, so one post is enough to make a point. I agree this would be a nice addition to audio note taking, but there are other apps out there which will do this sort of thing, and from which files can be attached to an Evernote note. It's also (IMHO) a bit of a niche request, but lets see what votes it can attract as a possible new feature.
  4. Hi. With any Android issue, sync / uninstalling / restarting / reinstalling is the first thing to try... (and my Android search is working fine by the way...)
  5. Us pore Windoze users have to do what we can within the limitations of the OS! (and don't mention updates...)
  6. Nice system! I'm also always interested in organisational processes. IIRC DA also says in his GTD posts that users should take on board as much or as little of the system as they need. I went for a 'keep it simple' line myself, and crossed it with the Eisenhower categories of urgent / important to deliver four main tags. Now, soon, sometime and whenever (I don't have anyone to whom I could delegate stuff, so remainder tasks have to wait until I'm really really bored with the current job, or I actually have free time). ("Now" is actually a tag NOW! because that's my current tasks in one list.) I also use Reminder dates, so for example a link to a note tagged <NOW!> OR with a reminder date of today or earlier turns up on a 'dashboard' - a Table of Contents note automatically updated from a search - which is also titled Now. I have a dashboard of dashboards, a link to which is saved on my desktop and home pages, so I can jump to, and around, any of my saved ToC's from any device. My management effort is restricted to a short(ish) list of tags, and applying or changing reminder dates. The auto-update mechanisation is provided by Filterize, which is a paid-for product if you want to get really fancy, but has a usable free option. I also use filterize to keep a number of constantly updated searches, so if I want to find a recipe, ideas for a road trip, or a scanned user guide, I can check the appropriate note listing. (This gets around any limit on saved searches, the difficulty of finding a saved search if you have dozens listed, and any system delays in executing an on-demand search if -like me- you have a huge database!)
  7. Hi. Currently using Evernote 8.9 beta 3 on Android 6 and I don't see this happening. I'd suggest you send your Evernote / Android / Device details to https://twitter.com/evernotehelps to help them resolve this if it's still an issue.
  8. Did you receive a ticket number? That should happen within minutes, though a human response takes longer, depending on how busy the team are... Evernote can't fix something of which they don't have several examples - we're (mainly) users providing support here in the forums, so unable to comment on when or how this might be fixed.
  9. Hi. Re Support - https://discussion.evernote.com/announcement/72-issues-accessing-evernote-support-channels/
  10. Hi. In that situation I'd strongly suggest a support request, with a link to this discussion thread for background...
  11. No vested interest here, but I am a subscriber to https://filterize.net/ - which allows you to create one or many 'dashboards' - essentially Tables of Contents that are automatically updated from user-defineable searches. Haven't plumbed the depths of their search language yet, but it appears more flexible than Evernote's inbuilt grammar, and with multiple dashboards you can effectely have as many up to date saved search results as you like, within a sync or two of the account...
  12. If you're looking for a feature that Evernote doesn't have, then workarounds are one option; using different software is another. Evernote doesn't have an 'issue' - it is what it is: you asked for options, and we came up with some. As an observation, I edited a book recently using a Kindle app - the 'notes' feature there was good for capturing quotes and typos...
  13. It's not a bug. It's a feature of using web-based apps. Easily avoided by various work-arounds listed above... There's a related 'lost data' issue which can be solved with a browser add-in - https://typiorecovery.github.io/ - not sure whether it might help here...
  14. ...or you could just make a new note each time you want to comment - they can all have the same title, or no title at all - and when you finish with the book, view your notes in created date order and merge them together. (This merge might only be possible on a desktop though...). It's a bit of work, but less than having to scroll down each time you write.
  15. Hi. There's a help page which explains what's possible - https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209005777 If your phone contacts are saved elsewhere than Google, you'd need to find an export / import solution to transfer them across.
  16. Hi. Short answer, no. But you can, if you're using a Desktop, open the note you're working on in a separate window and keep it on your desktop while to you refer to other information.
  17. AFAICS Evernote hasn't responded at all in this thread - we're all users just like you, but the forum tends to be busy so we have limited time to spend being sociable; comments and queries can tend towards being bluntly factual, but we're (mostly) friendly around here... I find that working in web forms can be hazardous - even here I've 'lost' answers while I've been typing thanks to hitting the wrong key combination, or my connection dropping at the wrong moment. I found a Chrome add-in which seems to help - Typio Form Recovery will save input for a day or two (your option) in case things get lost.
  18. (My emphasis) <sigh> Are we under the impression here that I'm now Microsoft? Outlook (in my case) is part of Office 2017 and is owned and 'managed' (or at least mostly survived) by me. My previous comment wasn't in any way doubting the preference that some users apparently feel for more customization to their particular wishes, or Evernote's inclination to do something to help out. I'm just pointing out my feeling that 1) I'd like things that currently should work efficiently to be absolutely cast-iron before we get into more user-request features and 2) that there are a kazillion such features out there, some with a higher priority than this one. If it's a high priority for you, then by all means look around for another provider. It's not available now, and it's simply not known whether anything is heading down the pike anytime soon. Your argument 1: is correct - if you put your personal data on a works-owned device, they will have access to it, one way or another. My answer is just not to do that. Mobile or web clients may be part of an answer. Argument 2 - if you're arguing for 2-factor logins, How to set up two-step verification Argument 3 - "If note sync was instantaneous this would make sense. It is slow as hell." If you're using the installed windows client and logging out / logging in during a work session, sync should be pretty seamless. If you're using the Web client, you don't sync the whole database - just the note(s) that you're working on, so I don't see where sync times come into it...
  19. Can we have an example of the text you want to protect from the emoji please? Is this something covered by the Tools > Options > Note dialogue?
  20. Hi. If you're having issues I'd suggest raising a support request sooner rather than later... https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new
  21. Hi. I'm sure you'll get their attention, but not sure what they will be able to do - I can clip that page too in Vivaldi (a Chrome based browser) Have you tried other browsers like Brave or Vivaldi?
  22. Hi. Have you tried restarting Outlook (if it is the installed version) or removing / re-adding the plug-in?
  23. Hi. Highly unlikely - I believe there have been some posts about crashes possibly related to 2FA. As you're a subscriber I recommend you report this to Support and see what they say.
  24. Hi. Also reported in several other threads - are you using the new Web version? Try reverting back to the older version in Settings. Alternatively use a local word processor if you can and just attach the document file to a note. Leaving a web page open while you type ongoing notes is a hazardous process... there's even a browser add-in to help - https://turbofuture.com/internet/Text-Data-Recovery-Software-for-Blog-Writing EDIT: After a bit of research I couldn't find an up to date version of the Lazarus app that's featured here, but there's a recently updated version of something called Typio Form Recovery which looks as useful... https://typiorecovery.github.io/
  25. Hi. If all you're looking for is a 'third' level of hierarchy, then (unless I misunderstood the conversation so far - which is about a 50/50 possibility with me...) it should be fairly easy to set up with Stacks, Notebooks and Tags. Use the tags for either the first, or the last step in your hierarchy. Got stacks that split Work vs Personal? Use tags instead. Got a prospective 3rd level that adds Quotes and Invoices for each project under the Work stack? Use tags for them instead. I'll assume you have the 1st and 2nd layers in place already though, so I'll assume the last layer in the hierarchy is the one you need set up. If you want to see all the outstanding quotes for a given project, go to its notebook and search tag:quotes. Your 'virtual' Quotes notebook will be listed there on your screen. Actually, there's a way to have this third (virtual) notebook list updated automatically and have it instantly available - use Filterize to create a Table of Contents listing for all 'quotes' notes. As you add the tag to a note, it will be added to the list. If you change the tag to 'invoice' it can be added to a different list.
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