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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. See above: deleted notes = trash folder. Plus see personal backups, other devices and (if a subscriber, and the deletion is only partial) Note History. iOS also already has an undo function.
  2. Hi. This would be better posted in the Feature Request forum for iOS / All devices where others can vote on it and -maybe- increase the likelihood of it being adopted by Evernote. I can move the post if you'd like...
  3. See comments above - the way to get direct feedback, and help Evernote realise the scale of this issue is to raise a support request. The fact that a fix hasn't been published yet doesn't mean Evernote aren't working on it or that they "don't care" about Windows users.
  4. Hi. Windows or Mac? In Windows check Tools > Options - there's a setting in there for 'open new note in its own window' which might cause you an issue.
  5. An Evernote employee commented recently in another thread that they're working on a new editor, which is both good and bad news. Good, because it might allow an RTL style when it is available, but bad that Evernote is unlikely to spend time and effort on the existing setup until the new module is ready - and no one has said when that might be. When any changes are made, I'm sure they will be available to all account types - subscribers get the same features with higher limits, email access and helplines.
  6. No problem. This is an iOS thread - hence the misunderstanding. If you're on Windows, 6.18.4 just dropped - though it can be a little exciting being amongst the first to update to the latest version.
  7. Evernote won't cancel your subscription unless you ask them very nicely to do so. We're a -mainly- user-supported Forum so questions like that are well outside our remit. See below for more on this...
  8. OK - flagged 'em. Hopefully we'll see a response with a day or two...
  9. Not even a ticket number? If you weren't allocated a number Evernote don't know about your query. If you do have a ticket number and can quote it here, we can ask an Admin to chase the support team for you...
  10. We're a -mainly- user-supported forum and Support related queries raised here are pretty unlikely to get a response. If you're a subscriber I'd recommend reporting this via https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new You'll get a personal response (eventually) and you'll help Evernote understand both the technical issue and how many users are affected.
  11. It's probably on a list somewhere. If only there were a votable feature request so we could gauge how much support there was for this tweak. Meantime to make an email look like a forwarded email with full headers, BCC it to your own (or a secondary) email address and set up a rule that emails received 'from' your main email address are auto-forwarded in their turn to Evernote. There's also the new Gmail add-in which I haven't really had the chance to look into yet...
  12. Hi. As you're a subscriber, and AFAIK this should not be happening, I'd suggest you check in with Evernote Support. My icons in both Start menu and Desktop folders have been permanent fixtures for as long as I can remember. If there is a problem it's usually a quick and easy fix - see suggestions above. On Windows 10 I more often start apps by hitting the Windows key and typing "Ev" (in this case) to have Windows offer me a link. In most cases just hitting Enter will then start the correct app.
  13. Hi. Evernote itself doesn't have variable font sizes on mobile. They were talking a little while ago about Editor improvements on all clients, so it might be in the pipeline. Meantime I tend to use the mobile versions of Word and Freeplane and Workflowy when I need specialised formatting, and just attach the output file from that app to a note, so I can edit it on another device when I need to.
  14. Well, there's (more) money involved, but look at Filterize - it's a way to create (amongst other things), Tables of Content that update themselves depending on the keywords, tags or titles of the notes you add to your account. It is very very cool. I'm a subscriber, but not otherwise connected.
  15. Hi. I don't have this working, but if I wanted to look into it I'd try using Cortana (or any other personal assistant you might have) to create a note in Evernote. If that's not possible you might look at other automation options - like if your 'voice notepad' app generates a text file, Dropit can move or copy that file into an Evernote Import Folder which would automatically create a new note. The note might have the file as an attachment, or show it as the note body, depending on the format.
  16. I use Workflowy and Evernote routinely. Both have their own special strengths and weaknesses. I also use Lightroom (forinstance) because Evernote just wont let me edit my RAW camera images yet (joke). Lightroom sucks at note taking. There's no shame in an app having a special area of expertise, and lots of reasons why Adobe should try to add Evernote's functions to its app and vice-versa.
  17. Yeah. So Evernote works on Windows (various versions) / Mac (various versions) / Android (various versions) / iOS (various versions) and the Web (only two current versions!) and has 250 million-ish customers (let's just call them 'Japan'). It's available worldwide and 24/7. Let's not talk about the huge range of devices and screen sizes they cover, because around now my head starts to hurt. If you make a change to the package that breaks any one of the millions of existing use cases... someone will notice. Loudly. Invasions have happened with less incentive. "Simple" and "straighforward" tend to go out the window when you have that much of a juggernaut trundling along behind you.. 😁
  18. Hi. Lots of previous discussion on this. Long story short, a note that needs internal navigation is better off as a series of short notes linked by title, tags or keywords. I find it similar to mind mapping - any subject on which I'm writing a lengthy screed comes out as a series of ideas that vary widely in importance and relevance. A mind map lets me create little notelets around the screen that I'll eventually (hopefully) link together in a logical order that may or may not have any relation to the order in which the points occurred. That's why long notes need editing - I'm moving paragraphs around, correcting the logic and generally making a coherent argument out of whatever chaotic thoughts first came up. Short notes are like the branches in a mind map. I can create a note for each point, save a search for the common title or tag, and see a list of all my notes on this subject whenever I wish. I can create a parent Table of Contents note containing links to all my 'child' notes, and I can move those links around in the ToC note until I like the order they're in. Then I can either print all those notes in that order, or just merge the notes into one. Some users like to keep long diary notes - a year's worth of entries in one note. Same argument though - just have a tag for the diary so you can find all the notes or one individual. Added benefits include: not scrolling for ages to find the current entry not losing all content to a corrupted note - at worst you may lose a day It works for me, but YMMV
  19. Hi. I'm confused by the use case for enabling quick links to "notebooks, tags, searches". I agree better note linking is required - and I was one of the first to suggest a wiki-style architecture with [bracketed] words acting as links to any current note with that exact title, or creating a new note with a clickable link if one does not yet exist. (I like Wikipedia-style wikis.) If you have a specific link creation case in mind I'd suggest you check out the feature request threads which already have some related suggestions on which you could vote, or start your own.
  20. In the Windows universe it's certainly true that until you sync a note it doesn't have a UID to link from or to. However my desktop client is set up to sync automatically once a note has some content. Syncing can take a little while (seconds) depending on whether you are creating lots of new notes, how busy your device connection might be with other traffic, and how big a PDF you just added as a attachment. In my normal operations syncing has never (yet) been an impediment when linking notes...
  21. It's possible, but not wildly convenient, to use one of the two current web versions instead of downloading the database to your desktop; or there are options to have seldom-used notes removed from the local database, though NOT from the server. There's a performance hit if each note then has to be downloaded before viewing or editing. Look for "on demand sync" in your preferences. A more practical application might be to set up a(nother) new free Evernote account to hold information currently in use on the Macbook, and to move notes you no longer need on a daily basis to your existing account. Sharing a notebook from one account to the other would make moving notes between them quicker and easier*. However please consider setting up some means of backing up all your notes, whether that means hosting the full database somewhere locally, or maintaining two seperate accounts plus backups - moving notes around increases the likelihood that something bad will happen to some of your data. While Evernote maintains a backup of all account data a couple of times per day, lost or deleted notes are purged from the system - even when that loss is accidental. *archiving and moving data is also possible by exporting notes or notebooks to ENEX. How to back up (export) and restore (import) notes and notebooks
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