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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hmmn. If you're using the web or mobile versions, that's an issue: My main access is generally the Windows client - clicking within a cell gives you access to the drop-down and handles.
  2. Another Mint user here (part time) - my main 'home base' laptop is still on Windows 10, but the backup was increasingly getting out of breath on Windows so I tried Linux, which does everything I need on the go, as well as waking up almost instantly when I open the lid. I likewise went through all the Evernote alternatives that claim Linux clients... and came back to Evernote Web. It's far from perfect, but one version or another does most of what I need it to. Anything else can wait until I get back to base.
  3. ? Actually, I'm not sure that it has - Notes and tags is what you have, which are the structure within which - currently - you need to arrange your notes. It would be.. optimistic.. to expect that this will change in the short to medium term...
  4. Alternative suggestion - use a one-cell table. You can adjust a table to your screen width and the text may reflow accordingly. (Depends where the text is from - web clips may misbehave...)
  5. Hi. Not using PDFs - convert the content to JPG or PNG and it will show up. Multi-page PDFs will require an image file per page, and it's a good idea to use a table if you have several images in a note as it forces the pages to show as thumbnails until you tap one...
  6. ? Also on Android, but no similar experience - ULRs open the page they to which they relate.
  7. Hmmn. Not in Android... share is just what it says on the tin.
  8. Well done for finding an option - I'm on Android and I don't think we have one, apart (possibly) from accessing a note in the web client on a tablet and printing from the browser. For interest - where was your option?
  9. Doesn't work in Evernote for Web (not the current beta) certainly, though the help page says it should...
  10. I use Linux (some of the time) - haven't found anything better than Evernote Web (and purely online) as yet... though Web gives you a choice of two or three different UI's (in settings) which can be useful...
  11. I've used Revo a few times without any bad effects - though it's always wise to copy your /Databases folder somewhere safe like the desktop or an external drive, especially if you have any local notebooks. Good luck!
  12. Fair point - I wonder what would happen if you took a number of images of business cards and imported them to a PDF file, then OCR'd the PDF file? NB Evernote does not (I believe) OCR images on PDF pages. This would have to be an Adobe or NAPS2 -like third party scan. The OCR'd file would then be searchable in Evernote, and the contents of a page would - to some extent- be copy/ pastable into another document.
  13. From memory (using Linux at present) you create a multiple column and row table, then highlight the top row and click the drop-down in one cell. Choose 'merge cells'.... or if you were congenitally lazy (like me) you might 'borrow' one of Evernote's templates and edit the content...
  14. I'm hazy on the practicality, but I photographed and then packed some books away a while ago that had very designed covers. At the time I was disappointed - the intention was that if I searched for a title or an author, Evernote would tell me which box is was stored in. (I have a lot of books...) It didn't work then, because of the mixed colours and fonts (and shapes) of the cover headlines. I've searched since however and OCR seems to have caught up somewhat. You may find that just adding your cards as JPG or PNG images to Evernote notes will at least make them searchable. Worst case you'd have to title or tag each note with a company or name to search them down.
  15. Works pretty well - the card needs to be in a good light and on a contrasting background, and the app only deals with one side (still) but will save a 'contact' note with searchable name and details. There's no way to export that data outside of Evernote. If there are two-sided cards it's always possible to take two snaps and merge the two notes. Any picture taken with Evernote's in-app camera can be saved to a note as a card, a picture or a couple of types of document which involves some pre-processing to help OCR. All of this is searchable within the app.
  16. Oops, sorry... Should have said: just quote the content you want in quotes as "nuclear physics" and you'll see the relevant items.
  17. Hi. I don't believe that Evernote considers itself to be active in the 'to-do' market. The web client you're probably looking at is a beta and will be improved, but I don't know whether those elements will be in the list. A lot of what you request is already possible in mobile or desktop apps, and Evernote says that it is working towards similar operations in all platforms.
  18. Hi. Try tag:sometag title:sometitle content:"some phrase" created:20140101 -created:20180101 and read https://evernote.com/blog/11-advanced-search-techniques/
  19. Sorry - I meant downloading 6.21 again and trying to install it over the top of the damaged version you have.
  20. Hi. You're responding to a 2-year old thread that doesn't really relate to your issue. When you 'share to' a page, you get a green round 'in progress' icon on screen. Tap the icon before it completes and you'll have the chance to choose between full page or bookmark and set notebook and tag options. The choices are 'sticky' - the share for all subsequent pages will work the same way until you change the choices again.
  21. Hi. Surely that is the point of dashboards - to display information in the way that I want it - as a small block of graphics accessible from a mobile screen so I can open my database quickly to a specific area of interest? Of course that is somewhat different from your suggestion outlined above - which is why we all have very different versions of that 'standard' dashboard, and why Evernote is ideally set up to allow each one of us to express our individuality and specific preferences. Some of these suggestions have background images, some not; others have checklists, calendars or inspirational quotes. I'm also a long-time user, and I prefer Evernote the way it is - although I totally agree that 'light and perfect' is better than otherwise, and that the team are right to concentrate on making things work efficiently rather than adding bells and whistles. I think the topic did a great job of inspiring everyone to think of new ways to view and use their data - hopefully we'll see more like this. I'm also non-US and I suspect the reason for the restriction on participation was mostly cost & admin-based. Even sending a T-shirt around the world involves postage and local taxes that inflate the expense several times over. Evernote hasn't gone in for this sort of thing before, so they might be cautiously trying it out...
  22. Hi. That's a 3-year-old post but sharing hasn't changed a great deal since. I keep a 'shared notes' stack for the individual notes and notebooks that I've shared around - partially for my security so I know what I've shared, and partly for my audience's protection so I don't randomly delete a note that is still in use. 'Public' links are less of a risk than you might think, because (AFAIK) Evernote's servers are hidden behind a firewall and no-one can find your notes with a search. True, if someone you trusted with a link gives that URL away to others, then anyone who saw it would have access. Links in the style of https://www.evernote.com/shard/s2/nl/xxxxxx/fb0b1f53-4d16-4564-b80a-12345d0dd7dd* would be very difficult to 'find' without being provided with the correct version. And even if a link were unique to one visitor, there's nothing to prevent that person printing screenshots or otherwise using non-IT ways of sharing the content. * Link edited for security!
  23. Hi. Tools > Options > Shortcut Keys to check what your key combinations are set to. You will have Capture Screen / Copy Selection / Paste which should all work offline. Change the screen grab option to something like Ctrl+Alt+S though, because Windows itself hijacks the default combination.
  24. Hi. When you scan a card and get a thumbnail at the bottom of the screen, tap the thumbnail and 'save as' a business card.
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