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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. Evernote > Settings > Notifications - Untick "add notes from notification bar" ?
  2. I have an account shared with myself (one Basic, one Premium) so I can try out various things, and I also notice that tags applied in one account aren't necessarily making it across to the other. Forcing a re-sync with extra detail or minor changes seems to correct the situation, but I don't always notice...
  3. Hi. What browser, OS and URL? I've seen that pop-up about twice in the past year so it's not exactly a problem for some of us...
  4. Hi. Fixed what exactly? The fact that a user might see a web page, and think it's worth clipping, but forget that s/he already clipped it a year ago? Without doing a detailed search of the current database before completing the clip, there's no way to tell whether that is true - and the extra 30 seconds that will add to a clip - plus the additional "This page was already clipped 11 months ago - clip anyway?" further confirmations would annoy the spots off a number of users including me. Better to delete duplicates if and when you find them in my view...
  5. I agree - removable storage gives you a very good chance of corrupting your data by forgetting to plug the thing in when you need it. Plus there's a whole ocean of security issues around a small, easily hidden and very quickly removable piece of tech attached to a laptop. There is, I guess, the issue of devices with very limited storage - but there are other ways to deal with that.
  6. Solid copy on that - you missed a step too; if you really do plan on messing with the registry - which is not a good idea at the best of times - back it up first. - But I think its probably better to just see how well the new setup runs before you get creative...
  7. Hi - Yup; just after installation Evernote will ask you to log in or create a new account. Just close it down at that point - you need to get that copy folder in place. It should be in exactly the same place for recent version of the app. @JMichaelTX is right that there are (or were) some settings in the registry, but I've never been aware of a way to back up or transfer those across. It's a question of using the new setup to find out what if anything needs to be changed. Good luck!!
  8. Hi. The simple way to move from one laptop to another (assuming you still have access to the old one) is On the old laptop, load and sync Evernote up to date. Export any local notebooks* to ENEX files. Check for the location of the old Evernote Databases folder via Tools > Options > General. Open that location and close Evernote. Copy the databases folder and any ENEX files to a USB drive On the new laptop, install and File > Exit Evernote. Insert the USB drive and overwrite the new databases folder with the old content (this will bring with it any stored settings) restart Evernote and sync up to date. (Edit: and import any local notebooks from ENEX) * What is a local notebook?
  9. Ever hear of the Boy Who Cried Wolf? Be a shame if/ when you get a real issue that you need help with...
  10. There's also a voting button at the top left of this page - the higher the number....
  11. That particular post and all its comments seem to be 7 years old, and Evernote has changed a bit since then... anyone currently using this launcher with up to date versions of Evernote?
  12. The web version is (allegedly) being worked on to bring it up to spec, so you should see some improvement in features - but there's no published timescale that we're aware of.
  13. Sorry, but it's unusual for the team to post any comments about current or future developments. If you can raise a support ticket you'll get some personal feedback which might help...
  14. Hi. If you're using the new web client, it's a Beta version with limited functionality. I'm not sure what will / will not work there. Were you ever able to drag/ drop notes? Have you tried stepping back to the previous version (in Settings)?
  15. If you check Evernote.com in a browser, do you see all your notes? If so, your Mac seems to have a sync issue. Try signing out of your account and back in. Also see: How to troubleshoot syncing issues
  16. Hmmn. Sorry not to have helped. You could try contacting Evernote on Twitter to see whether they can work any magic - moving your app shouldn't have lost any notes, though I wouldn't expect the app to work very well afterward. There was a time when Evernote would work from external storage, but I think the Android OS changed and put a stop to that. Maybe you just have one of the older versions. I do recommend using Evernote on a laptop or desktop computer as well as a mobile though - that gives you another copy of your database, and you can backup the whole thing locally so data losses just don't happen. 🙁
  17. +100 https://help.evernote.com/hc/requests/new if you're a subscriber, or https://twitter.com/evernotehelps if not
  18. Hi. 'Losing' notes is often associated with logging into a different (second) account. Is it possible that you may have accidentally created another account when trying to move the app around? If that's not the case, then you may have a problem - mobile devices don't have a copy of your notes saved locally, they send all the new and edited data to Evernote's main server - which is what drives the online service. If you somehow deleted the notes via the mobile app, then the deletion would have been duplicated in the main account. In that case though the deleted notes should still be visible (and reinstatable) in your Trash notebook - at the very bottom of the left panel on the web.
  19. Yes, sorry - got a bit carried away with the language there. This was Evernote white-acreening and maxing out disk activity as shown in Task Manager. I can't use Evernote at all during those periods - sometimes typing gets retained, mostly it doesn't. The search continues...
  20. Hi. Check your Clipper options (at the bottom of the pop-up window) to see if that text is set somewhere... otherwise try signing out of the app and back in. Not heard of a standard text in clips issue before... weird.
  21. Just to answer this question, here's a screenshot from my Windows database tag list after right-clicking the parent tag. I generally don't use hierarchies these days. I'm getting back into tags. Currently 45K notes in (mostly) one notebook and (AFAIK) I haven't lost anything yet... :crossed fingers:
  22. Thanks - glad the dried frog pills are still working for me after all... ☺️ All my notes imported fine with the filename as the note title, and the content (which just said "holding text") as the note body. (I was setting up a series of 25 project dashboards and needed some quick way to generate notes without freezing Evernote up in the process. The Import Folder worked!!)
  23. Hmmn. I used .TXT files to set up a series of note templates for something else, and for me all the files show that link. Just me being special again I guess...
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