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Everything posted by gazumped

  1. Hi. If you haven't already done so, I'd suggest (re)installing the legacy version and using that where v10 isn't yet ready. Install an older version of Evernote
  2. Suggested work-around for the time being - add yyyymmdd dates to the title
  3. Version 10 is lacking a lot of basic functionality. You could reinstall the old version (if you haven't already) and use that alongside v10 where you need to... Install an older version of Evernote
  4. Evernote have said that they will not support the legacy versions. How firm a decision that is, only they know...
  5. Your guess is as good as anyone's - Evernote are adding (back) more features, but we'll have to wait and see how fast that happens.
  6. If I found the right web page - https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-54483853 - then you're right that this is a change, though it's not a security issue. No-one can reach in and change your notes in any way other than removing or changing images if the original is changed. I copied the same page in 6.25 and got a 3.1MB note with an annotatable image. It does mean that if that page is changed or removed, or the URL changes, then access to images will be lost, so it's no longer true that a clip from a page is a reliable snapshot of the content. It probably makes sense from Evernote's point of view not to store an actual image - across millions of notes that would save a server farm or two's worth of space. But saving the link instead is another way in which this new version is a stripped-down shadow of its former self...
  7. Looking through the Help centre, there are several updates dealing with the new version - so at least someone was thinking about users before the release. I got the "backup by export and download" (see above) information from there. I think Ian Small has been trying to inform (prepare?) us for a stripped-down launch by stressing that once the new build is complete, there's a sound base onto which they can quickly add new features. I think the launch was massively badly handled and users are reacting badly because none of us know what is happening and how to deal with this. Evernote are now in the classic backed up state of having so much input they can't react to any of it in a meaningful way, but it would be good if they could let us know on what timescale they're working. Will we see the features that are still being carried over from the old app reinstated in EN10 before the end of this year? And WHAT (besides offline storage) is officially being retired forever? I get that for usage and budget reasons it would be good to cut down on their bandwidth so users don't sync GB-level databases (guilty!) on a regular basis - but if regular users start downloading notebooks for backup purposes, seems to me that will tie up their servers quite nicely, feeding the streams. I'm not looking to move away from Evernote - yet - but they're testing my patience. Not least because when they ***** up, my volunteer forum support service (i.e. me) gets buried by hundreds of complaint posts. The other helpers are doing a sterling job fighting fires and trying to keep folks informed, but if any new voices want to chime in and point folks in the direction of help (or escape, if that's their choice) then please feel free!! EDIT: apologies for my inadvertent use of the name of the woodworking accessory with helical embellishment...
  8. I had a quick look at Twitter earlier and guess what @EvernoteHelps was saying a couple of days ago... These are (apparently) the next features planned for EN10 - they sound strangely familiar... > App preferences > Export options > Taskbar clipping > Audio note recording & playback > Quick switcher (Cmd+J) > Published notebooks (Evernote Business) And the Backup help page reckons the way to backup your EN10 is to export (and download) a complete notebook. My database currently runs to 20GB - I think I'll need a faster connection...
  9. This is being sold as the result of Ian Small's "let's rebuild everything from scratch and make it better" policy. Since it's much glossier and has bigger type than the previous version I think it's mean to be the answer to everyone's prayers. It looks as though they got fed up with the time it would take to actually include all the functionality of the original product and rushed out the shiny shell with a couple of things that actually work. Now they're going to release 'new features' (which is going to be "much easier" because of the retooling) which I would earnestly hope are all the features they didn't include yet, because if Evernote comes out with new features that aren't the missing essentials, I think there might be a mass walk-out of super-user subscribers.
  10. Hi. Sync (I gather) is automatic and frequent now, so it shouldn't matter...
  11. Hi. No one seems to know anything concrete at the moment, and what and how Evernote intends to bridge the gap between the full-service app that we used to have and the current abbreviated version is anyone's guess. As far as email forwarding is concerned, here's a response I gave someone earlier... Options are... Subscribers get an Evernote email address to which you can forward emails - pro tip: send or BCC emails to yourself and (if you can in your email client) set up a Rule to forward all emails you receive that way to your account email address. That way you get a full copy of the original email - the other way you just get the body of the message. If you have an email service that has a webmail option - just use the normal browser clipper to grab the mail. Or you could install the legacy version of Evernote and stick to 6.25 as well as (or instead of) the new kid on the block. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314 In various situations it's also possible to copy and paste content into a note.
  12. LOL There may be a few things missing from the new version... a bit like buying a new car and then finding out you needed to pay extra for the engine... Fortunately it's possible to run old and new versions side by side to keep your suffering to a minimum... If you don't still have 6.25 on your system, see here for more... https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/360052560314
  13. Hi. Not sure how soon (or if at all) some of Evernote's original features will be returning. Best work around for the meantime would be a browser-based (if you're using the web client) text expander like Text Blaze - which can do some quite advanced inserts with optional sections when a code - "/date" (forinstance) is typed into a text field. Otherwise there's AHK and Phrase Express and a gazillion other text-expander options for Windows.
  14. Hi. No clue. I'm using Brave (Chrome based) and it's fine. Is this still an issue / did you try different browsers / restarting your device?
  15. Hi. Does this 'how to' page... help at all? https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314238
  16. Hi. Can you confirm exactly how you're starting the process? If you tap the icon for the PDF in the note, you should see the pop-up with Annotate / View / Copy etc.
  17. Ouch! (Again) - I hadn't thought of that, but I know a some users were using home-brew ENScript commands for a variety of purposes. Guess they'll be out of luck too. Thanks for the response. I appreciate you're in a difficult position. It would have been nice for Evernote - who promote the various add-in apps that enhance their desktop software - to have given you some advance warning and allowed you early access! (Mind you on current performance I doubt 'early access' would have actually been a working app!!!)
  18. There's obviously cross-over though because it's possible to run the legacy app alongside the new one, and notes created in one will turn up in the other; although from comments elsewhere, the layout and style doesn't necessarily carry over. It's just occurred to me (I'm a professional, you know...) that I have a Basic account or two that I used for testing, so I can update one of those to 'the new normal' and do some more testing as things develop. The database for that account should still be fully available to me on the local device whether or not I'm online. I hope...
  19. Looks like you could use the new app if it works for you, and just leave the legacy version installed so you can update the local database from time to time. Your backups will continue to be available, as will all of the (currently) unavailable features that are (maybe?) still in development.
  20. Hi. As you'll see from the topics in this forum, a lot of things - both features and integrations - are no longer working (for the moment anyway). Things are coming back slowly - you could install the legacy version alongside your current v10 app where Grammarly should work as before, or just go back to using that until things are a little more settled...
  21. Haven't updated to this version yet, so this is all speculation... but tables used to adjust to the length of text and -probably- prioritise text over images. You could try pasting a few words under the images to see if it helps, then set the font colour to white to 'hide' the hack. Or.. maybe store your PDF on a Google or Dropbox cloud drive and add a link instead, keeping the text part of the link as short as possible? Or even shorten the file name and add the name as small text ? Or.. create the table in a word processor or spreadsheet where you can specify the width of cells and copy/paste the finished item into your note. Let us know if any of that works!! (Or if you find a better way )
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