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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Sure, consistency would be great.That seems to be what they're focusing on currently. I have no idea where they are in the process. Thanks for adding the examples. I'm on Windows almost exclusively, at least for making content, Android for reading notes and clipping from web sites, and the web only occasionally.
  2. Um, all that was is a search for posts that contain the text "untitled", it's not clear that all of them are asking for what you are. That being said, in the latest Evernote for Windows application, if I create a new note and type into it, or paste some text in to it, the new note does indeed take the first line of text as its title, where it will show up in the list view Title column. If there's a scenario where this doesn't work, you should probably specify it. I checked my note database of ~7500 notes, and found <10 that had "Untitled" as note title. Several of those actually had just an image as their note content, so "Untitled" seems like a valid choice in those cases. Several others looked like web clips gone awry; not sure what happened there, but if "Untitled" goes into the note's title field when the note was created (as opposed to having the title field be blank) for whatever reason, then that's semi-valid, at least. That left a couple of pretty old notes that I'm not sure what might have happened; there certainly was some debate over what the proper behavior should be in the forums at the time (2009-2010, I think), so it's hard to tell. As I say, if you have a repeatable scenario that demonstrates the problem, you should post it here, along with the Windows client you're using.
  3. I see it working in the latest Evernote for Windows application ( (308489) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750)), as described in the linked article (though the resize handle is a square, not a circle): The article does seem to leave open a possibility that some images cannot be resized, but I don't know what the criteria would be. The fallback for me, in that case would be to right-click on the image and select "Open with" and select your favorite paint program, resize it there, and save it.
  4. This is just an issue between you and your image editor, and not really much to do with Evernote..If you can do it in place and then just save/quit as is done via cropping, then that should work fine. Just waiting for the original poster to to retry their cropping example, because my technical wisdom leads me to believe that Evernote handles this correctly.
  5. So I tested this out using the Windows application: I found a note containing a single image. I duplicated that note. In the duplicate note, I right clicked and opened up the image in aan image editor (Paint.Net) Cropped the image to a smaller center rectangle, and saved it. On return from Paint.Net, the note's image was seen to be correctly cropped. To compare: the original note was reported at 310KB, and the duplicated note was reported at 37K. I then exported both notes to disk in Evernote format, and verified that the exported note sizes were also correct. So what could be the cause of what you're seeing, aside from the fact that you're using a different OS than me? One thing that popped into my mind is that in cropping oyur image, you cropped out stuff that was non-complex, i.e. easily compressible, while the common center section remained possibly less easily compressible, and if your side reporting units were KB rather than bytes, you may not have noticed an difference. The thing to do in your situation is to run a test like I did, with duplicate notes, editing one and comparing results. That sghould tell a more complete story.
  6. That's correct, as far as I know; in fact, the notes in the result list don't contain any of the notes referenced in Assisted Search; they match just what you asked for. Assisted Search just gives you some hints in case you're not finding what you're looking for. Nice feature, that, including the inclusion of Trash, since people sometimes delete notes by mistake, I'm told...
  7. First, you didn't understand what the first poster was saying, and it would really help if you learned to use the forum quoting mechanism so it would be easier to see what you were objecting to. I am guessing that it's this post: This is not saying that it's not possible for Evernote to implement such a feature, just that the OP cannot do what they want in the current Evernote world. Second, the person who wrote the above post is not an Evernote employee; he's an Evernote user just like you and me. Again, nobody at all is claiming that the feature is impossible to implement. Nice rant, but irrelevant. Add your vote, and move on.
  8. Of course, but it seems clear that the original poster is looking for the reminder list. In any case in all views, you can always just use a search of reminderorder:* to filter to just the reminders in a particular context without using a list view column. Unfortunately, you cannot sort on reminder time (at least in the Windows client). For that, you would indeed need a list view.
  9. No. All Evernote notes have a certain amount of associated metadata.
  10. <<merging thread to mother feature request>> Go ahead and add your votes to the request.
  11. No, it's still there -- in the latest, greatest Windows beta anyways -- but seems unpredictable/unstable. I've see it appearing, appearing and then flashing off, and not appearing. If it appears, and you switch notes, it may disappear eventually, and then not come back. Maybe there's a timer that governs this, or maybe there's some other condition that turns it off. It's unpredictable, but I've definitely seen the highlighting happen.
  12. Actually, I can just merge it to the existing topic, and you can then add your vote there (in addition to having your supporting posts as well). Edit: merged
  13. ...or one of us could just move it, rather than creating a brand new identical post. Note that .webp support had been requested previously..
  14. Last time I checked, they use the Windows setting for short date. Settings / Time & Language / Date & Time / "Change date and time formats"
  15. Please, you have no idea whether this is true or not. Either way, it's unlikely to be soon, since Evernote is currently in a cycle where bug and stability fixes are paramount, and prioritized over new features. See the CEO statement of priorities here: https://evernote.com/blog/looking-ahead-evernotes-priorities-2019/
  16. Windows? Mac? Android? iOS? Web? On Windows, since Evernote doesn't have a PDF editor of its own, you'll typically need to rely on a 3rd-party editor to do that.
  17. I've put in a request to the forum admin, he may be able to do it.
  18. You're welcome. But isn't that the behavior that you want? To be able to find a specific sequence of words, which may include stop words? I don't know what the intended behavior is supposed to be. I have a lot of respect for what support people do -- I work with them daily in my job as a software developer -- but I'm not really well suited to the hob, and it's not something I'd enjoy. Plus I'm guessing that the pay would be less. I do think working on the Evernote application would be interesting, though, but I already like what I do. That being said, I only guessed this because the post of yours that has seemingly disappeared had screen caps that showed the search filters in the Windows application, and the quotes looked a little funny, though the image resolution wasn't conclusive. But someone else had a similar issue recently in the forums, and that jogged my memory so I tried it out on my machine and the results matched yours. Without those screen caps, I would probably never have guessed.
  19. Relevant topic in the forums: Look for posts from Evernote employees @Rich Tener and @Scott T. in particular.
  20. @sam20e: last night, I think, you posted elsewhere in the forums about inconsistent search results with seemingly identical search filters in the Windows Evernote application. That post, and my reply, seems to have disappeared; I'm looking into having them restored. In any case, I looked into it, and am guessing that the problem you are seeing is based on using opening/closing double quotes (the curly ones) rather than the 'straight' double quotes around your search filter. E.g.: “in that case” vs. "in that case". Evernote for Windows doesn't handle these the same (though it probably should), and based on the search information in your screen caps, using curly double quotes matched your first search, and using straight double quotes matched your second result. Short form: you should use only straight double quotes in your searches. BTW, searching for "in that case" (straight double quotes) did indeed find instances of "in that case" in my notes. I.e., the stop werds were not ignored. Indeed, a search on "in that" (both stop words) worked as well.
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