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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Please do not bump topics, particularly your own. Thanks.
  2. A web search on "evernote stack mac" turned up this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208314158-How-to-organize-notebooks-into-stacks. Hope it helps (I am on WIndows).
  3. Let me just caution you that those are my impressions, as I'm not privy to any Evernote inside information.I can't say that they'll never do this. Just doesn't seem likely in the short term.
  4. Deciding *not* to do something is easy, and cost little. Deciding to actually implement a feature means prioritizing it against other things you need to do. See Minus 100 Points for one developer's take on the dynamic. A somewhat different context, but it generalizes. Skip the geeky jargon, though. But Gmail doesn't. I've viewed GMail as Evernote's model in many respects for awhile (aside from the fact that one's an email app and the other's a note taker/organizer). Maybe this is on the list, but who knows how far down it is. Given the direction indicated by the new CEO (see https://evernote.com/blog/looking-ahead-evernotes-priorities-2019/), I'd say that new features are a second priority to making the current feature set more consistent, faster, and more reliable. Mind, I'm not saying that styles would be bad; in fact, I'd use them, and I've upvoted here. But I don't see anything sinister behind their choice, whether it's a final choice or not.
  5. That's not true for the Android app. It exposes the tree structure, though not in quite the same way as, say, the Windows application, that is, in a single browsable tree. I don't think that you can do tag management on it, but what it does do that's nice is allow you to locate notes with particular sets of tags: you start by browsing to and selecting a tag, which filters the tag list down to tags that label notes that also have the the first tag, and so on. At any point you can then view notes that have that set of tags. Note that there's a similar bit of functionality in the Windows application. I'll take it as a given that any Evernote application that doesn't expose tag nesting is starting off with one foot in a hole. I'd hope that the stated short-term focus (see the new CEO's blog post elsewhere) will bring parity to all of the applications to access all of Evernote's structure in some fashion, if not identically on all platforms. Not quite sure quite what that means, but in Evernote the rules are pretty simple: A note belongs to exactly one notebook (notebooks contain notes, and only notes) A notebook may belong to zero or one stacks (stacks contain notebooks, and only notebooks) A stack must have one or more notebooks (no such thing as an empty stack) A note may have zero or more tags (tags label notes, and only notes) Tags may contain zero or more tags, but a tag at any level of nesting may not contain itself at any lower level of nesting (tag nesting is a tree, not a graph) Beyond that, there's not much in the way of intrinsic meaning in the use of stacks, notebooks, and tags: users must construct stack, notebook, tag, and notes arrangements to suit their own needs, so this is a pretty flexible architecture. Because of tag nesting, it can be arbitrarily deep. That being said, if nested notebooks were added to the mix, that wouldn't make it necessarily rigid. It'd just be another dimension of structure available. I guess maybe if you're saying that there's no rigid structure like CardboardBox / Notebook / Binder / Note / Page / <whatever> that'd be true, but in Evernote the number of architectural elements is small. BTW, the rules above do illustrate why tag trees are not exactly analogous to familiar folder trees. One difference is that in file systems, you can have parallel folder structures, e.g.: A1 /B /C A2 /B /C In Evernote's tag trees, you can't do that, since tag cannot exist in more than one place in the tag hierarchy. If that sort of structure is important to you, then you need to work around it.
  6. Experienced users aren't so keen on it either, as it's missing some critical features, at least it was last time I looked.
  7. Post was merged into existing feature request.
  8. It's actually fine to support the request without needing it yourself. Beyond that, going though a lengthy discussion of your individual needs is hardly likely to sway Evernote one way or another (the purpose of feature requests), while it might make it easier to get better advice on how to proceed with your own use case rather than have it be wrapped up in this already too-long thread. No concrete discussion of how to proceed with tag use is provided because any solution is likely to be highly personal -- I've refrained from offering mine as it will almost certainly differ from someone else's. But it's your choice, and it was just a suggestion that I thought would help you to sort things out. Carry on...
  9. I think it would be better for you (and this topic) to pursue this sub-conversation in a new, separate forum topic, maybe here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/280-organization/. While it would be great for you to find a Evernote solution for organizing your notes, it's not particularly germane to the feature request, which is already way too long for it to be much benefit to anyone else in your situation. Just my 2 cents, though.
  10. What do you mean by this? How did you accomplish it on your device? I don't think it's a recommended / supported option. See, e.g., https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209004817-How-is-Evernote-data-stored-on-my-Android-device-, https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/80041-storing-notebooks-on-the-sd-card/, https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/99750-let-me-use-the-external-sd-card/, etc. (web search on "evernote android sd card").
  11. Post was merged to existing Markdown feature request.
  12. That's a nice pickup on the complete quote, but let's not pretend that unreasonableness always leads to progress. I'd guess that the guy who thought it was a good idea to use a loaded gun as a hammer wouldn't in hindsight consider the loss of his big toe to be progress. Truth be told, the whole quotation is something I find appealing on the surface, but otherwise not particularly convincing (i.e., clever, but so what?); progress really is made by people both reasonable and unreasonable, not by unreasonable people alone. Is there progress made in collecting, cataloging and understanding some part of our world without trying to change it? I think so. On the other side, nobody doubts Einstein's genius at seeing things differently, but he wasn't a math whiz and had to have help with it, and beyond that, years and years of exhaustive experiments to validate his theories. Progress depends on both types. Somebody's gotta do the math. But hey, all of this is just a diversion. Do you really think it's a bad thing to try to understand how Evernote works as it actually exists, and with the realization that you can't change that on your own, get on with your Evernote life? And maybe try to help others to understand what's available, and what's not, and what works for you and might work for them? Speaking of quotations, it's amusing to see a quote often associated with the most recent Super Bowl winning coach (sorry, native New Englander here, and yes, I understand that you're quoting DTLow's original use). Really, "It is what it is" doesn't signify resignation, though, it signifies an understanding of where you're starting, and the realization that you must adjust yourself, your situation, your surroundings, or whatever if you want to achieve your goals. But to your question, there's a disconnect between it and your premise. Ultimately, "It is what it is" is something one Evernote user said (though I believe it represents the situation all of us Evernote users are in), but has nothing at all to do with whatever reasons Evernote had for setting up a feature request mechanism. "It is what it is" does not imply that posting requests is foolish.
  13. Matrix of different types of machines (laptops, desktops) * combinations of problematic devices (touchscreens, hard drives vs SSD, mice, graphics adaptors) * set of OS releases... starts to get a little combinatorial after awhile. Fortunately for my work -- though it may not sound it -- stuff often breaks on our company president's machine. If we were really smart, every time he gets a new machine we should just get two identical machines and give one to QA. Would probably cover half out hardware problems (it's a laptop, and our 3D can break on limited RAM and/or under-powered integrated graphics cards).
  14. Any "holy war" is really exacerbated by those who want to make Evernote into something it's not, and maybe to a lesser extent by people who don't want Evernote to become something different from what it is. It's Evernote's product; they can make it into what their vision requires; we can choose to use it, or not. Suggestions are of course fine, but calling Evernote names -- and there's a lot of that, but I'm not saying that you are, btw -- over the lack of support for that seems pointless to me. I find tags and a flat notebook structure to be fine for my organizational purposes. You may not. There's no holy war there, just a determination of appropriateness of a tool to one's desired usage.There are plenty of tools out there; if OneNote serves your purposes, then that's great, and as it should be. The middle ground is where people want to use Evernote (for whatever reason), but don't really understand tagging, so are at a loss as to how to use Evernote effectively. There are folks here who are willing to try to coach their uses, without arguing the merits of each system (which has been pretty much done to death already). In any case, if OneNote works for you, then congratulations -- we all deserve tools that work well for our needs.
  15. Yes, but the "classic" version is limited to only a limited number of grandfathered (grandparented?) Evernote users. New users cannot use the classic version. Most people don't know about this, though I'm sure that some folks prefer it (I only use it once in awhile, mainly for purposes of answering questions about the web client; it actually seems a little clunky to me). That would also be useful. Thanks for that; I was feeling a little confused over the Innovision reference.
  16. There is a welter of alternatives, as a web search on "evernote alternatives" will tell you. Only you can determine which ones are best for your use case.
  17. ??? Nothing as far as I can tell. Invision doesn't own Evernote, or did I miss the memo? Side issue to this topic, but I'd agree that the web client traditionally hasn't been well-handled by Evernote, and having advised many users to switch back to the "older" version from the default, and insufficient beta version, I'd also agree that they shouldn't force betas on their users. And better communications is always a good idea -- the web client has a history of slipstreaming new features in with no user notification . That should be improved. Back to the actual issue: I also see Ctrl+C working fine in the web beta version, in this case in Chrome on Windows. More information from the original poster would be helpful.
  18. I seem to recall that the idea was to consolidate all Evernote client beta stuff to the forums here, so that all would be consistent. I haven't been able to come up with where I got that idea. I'd be in favor of it, though.
  19. This isn't a feature request forum type. I can move it to the Android Feature Request forum if you'd like. I'd upvote it!
  20. Is this related to this topic, namely, the feature request to add internal anchors to Evernote notes? Before you write a topic comment, you need to decide: how exactly does it pertain to the topic at hand... Your comment is probably good advice, but would be better served to have een made elsewhere in the forum, maybe in the General iscussions Forum (https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/53-evernote-general-discussions/) or one of its subforums.
  21. "Troubleshoot" as in provide information to try to figure out what happened so that 1) it doesn't happen to you again and 2) possibly provide clues to Evernote to fix any bugs that come out your experience. Nobody wants bugs, but they're a part of most non-trivial software. Information helps the developers to isolate and fix them. Note that the desktop Evernote applications (Windows and Mac) do save your notes to your hard drive.
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