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Everything posted by jefito

  1. iframe is a prohibited element in Evernote's ENML format; see https://dev.evernote.com/doc/articles/enml.php#prohibited
  2. From the outset, this series has been all about things they're grappling with, possible approaches to customer pain points, eliciting early feedback to possible solutions, and how they're thinking about solving them. They've never said that the stuff they're showing is generally available. No promises except that they're listening, and any changes will go through beta cycles before they deliver them. I've found some episodes of the series more interesting than others, but all well worth watching.
  3. If the menu command doesn't work, then that points to something deeper. I'd look in the registry for the Evernote settings; should be somewhere like: Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Evernote\Evernote. In there, look at the "LeftPaneWidth" to see if that's out of sorts. Mind if 240 decimal F0 hex.If I shut down Evernote, set it to 0, and restart, I see the same thing happening as you.
  4. Also works fine for me, same version. Does the menu command (View / Left Panel) still work? Is there a possibility that some other program has hijacked the F10 key using a global Windows shortcut?
  5. I prefer to stay mainly to local breweries; I'd never be able to drink all of the brands of good beers in the world at the rate I imbibe. There's one local brewery that brews a variety of "Belgian-inspired" beers, some authentic, some adaptations (their stout is a particular favorite). They are very good, and won a James Beard award recently. They're one of a couple of "goto" breweries in the area, if I see them on the menu, vs. the larger number of less well-known local brands.
  6. Me? Fortunately not. I'm pretty tame -- I'd guess I average about one beer a week, certainly no more than 2, plus the occasional glass of wine. I do try to make it a good beer., though
  7. Attacking low priority backlog bugs/issues is definitely a common software development problem (we face it where I work, too). Sometimes Evernote staff will pop in and say they're actively working on a particular problem, but more often that doesn't happen. Looks like they are in a period of prioritizing bug fixes and common functionality over new features, so maybe this will get fixed sooner rather than later.
  8. But... but... it would work for me!! Or you could revive the old Evernote Tech Blogs...
  9. Short term, probably better to use two accounts then. You can share notebooks between accounts if need be. For example, my personal account contains lots of clipped articles relating to software development, and I naturally share that with my work account. But I don't share much else. For historical purposes, I al so share a number of work notebooks to my personal account, so that I could track my work tasks from home (now I can just access my work accounts and my personal accounts at home on the same machine, at the same time). If I need to access notes from my personal account while at work, I can always access it via my phone or via the web.
  10. Good memory: you are correct on the location, but a little out of date. Up here in "Northern Massachusetts" (as our former governor snarkily used to refer to the southern region of Maine), we are a recognized foodie mecca: really good restaurants (e.g. https://nypost.com/2018/08/07/this-city-was-named-top-food-destination-in-the-country/, and associated beverages, including coffee and craft beer (you can barely walk down the street without stumbling into a new brewery). Local coffee shops are good, some sorta snooty, otherwise neighborhood-friendly. I don't go to Dunkin' Donuts for coffee, or anything else, for that matter, not when Holy Donut is around, anyway. Life is good!
  11. OK, OK, coffee shop. Some of the fancier places do "cuppings", which I guess is kind of a coffee show, but that's much more refined than I need to be. Just give me my double espresso, and I'm good.
  12. Heh -- my coffee bill is *way* higher than my Evernote bill! And that's not even counting when I go out to a coffee show, once or twice a week...
  13. Of course you can, but so what? You' changed your premise. The example I was responding to was "America/Restaurants" and "China/Restaurants", and you cannot do an Evernote search that identifies restaurants based on those tags. You have to pick your poison: something has to come first in a compound tag, but then you can't search on suffixes using wildcards. You can solve this using separate tags ("American", "Chinese", "Restaurants"), but then you bump into the browse problem, where a tag must exist in exactly one place in the hierarchy. You pick your poison there as well, and that's the poison I tend to prefer.
  14. You should bear in mind that people like @PinkElephant, @DTLow, and myself are not Evernote employees, nor are we compensated for being present in the forums. We're just Evernote users with opinions, like everyone else. Evernote employees are clearly marked as such, and do not lecture their users. They may in fact, sympathize with their users on many issues, but large architectural changes are not taken lightly, and Evernote has not chosen to take this particular direction. Despite that, Evernote is, by a number of measures, "doing well", no matter how unlikely that may seem. That being said, there are any number of competing products out there that may suit your needs better. If Nimbus Note, Notion, Bear, etc. turns out to be the one for you, nobody here would feel bad about it. We all deserve tools that work well for what we need; Evernote fills that bill for a lot of people, but it's not the only tool in the world.
  15. I suppose what would be best would be to add "Open" and "Open With..." entries to the right-click menu for web URLs; the former would open the link in the default browser, and latter would allow the user to open it in a particular browser, and also make that the default action.
  16. There is one case that I know of -- in the Windows client -- where it's used: Tools / Options / Navigation / [] "Automatically select child tags", when checked, will cause the current search filter to generate an any: (i.e., OR) search with a tag and its childre. The hover text says: "Check this option if you want child tags to be automatically selected if you select a parent tag in the left panel or Tag Picker." I never found it particularly useful (it doesn't narrow your results), and got a few surprises when I had it enabled unwittingly and clicked on a parent tag while browsing, and all of a sudden had a huge any: search with dozens of tags. But it's there. I'd like it if we could exploit tag tree structure in search (search language, or when browsing), both up the tree, or down, but it would need to be explicitly controllable, so no surprises. Yep, other users certainly do that sort of thing. I find it awkward and less flexible than using separate tags, but it's available and workable for some cases. Problem with using compound tags is that you can't search on the secondary tag ('Restaurant' in this case), because tag search is not infix (i.e., tag:*Restaurant doesn't work).
  17. I think that that's a Windows setting, and Evernote just uses it. Try going to Settings / Apps / Default Apps : Web Browser, and set it to Google Chrome.
  18. Ask the Internet for Evernote alternatives. All have different approaches/architectures; only you can tell which ones suit you.
  19. Actually, I wouldn't expect that behavior, since I don't generally use Evernote tags that way (maybe I'm just Evernote brainwashed). There are times when I'd like the option to filter that way, but that's something I'd want to control explicitly in the tag tree (via Ctrl+click vs. Click, say). And I can I can see the case for both AND (which filters a list down), and for OR (include any of a tag and its subtags, which you can do in the Windows client, but not in a particularly convenient way) operations, again with a way to do it in the tag tree (and the search language as well). Sure is a tag hierarchy and it's it's expressed explicitly in the API: http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/Types.html#Struct_Tag. To allow for multiple appearances of a tag in the hierarchy, that'd have to change (say, to allow a tag to have more than one parent).
  20. What available references are you referring to? What, specifically, are the problems that you're having?
  21. This week's video: short form: Stack/unstack operations : good to have, finally. Clients without these were crippled Nested tags: ditto. Exposing nesting is a must for those users who use tags to navigate similar to file system folder. In addition, there must also be easy ways to add/remove tags to/from the current search filter, a la the current Windows client; should cover operations from a tag tree and also tag name filters. The slide in/out sidebar UI is friendly and useful (similar to GMail's, but the chevron makes Evernote's more discoverable) As for the stuff about syncing, will wait to see it in action. Probably not a number 1 in my use case, but for collaboration scenarios, critical. I suppose you could read it that way, but they never demonstrated it, and it seems potentially problemati, or at least confusing. I didn't get any notion that that was really planned, though. If I had Chinese / Restaurant and American / Restarant sub branches, what happens when you click on the Restarant tag under Chinese? Does the filter automatically inherit the Chinese tag? Could be useful, sure, but then again, what if I want to list all notes that have the Restarant tag? Do I need to multi-select? Is there a special operation like Ctrl+Click that selects all versions of the tag? I think that this would be a big change to the Evernote architecture, potentially leaking into the search language as well, where tags are contextless (a search operates on a tag name regardless of whether it comes from your account or from a shared notebook). Not that I'm opposed to adding new capabilities to search, having proposed several changes over time (e.g. one for hierarchical tag search: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/15173-shouldnt-selecting-a-parent-tag-search-child-tags/?tab=comments#comment-74067). Hopefully we'll get clarification on this, though. I doubt that it would halt the tag vs. notebooks debate, though: tags will still be labels (a note can have zero or more tags) and notebooks will still be containers (a note belongs to exactly one notebook). Changing that would be a big architechural change.
  22. Seems to be working for me, on Windows & Chrome. Same clipper version number.
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