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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Poked around with this. Found one way to do it, but also some inconsistency. First I made a note link shortcut on my Windows desktop, of the kind you're showing.(evernote://view/...). Click on it, and it opens the note in the main window. Second. I keep a Desktop toolbar on my taskbar. Click on the two >> and it brings up the list of all the things on my Windows desktop, really handy since I always have my desktop covered with open windows: I found that if I Shift+Click on the link in the Desktop list, the note opens up in a separate window (same as in the Evernote application). So that's a way that works. However, if I Shift+Click on the note link that's on the actual desktop, nothing happens. Indeed, Shift+Click doesn't seem to be recognized anywhere on the Desktop, even though it is in the Toolbar list. That's the inconsistency.
  2. What OS? Windows? Mac? etc. In Windows, when I click on an image that's not also a link, I get a magnifying class with a '+' in it when hovering over the image, and a small blue resize marker at the lower right corner. What's the difference between the images that you can select/resize and the ones with the magnifying glass? E.g., did you copy/paste them in yourself or were they in a web page clipped by the web clipper? What kind of issues? What do you mean by "opening externally in preview"? If I can select it, then I can open it in an external image editor, make changes, and save it back.
  3. Holey moley! Dunno if that's just development time or design + development + QA/testing + etc. time, but that's an impressive amount. One of my old managers used to say, "well, I take your estimate, multiply by 3 and add 2 units, and then pass it on to my boss, who probably does the same thing." That being said, I can't even imagine how long it would take to do the software that I work on (lots and lots of dialogs, toolbar sets, etc.); thankfully, nobody's asking us for dark mode...
  4. In violent agreement, once again... Just explaining where some of the "clipper" stuff comes from, where elsewhere it's "capture screen"...
  5. True enough, but it's the desktop clipper at issue here, and which, most likely for for backwards compatibility reasons, uses registry shortcuts with names that include "clipper". Plus the right-click menu from the Evernote notification bar item is "Clip Screenshot". So yes, there's some inconsistency here, but it's the screen capture functionality that's referenced here. The web clipper extension certainly has its own large-ish set of shortcuts, but they're only operative in the browser where the the web clipper was activated, as far as I can tell.
  6. Your method for disabling may work, but this is nonsense. The Evernote clipper doesn't "hijack" any key combinations; as best I know, it uses the Windows function RegisterHotKey() to try to register a system-wide hotkey that triggers the requested functionality. This is a standard WIndows API, and not bad practice. Evidently there's no Windows functionality to be able to arbitrate among competing hotkeys, so this is a first-come, first-served proposition ("This function cannot associate a hot key with a window created by another thread.") : if you're the first to register, you "win", if not, your hotkey doesn't work (i.e., it's not hijacking ANYONE ELSE'S PREVIOUSLY REGISTERED HOTKEY). It's up to the user to choose which keystrokes trigger which actions when there are conflicts. In the case of Evernote's defaults, you can configure them easily enough, or disable them altogether by making them blank using Tools / Options / Shortcut Keys. Funny, I use Visual Studio every working day, though not with Resharper, and I have no conflicts. The clipper is really handy for grabbing screenshots of UI or other aspects of whatever I'm working on. And as noted, you have the power to change them, or disable them if you don't want to use them. Your choice as to whether to muck around with the registry every time you update, or just use the tools provided by Evernote...
  7. The old (original?) CTO used to have a pretty good presence here. It was welcome, though he didn't always have good news for feature requesters.
  8. Do I have to say it? Seriously, though : @Ian Small thanks for contributing your peek into the Evernote mindset, goals and development process. The 12% web usage was a little surprising (would have guessed lower), and using web for rapid prototyping makes a lot of sense, though the age-old problem of rolling out new features to the native applications seems to still remain. In any case, as an Evernote fan, and also a developer, I always appreciate that kind of clear and informative information out here in the wild, wild forums. Carry on.
  9. I've seen every rewrite that you have, as you know. I am a bit skeptical, sure, but open to improvement, and fortunately, since the web client isn't my daily workhorse, it's been no big deal that it hasn't been up to snuff to date. There are situations where I would use it more if it were better. Search: Type first letter to run the search. Typing a 2nd letter will run search again. Typing a 3rd letter will run search again. Going to be an issue when I want to search for multiple terms - for example: created:20150101 -created:20150701 tag:receipt -tag:quicken-done That's not complicated unless maybe you're easily distracted by shiny (or flashing) objects, I'd guess. Google searches the whole web this way; it doesn't seem to be a major bone of contention. I find the experience of instantaneous feedback to be quite useful in many cases including Evernote (it works fine for me in the Windows, though obviously it doesn't for everyone) , particularly for ad hoc queries. For longer ones, I'd use a shortcut if it was one I used often or had trouble remembering, but I understand that that's not always possible. Again, as I've emphasized in every related post I've made in this topic, responsiveness is the key to making this useful.
  10. Not sure what would be more complicated about it: you type, get some partial results while you're typing, maybe find what you're looking for earlier than had you typed out the whole query, in which case you choose it and move on. Otherwise, you finish the query and get the results you asked for (or maybe you've typo-ed and need to start all over again). Providing they get results back quickly enough as you type (think Google search speed, which seems fine usually), then it shouldn't be any bother. If not, then it's probably a deal-breaker. Like you, the web application is not really a common use case, but it's the only option for some users, and potentially a better option for some scenarios (one's that I'd use), so improving it is certainly something I'd like to see.
  11. Seriously, people, unbunch. The sky is not falling... ...yet...
  12. I don't get it. The web version obviously needs work; it's been underwhelming for some time. It's the only option for Chromebook and as far as I can tell, the most viable option for Linux users. Why would anyone be scared about improving it? Nobody from Evernote has actually said that that's what's happening. Me, I think it's a sensible option for a number of reasons (some listed above), but the caveat is that performance must be reasonable (also stated above). As things stand today, the native Windows application is the clear winner over the Android application (which I use on my phone) and web application, which I only use very occasionally, usually in the case where I'm at work and want to get to something from my personal account.
  13. I've been thinking along those lines as well -- less with respect to Notion (less well-established, still seems to be in the realm of ooh-shiny, and not as approachable as I'd hoped), but more along the lines of what Gmail does. In fact, I've felt for a long time that Gmail is the secret email inspiration/model for what Evernote does with notes; it's the closest analogue that I can come up with, anyways. It's fairly simple and flexible and organizes using a tag-like scheme. Gmail is everywhere because it's browser based, and yes, it has search-as-you-type filtering, a feature that I really like. By contrast, Evernote has gone down the native application path, with attendant fits and starts, and platform-to-platform inconsistencies. If Evernote could replicate much of what their platform specific applications do (I use Windows primarily) in a browser-based application that has reasonable performance, then I'd be more inclined to use that than I am now. Some downsides / challenges: Local notebooks don't really fit this model: Not a big issue for me, but maybe note/notebook encryption mitigates this for folks who depend on this. Don't know how this fits in on Mac with respect to AppleScript users Need to offer export to local files The offline scenario is obviously a problem that needs to be addressed Still need to deal with form-factor differences. Again, draft behind Gmail in approach. I'm sorta coming around to the conclusion that the web-based approach is the best direction for Evernote, in terms of reducing development costs and improving consistency. But only so long as performance and responsiveness can be maintained -- that's the crux.
  14. I have no idea what you're talking about. The video describes an improved design for search on the the web application("Join Ian and Mariano, a senior designer at Evernote, as they discuss how they’re working to make search in web more interactive, more meaningful, and more useful."). Given the state of the current web application, that would be an obvious improvement, provided they can make it perform well. Whether it's what will appear on all platforms eventually -- as their stated aim is to equalize user experience across all Evernote platforms -- then I'll wait to see how it stacks up against the current Windows application, which I use a lot. It would almost certainly be an improvement in the Android application, which I use somewhat less frequently.
  15. Old New Thing!! Raymond Chen is awesome. I pretty much read him every day, even when what he's writing about doesn't apply to what I do.
  16. Well, they explicitly talk about the web application in the video, comparing the new dynamic search to the old static search. If it results in a better search experience on the web, well, yes. But if it's a template for the applications on all platforms, I'll be in wait-and-see mode...
  17. Sure, and w can keep merging them into the main request as needed, since they're not really adding any new information, just more votes. *shrug* You should also read the following thread (Evernote employee @dconnet's replies in particular):
  18. Oh, you surely can drive screws with a hammer. Not recommended, but at least possible. This, I suppose, is roughly analogous to using tags to structure your notes hierarchically (you can do it, but tag names must be unique, which is an awkwardness not found in file systems) But good luck trying to drive a nail with a screwdriver...Which, I also suppose, is akin to trying to emulate tags using a hierarchical folder system...
  19. But that would mean being able to exclude any notebook, would it not? I mean, if the search language had support for -notebook: terms, multiple notebook: or -notebook: terms, that would solve more problems than adding a private notebook facility. Not that I'm not saying that the search language couldn't be improved, or at least made more consistent. Meanwhile, there's still the two-account workaround. Yes, I know that tagging a shared notebook is problematic, but it still give one the flexibility to have private (unseen) notebooks in a shared account situation...
  20. This is not the same thing as the original feature request (exclude a notebook from searches). You should search the forums for requests for private notebooks and add your vote there; you can't find one, then create a new request. Since you cannot make private, secret, confidential notebooks in Evernote, one way to is to maintain a second account with your personal stuff, and share only the notebooks that you want to with accounts that are shared with someone else. I do this: personal, premium account, plus free work account. I have a couple of my personal notebooks that I need to share with my work account (mainly research related), and that works fine. My work account cannot see my personal stuff.
  21. Seems weird that a backup application would cause duplicate copies, or would somehow update an existing copy. Is there some way to exclude that particular folder from Google Backup and Sync?
  22. So the only thing that should cause this to happen is someone/something updating the file that remains in the import folder (because you've marked that folder as "Keep').At least, it seems to be working fine in a 'Keep' import folder in the latest version ( (308489) Public (CE Build ce-62.3.7750)), with no duplicated notes.
  23. Is this on Windows? What are your import folders settings (Tools / Import Folders..)? Is the Source field for your import folder set to "Delete" or "Keep".
  24. Problem is that an image is not formatting; it's content. The "Simplify formatting" command would be a poor UI choice for this sort of functionality. A more appropriate command like "Convert to thumbnail" would be better, though you still would need to parameterise what you mean by a thumbnail (e.g., desired dimensions). Ultimately, these seem to imply workflows that are more complicated than you claim to want initially: you'd need to parameterize (i.e. prompt for or have separate settings for) thumbnail dimensions, among other things I could certainly see a separate "Create Thumbnail" command, or ever better a "Create Snippet Thumbnail" command that resizes the selected image to become the image used in views that use note thumbnails (e.g. Windows Snippet view), meaning it would be the winner of the "largest-smallest" criterion for selecting a note's displayed thumbnail. Might actually increase the size of an image, but it would be really useful, considering the number of people who've asked for the ability to designate a selected image as an Evernote thumbnail.
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