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Everything posted by jefito

  1. A different problem altogether. The original post was about the inability of Evernote to guarantee availability of notes on a mobile device (iPhone, Android) without using offline notebooks, which is a paid feature. Your problem appears to be with the desktop application, not the mobile application. Anyways, you're saying that you opened the Evernote application on your MacBook, and it gave you a sign-in screen? What happened wen you tried to sign in? Perhaps a screen shot of the sign in screen would help...
  2. And the "so-called "classic"" version to boot as far as I can tell from your screen shot, which is quite old and wonky and also -- I think -- no longer under development. You should try a newer version. So not the Windows client. Moving to the web client subforum.
  3. Hey, shoutout to super-@Shane D., benevolent overlord, ringmaster and hall monitor of these forums! Thanks for being here, among whatever else you do behind the scenes. And that goes to point up what I really like about these videos: showing us the human faces behind Evernote in an accessible way. It's easy to think of an organization as a faceless entity, walled off from its users & clients. But I know that's wrong -- building software is a human endeavor, with all the attendant problems: personality clashes, egos, uncertainties and all, and getting a team to come together to produce something that's useful to many other humans -- millions in the case of Evernote -- is a pretty impressive thing. So seeing what Everfolks are up to, talking about why they make the design/development choices that they do, how they think about problems, that's all is interesting to me. So no feature suggestions here, no advice on how to run your company, no questions I need answers to. I'm a fan, and have been for 10+ years now. Something in the core concepts of Evernote resonated in me, and they're still there, and I'm glad that Evernote is still here too. Thanks for checking in with us.
  4. We're talking about the native Windows application here. The UI is written in native Windows, not WebUI. Rewriting that UI would be a pain point, and not cheap, as alluded to by @dconnetabove. This would not be an "easy win". Note that the Windows application is probably not going away. In the post by Evernote CEO here, he says:: If that means that the Windows native application stays, then dark mode remains a problem. If it means a complete replacement of the current native application with something that supports local stores, then yes, you'll probably get dark mode support. The danger there is if the full range of power user oriented facilities available in the current, then they risk using a lot of dedicated Evernote users who've invested a lot to make Evernote work for them. I doubt that they'd do that. Also note that there was was -- unsurprisingly -- no mention of when such a thing would be delivered. I've found posts (and participated in them) asking for other things since 2008/2009 (nested notebooks, improved search language, etc.). Prioritization is not a magic wand that makes things get done. Everything has a cost, and that cost must be balanced against other competing concerns: if we do X, then we can't do Y. One of my favorite takes on this is Minus 100 Points. Don't get me wrong -- dark mode is a popular request, and an important usability/accessibility feature for some folks, and I do sympathize, but I'm also sympathetic to the plight of the developers.
  5. I do that every once in awhile, for no real reason that I can come up with, but I always seem to drag my butt (and my 2 cents) back in again eventually...
  6. [I know you're replying to someone else] Just to be clear, I never meant to imply that they were related, just coincident in the same 8.10 releases. Given the choice of having one or the other fixed, I'd choose having performance back up to speed first. Hopefully they get to the other one shortly. Ah yeah. Forum "ignore" functionality can be your friend...
  7. Sometimes a release gets pushed out earlier that is desired because it contains a fix for a far more serious problem. I'm not saying that this is the case here, but the 8.11 release does appear to fix a major performance slowdown, something that would almost certainly affect more users than a problem with horizontal rules, annoying though it is. Hopefully they'll move on to fix that sooner rather than later.
  8. This is a different request than ability to change note background color. Suggest you check into @DTLow's link if you're a Windows user (though it sounds like changes are slim in the short term for that OS), or try adding your vote/comments to the general request here:
  9. Can't say for sure, but the left panel is newer UI, I believe, and maybe they designed in dark mode up front.The Evernote dev folks would know a lot better, and it does appear that they've already done some kind of initial estimation, but beyond that I couldn't say.
  10. That's in the note, and not in the UI, which I think is where @dconnet was coming from, at least per the post above: You don't get UI dark mode support for free in Win32, so it then becomes a question of level-of-effort prioritization. Which doesn't seem likely at the moment...
  11. Ha-ha -- no idea how I stumbled across the Shift+Click thingie. Probably it's just that by now it's just one-of-the-things-to-try when poking around. I don't know about an AutoHotkey solution. You'll have to wait until one of the AHK gurus comes around -- I've used it in the past, but found it to be more bother than it had worth for me.
  12. ...including Evernote. Many apps are now 64-bit (we ship 32- and 64-bit versions of our software), but still use much the same Windows API as the 32-bitters. Speaking for my company, we won't be making any attempt to make UWP or any other versions, any time soon. Part of that is level-of-effort (large and oainful), demand for UWP apps (small to non-existent), and belief that backwards-compatibility to old Win32 style apps is not going away any time soon (pretty certain). Now I'm curious about the situation in Linux, with its roots in the 70's... but then again, so does MacOS..
  13. OK, this is a feature request, and it's valid so we'll see how the voting goes. Me, I can't recall a similar request, though I do recall lots of jawing back and forth about the auto-titling procedure; that doesn't make this an invalid request, though. Anyways, one thing is true: the Evernote API currently requires a note title length to be greater than 0. From the docs at https://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/javadoc/constant-values.html#com.evernote.edam.limits.Constants.EDAM_NOTEBOOK_NAME_LEN_MIN, we can see that the constant EDAM_NOTEBOOK_NAME_LEN_MIN is set to 1. So that's why a not must have a title in Evernote, though why that initial decision was made is beyond my knowledge. As regards the inconsistency of titles assigned to notes that have none, it may be a OS client based thing, or there may be legacy changes in the various clients. It would be nice for some consistency there.
  14. This is a bug. I was able to replicate the problem in the Chrome PDF viewer. The web clipper screen shot actually captured was shifted to the right from the point I specified when I drew the clip box. This being a "Possible Bugs / Technical Issues" forum, it's a fair place to post the problem. Maybe going through tech support will yield a fix more rapidly, but I kinda doubt it. Still needs to be prioritized with respect to ongoing work and other bugs.
  15. The ability to access a local file system would be great not only for auto import of content via watched folders, but also for import of arbitrary .enex files (for home-brew templates, perhaps), and export of same (for backup purposes).
  16. This is not true. A file is never updated in when using import folders in the Windows or Mac Evernote applications: a new note is always created if a file in the import folder is updated.
  17. Unclear. Official word is sparse, but there's this: https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313748-Evernote-on-Linux. Not sure how old that is, but it's pretty similar to a post from the then CTO in 2009 (!): If the web version improves enough, that may be sufficient for many Linux users. Given the push towards greater conformity among the different Evernote applications, that may be the strategy for Linux. In any case, here's the main Linux client request topic; you should probably go there and add your vote:
  18. Feedback here is good, because not everyone here is a member of the Facebook community.
  19. You can select multiple notes in the Android application. It's not obvious, but if you long-press on a note in the note list, it switches to a view where you can select/deselect notes, and then use a menu to perform certain operations, tag and duplicate, to name a couple. No merge or mass delete at this time though, as far as I can tell.
  20. More explicit about what can be done = good, use of more of the limited screen space = not so good. UI is often a balance that way. And it's often assumed that UI is less work than the underlying machinations required to get the job done, but it's often really not. Getting it "right" is not an objective process, hence the requirement for user feedback loops. . You need to offer enough access to what the user wants to do without overwhelming them with options or extraneous information. There's a real art that can go into a seemingly simple button.
  21. This is standard Windows UI practice, meaning you're suppose to add the '...' if a dialog will follow immediately, but nothing in the Windows API enforces that either way, which makes it a convention and not every user knows that that's the convention. Again, the right-click on an item is supposed to show a context menu for that item (a notebook in this case), so "Delete..." should be expected to refer to that notebook, but sometimes developers cram all sorts of extra stuff in there, so it's not always clear. "Delete Notebook..." would be better (and also match up with the documentation).
  22. It does say "Delete..", and the context should be pretty clear, since the user right-clicked on a notebook. But it should be changed to "Delete Notebook..." to be consistent with the documentation, yes.
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