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Everything posted by jefito

  1. So how do they do that? Press the Turbo button? Turn it to 11? I mean, I understand what you're asking for, and why it's useful, but "improve their search engine speed" is one of those things that's easy to propose, but not necessarily easy to do. Some of the more technical commentary from Evernote employee @rezecib here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/110018-why-oh-why-is-there-no-literal-search-in-evernote/#comment-504507 and here: https://discussion.evernote.com/topic/94874-searching-for-exact-phrase-general/?tab=comments#comment-504506
  2. This is pretty clearly a feature request, so let's make it official... go ahead and vote y'all...
  3. You are probably using the Evernote web beta, which doesn't support this (see https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/209006027). You should probably switch to the "current" version. From the link above:
  4. I'd start here: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/527-customer-supportbilling/
  5. Merged to existing feature request in Windows Feature Request forum.
  6. You just posted in it. Or, if you're old enough:
  7. Would the people making requests here please specify which Evernote clients they are referring to? The OP talked about the web client, but also referenced the desktop versions. But in the Windows Evernote, the sidebar displays notebooks organized by stack, so stacks are shown in the sidebar: Notebooks Stack 1 Notebook 1 Notebook 2 Stack 2 Notebook 3 Notebook 4 etc. Seems confusing as to what's being asked for for which Evernote client...
  8. This is a particularly clueless "argument". First, your company owns your computer, not you. You, the employee , have no expectation of privacy when you use company resources (Internet access, computing equipment, etc.). If you put personal information on your company's computer, it's de facto not private. In general, it is in no way illegal for the company to access the data on their own equipment; if you think otherwise, then reference specific court cases that prove it. https://www.privacyrights.org/consumer-guides/workplace-privacy-and-employee-monitoring
  9. It's fun & exciting to speculate on degree-of-difficulty issues in changing someone else's software system. In the interest in supplying some extra context, some quick thoughts: Evernote technical blog posts on Evernote architectural features -- a little dated, I think, but overall should still be relevant (modulo the fact that Evernote now does live in the cloud -- rather than their own servers): https://evernote.com/blog/whysql/ https://evernote.com/blog/so-api-together-evernote-and-thrift/ https://evernote.com/blog/a-digest-of-evernotes-architecture/ The tech blog repository is here, for further perusal: https://evernote.com/blog/category/tech/ So somethoughts abotu the analysis offered The API: adding new fields means updating the API, used both by Evernote and 3rd-party applications. What are the implications of an API change? (Evernote Developer docs here: https://dev.evernote.com/doc/, API Reference here: http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/http://dev.evernote.com/doc/reference/) At a guess, adding the pinning feature is most likely a bit (cough) more than just adding a Pinned boolean. Pinning as implemented by in reminders also includes an ordering (reminderOrderTime). I'd assume that that would be desirable here as well. How much more development time this might take would be guesswork. UI work seems to be underplayed in the analysis, given that pinning is not an on/off operation (or shouldn't be) Policy stuff: Is 'pinning' a local or gobal property? I.e., if I share a note or notebook with someone else, do my pinned notes become someone else's pinned notes? Reminder state, including reminder order is shared (it's persisted in the ENML). If that's desired for normal note pinning, then the ENML spec must change as well. Is pinning a note in the new way independent of pinning in the old reminder way? I.e., if you pin a note in the new way, is it automatically pinned in reminders as well? Note that nowhere here am I suggesting that this couldn't or shouldn't be done, or making any claims on feasibility. Just providing a little more context for the armchair quarterbacks among us (I do it too!)...
  10. Well, actually it would be a stack hierarchy, because stacks aren't notebooks. That being said, nesting stacks would probably be closer in spirit to the common folder/file tree metaphor,. In any case, you might look at the following to see how you might approach using tags to organize:
  11. So let's see -- you've had 10 years to figure things out, knowing about the Evernote architecture which has barely changed in all that time (they added stacks), and your're pissed at them??? Oh, and had you read what I linked to, Evernote *are* indeed "considering" adding nested hierarchies. They're just not able to do it currently. And no promises there, either, but "considering" is not synonymous with "implementing". You should consider asking for help in your restructuring effort. There are folks here who will gladly help.
  12. Nobody's forcing you to do anything, but if you want to use Evernote, you have to figure out how to organize your notes using notebooks (non-nestable), stacks (which can only hold notebooks) and tags (nestable). There are many way to approach using tags. A lot depends on what you're trying to do. That being said, Evernote are aware of the desire for nested notebooks. You might be interested in the following.
  13. Tags in the beta are shown along the bottom of the note, on the left side. At least that's what I see, on Chrome for Windows.
  14. If it's up to date, that information would be perfect content for.... the Web category that should exist in: https://discussion.evernote.com/forum/536-evernote-betas/...
  15. Just to add some additional clarity (or maybe additional confusion??), in a user's Account Summary page, the latest version is referred to as the "beta" version, the older version is called the "current" version, and the oldest version is called the "classic" version.
  16. It is known that the separate reminder list does not show in the Windows client when one of the list views (vertical or horizontal) is used, which is what the original poster is using, and what they are asking for. There is no setting for turning it on in list mode. Notes with reminders, being just notes, are always viewable just like other notes are. But the reminder list in only viewable in snippet, card, or thumbnail views in the Evernote Windows client.
  17. As far as I know, it's by design. It's been this way since Reminders were introduced. Possibly on the assumption that folks who use list views don't want extra clutter (i.e., replicated notes). Anyhow, it's certainly awkward that you can't have reminders in list views if you want them (modulo @DTLow's tip that you can always show reminders via filtering), but that lands it in the "feature request" bucket, not the "bug" bucket, the way I see it.
  18. This is mainly a user forum. If you want technical support, you should probably start here:
  19. You do understand that "minor mishap" was meant ironically, right?
  20. Everyone in the software world is concerned with this, but the Halting Problem being what it is, it hasn't been solved yet, at least in the large scale. Humans in the loop mean bugs are always possible, this on a day when Facebook announced a minor mishap of their own: https://www.cnn.com/2019/03/21/tech/facebook-password-database/index.html
  21. I hope that we'll get nice version-specific notes for the beta releases, as we do for the Windows betas. Also -- OT, but... -- is it time for a web client beta forum?
  22. Because Evernote developers added a "dark mode" panel, which has nothing to do with any Windows-supported dark mode? Otherwise it would just respond to Windows dark mode setting, right? Well, obviously they're working on other stuff -- or more likely, per the CEO's blog post -- focusing attention on fixing bugs, improving stability and consistency , etc., rather than adding new functionality. In other words, the developers have been things to work on that the company (not the developers) has deemed to be higher priority. Is this a surprise?
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