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Everything posted by jefito

  1. Sorry for the topic drift; it happens sometimes. We are all volunteers, not Evernote employees, and we can't fix Evernote. We often are able to help other folks to use Evernote better; If you want better forum help, then feel free to pitch in.
  2. Well, stacks too, even if their implementation is a little evanescent... Main feature request for an Evernote archive facility is here:
  3. We tend to repeat certain types the advice because: Nested notebooks do not exist in Evernote currently: Tags and stacks/notebooks (and Spaces in the business product) are all of the facilities that Evernote has to organize user notes. It would be exceedingly dumb and useless to suggest that someone should use facilities that don't exist. It's a long thread, and not everyone takes the time to read all -- or even much -- of it. Some Evernote users don't know that tags can be nested, and can be used in a file system-y way to organize and navigate their notes. Yes, at least in in the Windows application, I can just drop a note on a tag (a facility that should exist in all Evernote platforms). Giving that advice in no way lessens the effect of other Evernote users' advocacy for nested notebooks. It doesn't lessen the vote total since there's no downvoting (and I'd guess that more than one person who gives out the "try tags" advice has also upvoted the request), nor does it make Evernote forget that there's a demand for them. We cannot change Evernote ourselves and have no influence over Evernote's direction than any other user here; the best we can do is to get other users to use Evernote -- as it exists -- better. So sorry that it's tiresome to you., but it's all just practical advice, and in no way is it meant to rain on your day; in fact, it's not intended for you, since you've already concluded that tags don't work for you.
  4. On Android, fo rme, it just goes straight to the Youtube app and plays. Not sure why it would be different for you.
  5. Moving on is certainly an option, as is putting particular members on 'ignore', which is what I'll be doing for your benefit shortly. For the benefit of the forums, though, you should remember that personal insults and name-calling are expressly forbidden, per the Forum Code of Conduct, #1. Whatever you may think of me or other folks here personally, you should probably keep out of the forums. And you you may not believe this, I really do hope that Evernote finds a way to please you. Meantime, I'll head back to trying to help other users where I can. Good luck.
  6. Ooh, you went there, and pulled out the "fan-boy" blah-blah. Yawn. Anyways, you really are getting real answers from real people who just happened to have used Evernote for a long time, and have found it works for us. The approach I laid out (use a tool for what it's good for) applies to many other things than Evernote; it's actually good advice. As it happens, Evernote works well for me, and I've never spent a second wishing for nested notebooks. But other folks have, and have validly asked for them; it's all understandable, and if they're not getting it here, there is a horde of other alternatives that may work better for them. It's no skin off my nose: they *should* use tools that work for them. More power to them. And hey, I make suggestions, too, which haven't been implemented, and I haven't found that it bothered me all that much. The reasons that Evernote appealed to me are still valid. For other real people who have actual problems with using Evernote, the so-called "fan-boys" are around to help them out, so I'll leave things at that.
  7. Uh-huh, sure. People have been saying this sort of thing for the 10 years this request has been around. It's a perfectly good and useful mentality, as it relates to practicality. If the tool you have doesn't do what you want/need it to do, then you should seek another tool, rather than wait around for it to magically grow the capability you require.
  8. This works fine. I use it fairly often. Just checked again, to make sure: it worked. I would. That works fine in, say, MS Word, and also the Evernote Windows application.
  9. Looks like you're still listed as an employee: https://discussion.evernote.com/search/?q=dconnet&type=core_members
  10. This exists for mobile (Android and iOS) as a premium feature, but not for desktop (Windows, Mac); Windows has a different solution, which is "On demand sync", which is not on a notebook basis. I don't know about the Mac. For web access, it doesn't matter. So get a business account, separate from your personal account. You can share notebooks between accounts, if you need access to notes in the other account. I do this. I have two accounts, work (free) and personal (paid). Several shared notebooks. Not a problem for me, though now it's easier when I work at home, because I can have my whole work account open in a separate Evernote instance (another premium feature). I have no idea what you mean by "an abuse of Evernote free accounts". What's the abuse?
  11. I tried the beta and the classic web versions (not the old old version). I found that if I copied an image from a web site or using the Evernote screen clipper, I could paste into a note in both versions. But if, from Explorer, I right click on an image and select "Copy", that will not paste in either version. Using the ClipSpy clipboard utility, I can see that the clipboard contents are different in kind. The copy from File Explorer doesn't appear to have the image bits; it uses a reference to the original file. Copying from a web site or via an Evernote screen clip does have the image bits on the clipboard.
  12. I've always appreciated your input in the forums -- thanks for that. I thought that Evernote alumni were given a forum presence that indicated that they had been Evernote staff. Good luck with your new job. Hopefully it's exciting for you. Quite a difference from working on a general purpose consumer-oriented application and a very specialized application. Since I'm a likely candidate for a minimally invasive procedure some years down the road, please do good work.
  13. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/articles/208313858-How-to-use-note-history-to-view-older-versions-of-a-note
  14. Yeah, if they weren't maintained locally, then there'd have to be hooks in the API for thumbnails, which I don't see (though it could be stored as a special resource, I suppose, or the API could have changed), and they'd need to be synced. Something seems familiar about you, stranger...
  15. Well, the weird thing is that my phone exhibited two different behaviors in the same day. Hard for me to understand what's going on, though I won't rule out user error...
  16. I do some nesting for organizational purposes, but I'm not too rigorous about it, and don't spend much time organizing them. Some tags are used in different contexts but can only exist in one spot in the tree, a true hierarchy isn't possible. I don't often use the tag tree for note navigation/browsing. I prefer iterative tag filtering when I can get it: type in a tag name (with as-you-type suggestions), select it, and further tag suggestions are based on the note set that has all of any previous tags. In any case, max # levels in my personal is 4, and in my work account, 5. Tags typically have shortish names (no compound names), probably averaging 7 letters. If all tags are not going to be shown, it would be very nice to have a way of forcing certain tags to the front of a note's tag list (possibly via a special prefix character?, e.g. '#' '@', '!', etc?). Also, it would be nice if the same collating sequence was used across all platforms, so that tags order identically.
  17. On my phone, with Evernote open and a note on-screen, the screen goes off as normal after a couple of minutes, both while on battery or charging. Edit: this with a Droid Turbo phone, Android 6.0.1, Evernote version 8.11. Edit Edit: OK, this is weird. I had a few thoughts on the way home, and when I got here, I'm not seeing the screen turn off any more. Seemingly same scenario. Now I'm not sure just exactly what's up. Anyways, a setting for this would be nice. I would want the screen to stay on when I'm in a meeting, most of the rest of the time, I'd be fine with it turning off. Oh, and I wonder whether motion sensor input might be useful, as in don't turn it off if the device moves withing some time frame.
  18. Is there any way to do this? Not In Evernote, no. You could try copy/pasting the table into a spreadsheet, sorting there, and then pasting over the original on in your note.
  19. Yep, and I thought about adding that, but decided to stick to what they were showing. Thanks for the screen cap, btw.
  20. A long awaited improvement. Looks reasonable, given the form factor constraints. That will be a nice addition to the mobile clients. I'll need to pick up the "Tag Kingdom" meme now. Note: I was a little surprised by the claim that Android client's Tags view doesn't show the tag hierarchy. I certainly see it on my device. If a tag has subtags, then on the right hand side, there is an indicator showing number of tags, with a right arrow. Tap on that, and you see the subtags. Regardless, this looks like a nice step forward, with lots of nice usability stuff and improved consistency. I continue to enjoy this series. Thanks.
  21. I merged your post with the existing discussion for this feature No, there is no "pin" feature for notebooks You can force the note to the top of the list by manipulating the note title and dates Another way is to make the note a reminder note.
  22. Note that Evernote does OCR the way they do it because OCR is imperfect. The way that they do OCR will allow them to make multiple guesses for the same piece of text, thus possibly helping search results. You stand a poorer chance of finding what you're looking for if the OCR has missed a word, so Evernote can put multiple potential matches in. You can see this in notes exported to Evernote format that have Evernote-generated OCR; each potential word is given a pixel location in the image, and you can sometimes find overlaps. The flip side of this is that this strategy (and maybe other considerations) makes copying text from the image problematic. For example, how are alternative matches handled? Do they appear all together? How about overlapping matches? I'm not saying that the ability to copy text from Evernote OCR'd images shouldn't or couldn't be done, just that it's trickier in this case than it map appear to be.
  23. *shrug* Seemed like a reasonable response to what you asked: I vaguely remember some discussion around that in the forums with an Evernote developer, that I thought contained some of the justification, but I couldn't come up with it, and it's possible I'm misremembering it. You could try searching the forums for it.
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