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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. FYI, this is still a problem for me on 10.5 with a large notebook. Leaving the display on and running all night and the app will eventually crash while downloading this notebook. Once that happens, the app becomes unstable and I have to delete and reinstall. I did report this to support and eventually got to the developers who requested log files, and then thanked me, confirmed it was a problem and closed the ticket. Smaller notebooks download fine but I'm not holding out much hope that this will get fixed for larger notebooks.
  2. I hope that you are right but this is one feature that Evernote has said (so far) is not returning.
  3. Sorry to report, but this is not completely fixed. At least for me. The variable appears to be notebook size. If notebooks have (guess) less than 1000 notes, everything does seem to work fine. The problem is with large notebooks. I have one that is about 8000 notes. It will get about 2/3 the way through and then the app will crash. Restarting just causes the app to crash. Eventually I have to delete the app and reinstall. This is very repeatable. I have plenty of available local storage on the device so that is not the issue. This happens on both an iPhone 11 and iPad Air 4th gen, using EN version 10.4.
  4. This is a consistent problem for me as well. If I keep the app open long enough it will start to misbehave. Note content may be blank, searching breaks or scanned notes don’t completely show up. Closing and restarting the app does fix it, but the problem is a nuisance.
  5. It is the offline notebook download progress indicator. I don’t how long you have been waiting, but if it has been a while maybe, as a first step, exit and restart. I’ve had success in downloading similar sized notebooks, but my 7000 note notebook still can’t complete. It has been frustrating for me, but others have reported success.
  6. That captures my wish list pretty well too. I agree with your comments on number one. I think I have a better chance of winning the lottery.
  7. This is a well done mea culpa. I would be interested to know how well they communicated the changes they took before they rolled out the poorly received version. Acknowledging they screwed up is one thing. Far better to accurately and honestly communicate changes before they occur, especially if they may negatively impact their customers.
  8. No one can tell, honest 😄 Putting my cynical hat on, EN is not trying to please premium users. They already have our money. Some have left. I doubt it has been a flood ... yet. Their hope is to attract enough new paying members to compensate for those that left and grow the business. This would have been a true disaster if they didn’t keep legacy around. A key decision for them will be when they decide to remove legacy and at what state v10 will be at that time. Many premium members are waiting and watching. I think a key miss by Evernote was maybe not realizing that anyone willing to spend ~$70 a year for a note app is very likely using it to the fullest with specialized workflows. Releasing v10 when they did likely affected every premium user in some way, and many significantly.
  9. This dashboard, for the most part is essentially another view with the addition of a built in scratch pad. It loads in about the same time as other views as best as I can tell. There have been requests for this and I suspect many will like it. For my use, it doesn’t provide anything I need, but it is nice to see some new features added. I’m puzzled that it has been added to basic. I think it should have been left out and used as a differentiator for Premium.
  10. Sure, have at it, but, and we have had this discussion before, I think those examples are apples and oranges. Both Evernote and Workflowy can be considered note apps with different features. I'm suggesting that a feature Workflowy has be implemented in Evernote. Links are useful, but I still have to go to the other app to search. I think it makes more sense to suggest Word as a workaround. At least that file can be attached and searched by Evernote. Agreed.
  11. Not that I'm aware of. You can export notebooks no longer used, store them elsewhere, and then delete them from your database, but that will also delete them from the server the next time it is sync'd. The Windows legacy version has a feature called sync on demand that allows you to have a keep a smaller database footprint on your PC, but I don't think Mac ever had that feature.
  12. IMO not when it requires storing notes in a separate app and then searching both to find what you need. Workflowy is a work around and its existence is not a valid reason to suggest that Evernote not consider adding this feature. We are going to have to agree to disagree on this one. I agree with this in general, when the attached files are searchable. Can a Workflowy file be attached to an Evernote and be searchable? I don't think so, but I have not tried. I would suggest merging this with the older thread. I voted that one up years ago.
  13. I don’t use the iOS clipper much. It works ok for me. Not great, but ok. What I really dislike though is having to go to the app before the clip is saved into Evernote. This is also standard behavior on the Mac when scanning. I really hope they find a way to remove this intermediate step.
  14. You are not alone. many of us would like to see collapsible sections added to Evernote. Workflowy is a nice app and would give you an immediate work around if you need that ability now, but it requires you to store notes in two apps and search both unless you go through the bother of exporting one and storing it into the other. IMO this is a more useful feature than the recently added cross out list feature, and Evernote went through the time and effort to add that. Including this should be considered also. This is becoming a standard feature in Evernote‘a competitive space.
  15. My offline notebook is about 1/2 your size. I’m over 24 hours and about 1/3 complete. Still downloading so fingers crossed it will complete. It has not on prior versions, so this is a good test for me.
  16. I think those that made heavy use of tag hierarchy in Evernote, and want to maintain that, will have more of a challenge finding an app replacement without some restructuring first.
  17. I tried to import one of my local notebooks into Onenote, and it cranked away for over 8 hours. Then after completion told me that about 1000 notes could not be imported. I haven’t looked into this any further. I tried Devonthink a year or so ago and that appeared to import everything flawlessly. At least as best as I could tell with some cursory checking. Since it is a Mac app, it is not a work solution for me, but I was interested in trying it out.
  18. I just installed the green and I prefer the white as well. I already have Todoist in a side panel and don’t need another. It has been reported that the Evernote Outlook clipper has been removed from v10. If that is the green version and we will still have access to the white one then I guess I don’t understand what the concern is. The functionality seemed pretty similar to me.
  19. Maybe, but I think most of us are pragmatic. Sure, we use and like Evernote and hope they succeed. That is why we are here, but if the pain is great enough and there is a better alternative out there, I'll jump ship and not look back. There is a lot of new and interesting development in this app space, which I follow, but for my needs, currently the EN legacy version is still the best.
  20. I've only had and used the white icon version. I wasn't aware of the other, green icon version. This is on my work system where I am using the legacy Evernote. Is the white icon version available for v10, or is neither available? I use the Outlook Windows client and not the web version.
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