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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. I've seen this as well on Mac. I got so frustrated at one point I instead created the task on iPhone which did work.
  2. Outlining is a long requested, and I agree, a very useful feature to add to the editor. Maybe now that EN is under new management it will get considered and added into the backlog. It would be especially helpful if combined with intra-note linking was added at the same time.
  3. Well, not sure why it isn't working for you, but that method does work for others using a Mac, including me.
  4. Is the task syncing issue related to these changes? If so, I'll sit tight and wait and see. If not I'll enter a bug report. In particular, recurring tasks that have been marked complete reappear and do not get pushed to the new date. It does seem to be intermittent and I'm experiencing it more on the Mac than the iPhone.
  5. Yes, surprisingly and it just worked, no fiddling required. There are basically three commands. init - You run this initially. It logs you in and creates a local SQL database sync - this then downloads your EN database to the local copy. First time is a full download. Subsequent runs only downloads changes. The initial download for me with 10k notes took about an hour. export - this step creates enex files for each notebook. This runs from the local copy so is pretty quick. There is no option that I’ve seen for creating only selected notebooks. It creates then all. I’ll run the sync fairly often but will export only occasionally.
  6. Thank you. I actually understand that part of the problem. The issue that I'm running into is creating an executable AppleScript that will run consistently. What I have runs fine in the script editor, but is inconsistent when run stand alone. I'll get it figured out. I was surprised that Mac didn't have something similar either. I was a Windows user since well, the beginning and switched to a Mac about seven years ago. I'm a photography enthusiast and it seemed like Mac was the platform to be on so I thought I would give it a try. I found nothing magical about the Mac. It did seem like I was constantly googling to figure out things that I thought should be obvious, but weren't, at least to me. We have iPhones and iPads and there is an advantage having all Apple devices, but other than that, I'm underwhelmed. I think both OSes are fine. It is just what you get used to. That said, I've never had a Mac blue screen and did many times on Windows, but less often in the later years. Thanks for the Task Till Dawn pointer. I'll check it out.
  7. As best as I can tell MAC OS doesn't have a utility similar to Task Scheduler, and to accomplish the same is a little more involved, but I'm plugging away at it. I have noticed that the export option doesn't overwrite and is only all notebooks and not selected ones, but I'm ok with that.
  8. I found this to be surprisingly easy to set up on a Mac. Thanks for the pointer. It does appear to be all notebooks only, which is fine for me. The challenge I have is figuring out how to automate and schedule this. I've never dug into AppleScript before, but maybe it is time. Though setting a recurring task and running the backup manually once a week is not a big deal either, but automating it would be nice.
  9. I'm not sure if it is the same issue or different, but I had the problem with stuck tasks that would not sync. The fix, for me, was to sign out of the account, and select to not save the data forcing a new download of the database when you log back in.
  10. Woah … ease up there cowboy. We don’t want to give them any ideas.
  11. I’m I healthy skeptic when it comes to AI integration with anything, but I’ll wait to see what they come up with before criticizing it. I suspect BS will be leveraging some in-house technology. It may be they felt that Evernote was a good fit for some of the tech they had and may have been one of the reasons for the purchase. Just a guess, but either way, I’m curious to see what they come up with.
  12. I also jumped ship from Todoist to Evernote tasks. I wasn’t a heavy user of all the Todoist features so it was a pretty easy transition for me. I do enjoy paying for one less software subscription.
  13. I’ve yet to find the perfect software for me. Each one either isn’t a good fit or irritates me in some way. I was very close to jumping ship after V10 was available so ran Legacy in parallel for quite a while. V10 improved enough that eventually it became good enough and was the best option for me. I had to alter my use case some and put up with some irritating UI design choices, but I would have had to do that anyway if I moved to another app. If you haven’t given V10 a good test drive recently. I suggest you do. It has improved noticeably.
  14. Microsoft Exchange is required so if you are using the stand alone client then you are SOL. That said you can forward emails into your account instead. I set up a short nickname for my Evernote email and then just forwarded to that. It is not as clean or nice as the plug in, but it works fine. I did it that way for a long time before there was a plug-in.
  15. They have made it clear they want the user base on v10. Legacy is not supported. If you don't like v10, that's fine but I would highly suggest you work on a plan B. Legacy is likely short lived.
  16. FWIW, I'll add a few comments as well. 1. I liked it too but now that I've switched over to V10 full time, I find I don't miss it. Maybe I wasn't using it that much. 2. Fonts - on Legacy there were many that used multiple devices and found that some fonts weren't present on other devices so other fonts were substituted that caused formatting to be different on each device. There were many, many forum complaints. For V10 they went the other direction and choice a few fonts that they could consistently use on all devices. There is no right answer for this one. One group, or the other will be unhappy. Maybe in time additional fonts will be added. 3. I agree this should be a setting. Maybe it will come eventually. Personally it doesn't bother me. 4. Are you referring to Outlook mail, or calendar. I believe mail integration is already out. There is a help file out there. Outlook calendar integration is in beta and will be out eventually. The best reason to switch from Legacy to V10, or to another program, is that it will eventually stop working. It is already unsupported, and now that the new sync architecture has been rolled out, which Legacy does not support, I doubt it will remain viable for much longer.
  17. I’m an avid YNAB user as well. I’ve seen some very creative uses of Evernote but there is no way the functionality of YNAB could be shoehorned into Evernote. Two very completely different beasts.
  18. I think of it more as make it look “right” 😀. Granted this isn’t the highest priority or a must have (at least for me) but there are a number of minor usability issues that I hope the new team is willing to take on that would reduce friction for many users.
  19. Just a logout didn’t work for me. I had to let the server reinstall the database. That was the key part.
  20. I had the same issue on my Mac. A reinstall also did not fix it. The fix for me was to log out, and then when it asks if you want to keep your data, say no. You want it to download a new copy from the server.
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