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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. Legacy is no longer supported and requires the company to maintain two different sync structures. No one has said how much longer it will still mostly work, but it won’t be indefinitely and I’ll be surprised if it is still around this time next year.
  2. @agsteele has a link to the support request in his post signature, in his response to you above.
  3. I was also a local notebook user. Early in V10 when you first installed it, it would see that you had local notebooks and ask if you wanted them moved to sync'd notebooks. Attachments were maintained, and I "think" metadata was too. It has been a while since I've done this, but it sounds like newer versions of V10 no longer look for local notebooks and provide this conversion option. It might be useful to submit a help ticket. Maybe there is an early V10 version they can point you too that will migrate your local notebooks over and then you can upgrade to the latest version.
  4. Others have complained about the location of the AI button and I agree. They are promoting the feature so I understand why they put it where they did, but for those of us that don't want to use it, it would be nice to be able to move it to the far right. As others have said AI cleanup is inactive (does nothing) unless you click on the button and then it only activates on that one note which you can then undo if done accidentally or you don't like the results. I'm not sure what is happening about you losing random data. I don't see how it could be related to the new AI function, but it might be related to the new sync mechanism. I would suggest entering a help ticket for that.
  5. Just to be clear, I wasn’t knocking BS (unfortunate abbreviation - I’m not using it to be disparaging) at all. I was knocking EN. Off the top of my head I honestly can’t think of any of the, say, top five requests that were ever implemented. Obviously they were getting input from somewhere. Maybe if they had listened to the forum feedback a little more it wouldn’t be under new ownership.
  6. Well, each version does have new fixes so step one is ensuring you are on the latest version. Other steps at the top include rebooting and/or reinstalling. Not surprisingly, those steps fix many problems. Pointing you to the forum is not terrible either since there maybe someone here that also experienced the issue and can tell you how they fixed it.
  7. Yes, those “I’ve been hacked” posts are the ones that I was referring to. They are the ones that I read with interest because with any cloud service I’m concerned about a data breach. In those cases somehow their password got out. We don’t know how. I suspect that in many cases (maybe all) users have been reusing passwords in their Evernote accounts and that password has been picked up from somewhere else, and they didn’t have 2FA enabled. In your specific case, did you have 2FA enabled and did your account have a unique password? If there was a true data breach at Evernote, I think there would be more than a few posts in the forum and the media would be all over it.
  8. Personally, I think it is too soon and the jury is still out on whether BS will listen to forum recommendations, but I’m hopeful. EN, on the other hand, I felt, never listened to forum input and I thought it was pointless to vote up suggestions since it didn’t seem to matter. Hopefully BS will be more receptive.
  9. At least you are getting an audio record. I would say that half the time I make a recording a record never gets made. This is on iOS. I start the recording, after a period of time the screen blanks, as expected, and then when I activate the phone to stop the recording later I find that the recording quit and never saved. It got to the point that I can’t rely on that function so instead use a separate app and then forward the audio file to Evernote for storage.
  10. I must admit, my understanding of your post was similar to @gazumped. Unless you see Evernote Staff next to the name we are also fellow users, like you. Concerning data breaches, are you referring to them in general, like Lastpass, or specifically to Evernote? There have been many data breaches at other companies that are concerning to all, but specific to Evernote, like @PinkElephant mentioned, I’m not aware of any. There have been numerous reports in the forums but all have been due to stolen passwords and 2FA not enabled. None have been due to Evernote’s mishandling of our data. If you are aware of something specific, please let us know. We would all be interested in that. You mention it lacks tons of functions. Well, a little more detail would be helpful. Is this in comparison to Legacy, other note apps or what you would like to see included? Early V10 was a mess but it has gotten significantly better. Enough so that many of us have switched over from Legacy. Duplicate notes were a big problem for many but the new sync does appear to have fixed that. Have you had any recent problems? Criticism of the product is welcomed and justified, but if other users see inaccuracies or different interpretations, it’s not surprising they will jump in and offer their own comments.
  11. I think ai note cleanup could be useful in some situations, but after trying it a few times I don’t plan on using it again, at least in its current implementation. As others have said, one cannot clearly tell what has changed. You press a button and poof you have a new note. Unless I spend time studying the before and after versions of the note you can’t tell if the accuracy of the note has been maintained. Writing can have shades of meaning and the ai will make its best attempt but, guaranteed, will not always get it right, which, whether a recipe or a business planning note, if wrong, could be disastrous. Bouncing between undo and redo to see the changes is unrealistic. I also think creating a separate new note is not helpful because you still need to bounce between notes and study both to see what has changed. For me to use ai note cleanup, I need to see my original note along with the proposed changes “within the same note.” Only then can I see and compare what has been done and feel comfortable accepting any changes. Ideally we should be able to accept some changes and discard others, or accept all or discard all. I find it interesting that BS led off with this instead of search ai. With search ai, if the ai results aren’t helpful you resort to the other search methods, no harm done. With ai note cleanup you are changing the note content which is a lot trickier and the barrier for customer acceptance and usage is much higher due to the accuracy concerns … my 2 cents.
  12. It can. Just create the note first with the information you want and add a task item to the note. When you later view this in the task list you are given an option to go to note if you want to see the details.
  13. Uhm… I guess you didn’t notice I was quoting and responding to someone else and not you. I also assume one smiley face wasn’t enough. My response was tongue in cheek. Concerning moving the tag location to the bottom, yes, no one was happy about that and there were a lot of complaints when that was changed. I preferred it at the top too, but am now use to the change.
  14. Just thinking but the developer may need to wait on an updated API from Evernote that supports these new features.
  15. Thanks for the Hazel pointer. I'll check it out. I was able to get the AppleScript working and scheduled. I just checked and can confirm that Evernote-backup does not support tasks. Thanks for filing the request with the developer.
  16. I just checked another Electron framework app I have and it also does not support dynamic text. Maybe it is an Electron limitation?
  17. Interesting and correct. The text in the snippet view increases, but the actual note content font size is unchanged.
  18. "Changing" hundreds of tags a day?!? Maybe you would waste less time if you got it right the first time 😁. Couldn't resist. Though, I am a little curious about a workflow that requires that level of daily tag changing and I use a far amount of tags myself.
  19. Not worried, just curious to see what they come up with, and as long as there is an undo, I'll give it a whirl.
  20. Until we are allowed to pick thumbnails, I currently find them essentially useless and turn off show images in the options. I got tired of seeing images, on web clips in particular, that have nothing to do with the note, and the work around is so painful, that I rather just turn off images. This is one of the (I think) obvious features that should, long ago, have been added. Hopefully the new management sees fit to consider this one.
  21. Changing the font size in the system accessibility menu will increase the size in Evernote and any other app that supports dynamic type.
  22. If you highlight the text and then use the web clipper, the resulting note will have the source URL in the note to the right of the title. You don't need to add it manually.
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