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Everything posted by s2sailor

  1. We have work arounds but personally I think a manual sort option would be useful. I would also like to see true note pinning. Updating the UI is supposedly on their list. I hope they consider these as well as a few others.
  2. The trouble with adding in Excel functionality is that it is a slippery slope. Where do you draw the line? I’ve seen numerous requests for basic math functions. If I need Excel functions, I attach an Excel file and then have access to all functions instead of wishing that Evernote tables had just one more Excel-like feature.
  3. This is what I received. It’s not an invoice but probably good enough for taxes. Your Evernote subscription has been paid. Your Evernote subscription has been paid on 08/24/2023 in the amount of $129.99. A charge from Evernote will appear on your next statement. Thank you for choosing Evernote. View Billing Information
  4. 10.60.1 is out now and fixes the problem for me.
  5. Crashing on 17.1.1 for me as well. Support ticket has been created.
  6. 10.60.0 is crashing on my iPad. It loads and then crashes about 5-10 seconds later. A delete and reload doesn’t fix it. I have not, and will not update my phone yet. Folks may want to wait for the .1 version.
  7. I had intermittent problems with it on my Mac and at some point it stopped working for good, or maybe I just stopped trying to get it back. It’s been a while.
  8. This was useful on the Mac when we had it, but I believe it was dropped even before v10. I think it may have been a Mac OS update that killed it.
  9. I remember that as well and was shocked to hear it. I had assumed that anyone using Evernote was likely a tag user since EN doesn't use nested notebooks. My takeaway from that podcast was that forum members were likely not representative of EN as a whole. Anything being added in, or back in, at this point, will likely be viewed through a monetization lens. Why spend development dollars on adding something if it either doesn't fix a bug or add a feature that will help increase subscriptions?
  10. Both tasks and tags are a note component, so a note tag could also be considered a task tag. It would then be helpful if Evernote added a tag filter to the task view. I think that may add what some folks are looking for.
  11. Evernote is, or was offering a 40% discount for many of those that dropped down to the free plan. To me that suggests the jury is still out on whether we may see a lower entry price point.
  12. How about your email? They send a payment acknowledgement email with some details. Maybe you still have that.
  13. I’ve seen this in other apps. Maybe it is some type of convention. If they do “fix” this then I hope they make it optional. I prefer the contrast as well.
  14. It is always helpful to be specific and describe use cases. I think we may see some formatting improvements in the future, but since presentation mode was explicitly removed from V10, I would be surprised to see that come back.
  15. That could work, but I think would require each subtask to be in a separate note. My preference would be, in general, to keep all of the subtasks in the same note so that all of the reference material is in the same note. I would be happy if we could just indent tasks like bullets.
  16. I’m a former Todoist user as well and Tasks has been a good replacement. The one feature I do miss, and haven’t found a good work around for, is subtasks.
  17. Tasks can be complicated or simple. A weekly recurring task to take out the trash does not need its own unique note. It can reside just fine in the default note. No other detail is needed. A task to buy a car, for example, greatly benefits by having a unique note where you can include any information you want about the purchase. That is where Evernote’s implementation of tasks shine. Evernote has implemented a task manager. It is uniquely structured from a traditional one. Instead of adding notes to a task you are adding tasks to a note, but it is still a task manager and if Evernote adds additional features it could compete pretty well with many stand alone ones.
  18. I don’t think there is any misunderstanding. Evernote named the new feature tasks so people are expecting a task manager. The way Evernote is structured a task is part of a note and therefore can make the note actionable but it has its own subject line and can stand alone if desired. Most of my tasks sit in the default note and have no relationship to the note other than that is where it sits. It works quite well as a minimalist task manager and with a few additions it could compete better in that space if Evernote has the inclination.
  19. This has happened sporadically to me in the past. I thought it may have been fixed until it happened again today on the Mac.
  20. Evernote has many users but the number that are changing their account status would be far less. I agree it would be a nice courtesy to send an email, but unfortunately it is becoming less standard all around. Since I’m never sure when I’ll get a confirmation email or not I’ve gotten into the habit of taking a screenshot of any account change using the web clipper as confirmation. If an email does show up I’ll merge it with the web clip to save both.
  21. Yes, there are plenty of options out there now. Pick what works best for you. Here is another link with comparisons: https://noteapps.info/apps/compare
  22. Good luck with that. v10 has a new sync technology from Legacy and they are running both currently. At some point, it is anticipated that Legacy, which hasn't been officially supported for several years now, will be turned off.
  23. This has nothing to do with Middle East politics. Evernote was sold to Bending Spoons in Italy about a year ago and the new team has been busy with many changes, some good: improved sync, and speed, and some not so good: pricing and how they are changing the free plan. Personally, I think the free plan does need to sunset, but I'm not a fan of their approach. Going from free to $129 USD is a step too far. They need a basic plan if they hope to entice any sizable amount of the free population of users over to paying customers.
  24. It looks like Evernote is doing a marketing test targeting some free users, but not all in an attempt to migrate free users over to a paid plan. They have not communicated this at all (that I've seen) but we have been guessing based on posts in the forums. It looks like the free plan may be removed at some point and they could be testing approaches on how best to manage this.
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