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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Regarding the „Remember me“ option, browsers have been „hardened“ against attack and for data security a lot since 2016, when this thread was started. If it does not work, it is most likely due to the settings of your browser, not of EN doing things wrong. At least in Safari on my Mac, it usually helps if I degrade browser security once before logging in into EN, the Web Clipper or other tools. It places the needed cookies then, and I can set security back again. If EN could „fix“ it, it would mean a serious breach of browser security has taken place, just for your comfort. So you are your own fix, if you want to make it work.
  2. „Note“ in German means a single element of music, many of them making up for a Mozart Symphony, or a piece from Guns n‘Roses. One of them makes no sense, many of the same will drive you crazy, but if different ones are combined by a maestro, the world will swing.
  3. A truth learned already in my twenties: Any real computer problem is found 80cm in front of the monitor (This was when an OS was still called MS-DOS and would mount from a 5,25“ Floppy disk). So save yourself a cup of Starbucks, pay the one-month-Upgrade and get your data back. Good luck !
  4. I think EN is sort of a Swiss knife: Able to do many things, maybe each one not as good as dedicated special programs, but in combination better for many use cases. For me the killer feature is the ability to store all sort of information in one place, structure it flexibly (without duplicates) and retrieve what I need very fast and easy. The ability to take notes or to import stuff by scanning with the mobile app comes along, but for me mainly supports the main usage. Other nice features are sharing, pdf annotations etc. I doubt there is a main use case. As a privat company, EN needs a sound percentage of paying individual and professional users to stay in business.
  5. Best way is to go to the Web Client, on a browser, by entering Evernote.com . At the top right of the page is the login. Once you are in, go to your profile. 1) Using the profiles options, you can revoke access of any device that should not be there. 2) Using the options you can change your password. Create a new one, sufficiently strong and not used for any other service. I recommend using a password manager to keep all of your passwords, and create secure ones. The web client, which you are using for this is never counted as a device. So even if a Basic account is blocked, one can always reach the EN servers here. And the changed PW should automatically work for the forum as well.
  6. Sorry you did not hear anything. This is a user forum, so it always depends on who is online, and what else to do. And yes, as you found out yourself, both smart selections are available again.
  7. So you are the guy who knows how to import that clay tablets into EN - WOW 😲 Must have been an amazing hardware setup - or were the beamed into the database by Scotty ?
  8. Nice about the pictures. Personally I use real photo library programs to organize my pics, mainly because I can sort or search there by using the EXIF-Metadata that comes with every digital picture. But I can understand why using EN is your preference. Have fun ! With importing stuff, if you want to get some feedback, you could open a new thread here in the forum for each source format you want to import. First it is easier for the „import professionals“ in the forum community to see it and give specific support, second it helps later other users who may come and search for a solution.
  9. Yes, the solution is simple: Make a list, Service and Price Add to the list your personal preferences, by giving the most important one status „1“, from there going down Sort the list by importance Make a column with the cumulative cost Now take a decision: Allocate a budget, and quit all services that are not covered, or adapt your other income / expenses to allow for all services. A mixed strategy is possible, no cost control is fatal in these days when more and more services are only offered with recurring payments. By this strategy you stay captain of your fate, here: of your spendings. To say „Hey, I do not need everything in that services package, so why do I pay“ is possible, but will not lead anywhere. It is like „Hey, I like this Porsche, but with a speed limit of 55 mph, I could do with 75 HP instead of 400“. With some things in life, it is take it or leave it. I would take the Porsche, but am still saving for my first one.
  10. Develop what you think that it advances your business model / creates value for your customers (existing and new ones) Test it, make it reliable and safe to use Release it Support it, and help your users to draw the best benefit. Listen to your users, because they will tell you what to develop This is what basically a company needs to do to improve and make their (paying) users happy. If you do it by announcing or not is a question of marketing, and I can do without it. I even get curious about the reasons when there is a lot of smoke from a small fire. Better to have a good fire with little smoke. When a company pays a lot of money for hired mouthpieces, this usually is NOT a good sign for the users (shareholders, employees, ...). What I appreciate is the clear communication from the EN CEO about the direction of the dev‘s work (consolidation, unified functions, rock solid back end etc.) and the series of videos showing of what to expect. When it is done, it will be released, I will get it, and will adapt my use case to new capabilities.
  11. There is Basic+ , it is called „Premium“. As I understand the wish to save money or to tailor a service to ones exact needs, it simply makes no sense to split bundles of features into many small pieces. The next month I may wish OCR, or note history, or whatever. EN with full features (if you need them all or not) costs less than a cup of Starbucks brew per month. I think if Basic is not enough, this is money well spend. And it is healthier than drinking too much coffee as well ...
  12. That sounds spooky. I never had any trouble like this. To me it looks like a sync issue. Normally the sync will send a „move“ command from the device to the EN Server, and from the Server to all other devices. „Move“ because deleting in EN is in fact moving the note into the „Trash“-notebook. The delete is completed later (often much later) when the trash is emptied. It seems in your case this movement of a note to the trash was not correctly executed, creating a conflict. Because the iPhone Client does not keep an own database of notes, there was probably something going wrong between the Win-client (which has a local database) and the Server. Probably you could get this solved, maybe with the help of EN support, by looking what happens on the clients (Win, IOS) and on the server when „deleting“ a note. Personally I use my iOS client often (appr. 60% of my use time) and would not enjoy to have to delete it. Good luck with sorting this out - maybe you could report on the outcome here in the forum.
  13. Funny - under European customer protection laws I can revoke any payment from my credit card within a few weeks from the booking date. If the vendor thinks he has a case, he can sue me, which will of course result in much higher cost for me if the payment was correct. But if not, I have my money back, and don’t need to bother.
  14. Paga para un Plano Premium para 1 mes. Con esto puedes abrir el note history, ir al pasado y recuperar el contenido. Puedes quitar el Abo directamente despues de pagar El mes. Te queda Este mes. y perdone , no tengo espanol en mi settings.
  15. This is what I like with my ScannerPro app: It has workflows, where you can specify the target notebook, and assign a set of standard tags to the note containing the scanned document. With less than 10 such workflows I can do 80% of my scanning/notebooking/tagging, with a very small need of retagging afterwards.
  16. From my experience, it depends: On the occasional piece of information, a mobile device is great, because it has zero setup time, and does the job on the fly. When I convert larger portions of paper into pdfs to save away, I nearly always use my ix500 to do the job. This is everything from app. 10 pages upwards. But then I do the scanning on occasion, after collecting stuff to be scanned for a week or so.
  17. There are some guys here in the thread that really know their stuff. I am sure your collection will find a new home in EN, with all the relevant facts. I do not know anything about scripting - maybe I should follow you on the trail to learn that craft. I think you will get a response - you can send anybody a direct message as well.
  18. True - and the other problem are changes that did not even make it to the server (like from mobile clients that got disabled before it could save)
  19. Should be / would be / could be ... There used to be a cooperation between EN and LinkedIn: You scanned a new contact to EN, it would make a call to the LI-profile and copy additional information to EN. On one side nice. But on the other side clearly critical concerning data privacy / security. The feature was disabled some time ago. Personally I use CamCard as my business card scanner. I think a dedicated app works better on that than a multiuse note taking app like EN. Just take - in an international context - the different unwritten rules on how a business card should look, the ways of writing down an address etc. CC let you switch countries before scanning to make up for this. CamCard has the option to send the scanned cards information right into my address book on my iPhone. Probably there is a ton of similar card scanners for Android as well.
  20. Yes, but who is flushing the trash ??? At least how I work, I let the trash be trash, because it is out of the way (and out of the search results), but sometimes very useful if you had a bad day before. I only empty it every several months or so.
  21. There are 3 good ways to use a smartphone camera (or the one on the iPad) to do the scanning. Warning: All this is iOS, I have no experience with Android: 1) In a note you are editing, press the "+" button. You can then pick the camera, and scan right away. When it finds a page, it will auto-detect the margins, and make a scan of it. 2) Download the Scannable-App, that belongs to the EN universe. It lets you scan right into a note, with a bit more flexibility. And it comes for free. 3) Get a scanning app for your phone, and send the scan by the "share"-button into EN. Some are for free, I prefer ScannerPro by readdle to do the job. First it comes with OCR-Capabilioties build into, and second you can create "workflows" that send the scan right into the correct notebook, readily tagged with some standard tags. 4) Out of the competition: You can use an office scanner (in my case the Fujitsu ix500) to do the heavy scanning, pass the scans directly to the Fujitsu App on the smartphone, and share it to EN again. The apps are free, but the scanner carries a hefty price tag. For you as a Basic user, probably using a scanner app with OCR capability will be the best deal. For Premium users, EN will do the OCR on the server, but if you are on Basic, OCR done by the scanner itself is probably the best way to produce a searchable pdf. I am not sure you can search it in EN itself, but for example on a windows computer the search built into Win10 will find it, if enabled.
  22. At least in my German version, it is called "Context". But probably it is the same. It does not only show "ads" (which are not ads in the classical meaning), it basically searches for all sort of stuff EN regards as related to my current note and use. So if I share, they think maybe I could make use of EN Business - among other contextual content they will show. For me in the balance between using it or getting rid of "Business" hints, I find it useful enough to keep it active. By the way: Somehow they never showed me yet I could downgrade to BASIC 🤣
  23. This is what the history feature is made for. And to all those on a BASIC account: The note history runs in the background for ALL accounts. While on BASIC you can simply not access it. But it is like a parachute: If it is life saving, it will be there. Just go for 1 month on a Premium account, and the history is opened. Then one can recover what was maybe deleted by accident. Maybe you find that the Premium is money well spend - stay on. Or fall back to BASIC after the month expires. The note history will continue, for the next time you need it. P.S. And while on Premium, take the chance to upload all that stuff that did not pass while on BASIC.
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