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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Tiene que entender como functiona Evernote. El base de datos master de Evernote son las notas en el „cloud“. Hay tres Tipps de accesso: 1) Si se entra utilisando un „Browser“ - chrome, Firefox, Edge, Safari etc. - esto es el accesso en Directo a estos datos. Que esta alli esta grabado , assegurado y forma el fuente para los Apps en mobiles como iPhone, Android y Windows phone. 2) Los Apps en mobiles tienen un pequeno set de datos locales con los titulos de las notas, mas cargan cada nota entera del base de datos cloud, una nota cada vez. 3) Las installaciones en un ordenador desktop o notebook (Windows y MacOS) tienen una copia entera del base des datos en la memoria local. Alli se Pude entrar en Evernote si no existe connexion al internet. Hay un sync entre la copia local y la copia „cloud“ cuando existe una connexion internet. Conclusion: Si se querer ver que esta en sus datos en Evernote, abrir un Browser en un ordenador normal (que no es un movil como iPhone, iPad o Android / Windows phone), entrar en „Evernote.com“ con su proprio usario y password y compruebe que esta alli. Que se puede ver alli es „la verdadera base de datos“ para Evernote. Segun mi concocimiento Evernote nunca ha „perdido“ datos de algun usuario. Que occurre Es que un usario crea un segundo „account“ por accidente , que es vacio, y piensa que sus datos estan perdidos. No son, estan en el „account“ initial. P.S. Perdone my Castilliano - Han passado 20 anos cuando vivia en Espana. Y ademas no tengo Espanol como lengua en mi iPad- que siempre cambiara palavras por autocorrectura a Ingles o Aleman.
  2. Ola, la prueba mas facil es entrar en su cuenta por la interfase „Web“. Si las notas estan alli, el problema no es con los datos , es con el accesso. Todas las installaciones moviles no tienen una database local, sino tomen sus datos desde la base „cloud“. Esto es que se ve por el interfase web.
  3. If this is that, check for the app version. My problem was solved with upgrading to 8.20.369737. I have upgraded tonight to iOS 12.3., and have not used EN since, but with iOS 12.2. and this app version, things were o.k. If not, it may help to upgrade the app and clean out system residue: Open EN, sync, close the app, completely switch the iOS device off and restart it (maybe even with the option described in the apple support base for a system cleanup - how depends on having a home button or not). If it still does not work, deinstall and reinstall, again with a full system restart in between. And if ist still does not work, get to the guys in support. They told me on my ticket that the freezing-on-search is solved, and my experience is that this is indeed settled (iOS and app see above, iPhone 6S+ and iPad Pro 10.5). Hint: When I open EN, especially on a weak connection and after doing some work on the cloud based data through my other devices (Mac, Win-PC or web), it may seem as being frozen for some seconds. It is not, it is just syncing, visible at the little wheel Turing at the top of the screen.
  4. Nice talk, but late to the party. The problem was IMHO solved with the last update of the iOS app; since updating I was not able to reproduce the freezing-from-searchtext. Well done, Evernote team !
  5. Just to keep this thread current: Yesterday I have tried to reproduce the freezing to send a video clip about it to the support team. Well, as I say I tried: No freezing ! Support came back to me today and told that they believe the freezing was solved (or at least reduced to some unknown sequence of events) with the latest iOS app release as of 24th of April 2019. I am now on ver 8.20.369737 of the EN app, with iOS 12.2. What I have now is a new search text field that opened above the rightmost column, where the individual notes are displayed. I have no problem with this, even when I do not understand why it was placed there - if you observe the same it probably means we are on the same version. As I could not freeze the app as before, I would like to call it a day concerning this issue. But as many of you had the same issue, maybe you could update (if necessary), try as well and give some feedback. Would be good if this is out of our workflows for the future. Still enough to do on the iOS app, IMHO ...
  6. My observation about the apps behavior when restarting: If there is a search string in the search text field, and the app is left (but still open), when coming back to the app it will freeze. It seems that the search will start once the app is open, right into a deadlock with restarting. It does not matter what text string, any intro in this field will lead to a "search-freeze". The only workaround (this is clearly no "solution") is to close the app and restart it. When it opens, my impression is that the text string is still there. Then it seems there is some initializing going on, the screen goes away, comes back, and shortly after the app is usable again. Uninstalling or setting the iPad back does not seem to affect things. This is buggy, not a once-in-a-time iOS confusion. Very weird ! Very obstructive to the workflow ! What I do not observe: Multiple attempts until it recovers. One close-open is always sufficient to get things back. Sometimes it takes a little after restarting until it reacts, but in these cases you can see the data connection wheel spinning, meaning that there is a sync going on.
  7. Yes, i have found this. But it will cut parts of the picture away (which is the concept of cropping, I know). What I was looking for is a reduction of file size (typically by reducing the resolution / pushing up the compression rate of the JPEG-compression) without visually cutting parts of the picture away. To achieve this I currently use the app PicsArt, which is a nuisance, because in the free version it forces a lot of ads on you. But it is the only simple app I know that will reduce the file size without modifying the picture. Just the resolution drops, depending on your input.
  8. How can you crop a picture inside of EN / iOS ? I have not discovered this option yet.
  9. How new is new ? And have you activated file vault ? My experience is from a MBPro, new and shiny. A little more horsepower than the air, but it was not working well for the first days. With support from the apple hotline, we found out that there was a LOT of background activity related to syncing hundreds of GB with iCloud plus files moved from my Win-PC and building the encrypted structure on the SSD. Because EN in itself is a database, there are many transactions going on while you are typing. It is not a simple editor, grabbing letters from the keyboard as you go hacking away. If there is this background stuff (check for a process called „mds“ in the activity monitor, another is „windowserver“), it takes away a lot of CPU power. The Apple support has the chance to run a diagnosis through the web, so use it. It was not an EN issue, I had „beach balls of death“ in pages, safari and other apps as well, when EN was not even opened. After the initial stuff was though, everything started to work fine, as expected.
  10. Maybe it is officially not supported, but it can be convinced to work. Here is a screenshot of the procedure described by DTLow in the post above: Go to Safari Enter Evernote.com Now give a long press on the refresh symbol. A little window will open: Request desktop site. Click it Evernote will open, believing to be on a desktop. Log in, go to your profile, and quit whatever device is too much.
  11. As I have posted above, IMHO there are two independent issues: - When there is something in the search field, and you leave the app to open some other, and return then to EN, It freezes. Solution: Kill the app, which will clear the search field, and reopen it. This works for me 100/100, on iPad Pro and iPhone. And yes, it is a bloody nuisance. - Sometimes, when I open the app, it is unresponsive. This happens typically after I have entered a lot of new information through my Mac or Win client. Then the wheel of online traffic will be turning, and the app will not react while it is sucking in all the new metadata (the notes itself stay on the server with iOS ). The app is not frozen, just busy. Solution: Wait a few seconds, until the data traffic is through. Setting up the right circumstances, I can reproduce both cases.
  12. @Nick L. One question because I have send my Mac to bed already: Does „Title“ include search of Information like tags, or just within the plain text of the note titles ?
  13. Update: FF 66.0.4 is released, for desktop and Android. It is fixing the problem for all users.
  14. The fix will only be delivered to those FF-devices that participate in the „Study“-Program - this means the program where you agree to send anonymous data for improvement measures to the FF-team. If you clicked this away and do not participate, the fix will not be delivered automatically ! For how to get the fix, I have an article, but it is in German. So maybe search for this info in the internet. And there is no fix for Android, as much as i have heard (don’t use Android myself).
  15. Close the app, reopen it, if there is a search text in the search field, hit the "cross-in-a-circle"-symbol to delete the text. There is a second situation when the app will be slow to respond: Sometimes when you have created a lot of new content, the app will not be responsive until the new notes have been loaded. It will not load the entire notes, but previews, search text, tags etc. . You can note that this is going on by the "loading wheel" rotating at the top right of the iPad / top left of the iPhone screen. In this case, just wait until the loading is through, which may take some seconds depending on your internet connection.
  16. In a way it is not intuitive, because you work on 2 concepts, first notebooks, then tags. But if you see the selection of a notebooks as the first step to define your search target, it is logical. Sometimes you do not want to search the whole database, but start for example with the notebook „Professional“ and then search for the tags „2017“ and „contract“. This will (if continuous tagging was applied) result in all contracts you have signed in 2017, but only those in a professional context. All personal stuff will not show in the search result. This is one reason why notebooks should not be defined too small, because the initial pick of the notebook works better when there are not to many small chunks of information. The sub-categories are better created by tagging.
  17. The search in the iOS home screen will include only the notebook you have picked before. To search all, you have to choose „All Notebooks“. It is not possible to select a number of notebooks as a group. It is one or all. So pick all. Then click on the „Tag“-symbol to the right of the search text field. A list of all tags will open. With every tag you pick, the list of other tags below will narrow down. By starting with the first tag, the list is reduced to other tags that are found in at least one note together with the selected one. Picking a second, third etc. reduces the list further. The list of notes in the search result below is shortening correspondingly. Narrow it down until you have your selection, or run out of further tags to include in the search / elimination process. On the Mac, you can use Bubble Browser, a visual tool that does the same, with a nice graphical view of the search results.
  18. How much nanny do we need in our lifes ? When I sign a contract, and is has an auto-prolongation, it is my own responsibility to check when it is time to jump boat before Prolongation kicks in. I set a recurring reminder for all self prolonging stuff in my ToDo-Manager, because often you get a better deal when you cancel, even if you in fact do not want to leave. But somehow many companies still believe the best deals should not be granted to those who stay, but to those that join. So being a leaver-joiner can save some bucks. Yes, it is a courtesy (and a show of strength or at least self-confidence) if the company itself reminds me that it is time to cancel if I do not want to continue. But no, if I miss the date, it is my responsibility, and not that of others. But somehow it is nicer to have somebody to blame, instead of blaming the sorrow face you see when you look into the mirror.
  19. Personally I would still like to learn just how much is too much. From my experience an EN database rarely contains that much GB that it should be a problem. And exporting notes from the DB means as well to loose a lot of the search & find ability build into EN. I am not 100% sure, but I do not think that an attachment removed and replaced by a link will still be searchable. So if the EN database grows rapidly too large, there may be a malfunction that should be corrected. And if even a tiny database causes serious problems, exporting part of it will not resolve the issue, just postpone it.
  20. Did you enter your account with the same device, but with a VPN or other security measures in between ? In another thread here in the forum the discussion showed that maybe the EN security measures will count a „cloacked“ device as an additional one, even when it is the same, just with other ID. There are VPN services that even alter the MAC adress, so it may be seen by the far end of the connection as a completely different device. Concerning reply notification, right below the input window there is a button that will control the notification settings. Same heights as the Submit reply“ -button, but to the left and in grey color.
  21. It is clearly a bug, even when there is a workaround. The conditions that make it happen are not clear to me. It looks as if the search starts before the app is ready to search, resulting in a deadlock. Hope as well they fix it.
  22. Maybe it would make sense to open EN on the web application and check whether there are other (unknown) devices linked to the account. As DTLow has stated, there has been attempts to enter accounts based on user data acquired from cracked databases of other services (not EN). It sounds that this attempt maybe was done and failed - but to be on the save side, better check. There should be no other devices as your own registered when you check on the web account site.
  23. Would be nice, so you have my support on this. As a workaround, you can write the date as plain text into the note. It will be searchable as such, if you always use the same format.
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