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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. Just to be sure: Did you do a complete uninstall of the EN app, and reinstalled it ? Maybe use something like AppCleaner-app to really catch all files. (When doing so, save your local notebooks, they will not sync and thus can get lost on a complete uninstall) A second thought: Did this happen when reconnecting a power source ? There are hints in this thread that the spotlight popup might be related to separate and reconnect the AC current.
  2. Viewed from my usecase, EN runs stable on iOS since 8.21 (or 8.20), resolving the freezing, and on Mac since 7.11, resolving the keychain popup. My feeling is that SW quality has improved, the new releases are running good. Sure, the GUI is aged compared to others, but the core function is solid, and sync is near to perfect. I can live with a step-to-step improvement, if this avoids stepbacks of the core function.
  3. Maybe it falls into the category "collateral damages from debugging" ... Before iOS-app ver 8.21 (if I remember it correctly, may have been 8.20 as well) the app tended to freeze when left for another app, and coming back. This happened when there was a text search string in the search box. To solve this, the app cycles through a reset loop when coming back. Thus, the freezing of the app was stopped (it had a lot of postings here in the forum, and the usual "... will go to leave EN if not this or that happens ..."). I think this will cause the new problems now, because the refresh loop probably makes the app look as if restarted, loosing position data etc. Of course this is just my free thinking about what the new posts here tell. Suggestion to those here paying for their services: Send them a support ticket ...
  4. Weird - never had such a problem up to now, so I have no idea what may cause this problem. Maybe one of this Links can be of help for you. I have copied them from the EN help pages, so I do not know whether they need a prior login. https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us https://help.evernote.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  5. Who’s got it, has got it 🍎 And one per day as well keeps the doctor away.
  6. @vegemiteTried to push your issue to EN staff. Think they will reach out to you, probably on Monday. But please continue to try to get into contact yourself. As you know the (no-)refunding policy (see above), any positive decision is based on goodwill ...wish you luck.
  7. Just FYI: Us „regulars“ have pushed the issue of the Android client as far up the ladder as possible. Even me, and I do not own a single piece of Android-driven equipment ... The „staff“ guys are completely aware of the situation. It is only they delivered in the past often software not sufficiently tested, so for one bug relieved, there were two more created. So they take their time making sure that the solutions will work. With iOS, this worked pretty well. But it is easier, because the hardware is more consolidated, and usually iOS devices run updated, current software. My own iPhone 6S+ is running better with iOS 12 than it did with his native iOS 9. This means not only features, but speed and memory consumption as well. Android is running on much more diverse hardware, and updating is not promoted by all hardware suppliers (with all the crapware loaded to the gadgets ...). So making sure a fix will work is much more difficult to assure. So far, so bad !
  8. Get yourself a second web identity and another browser. It has the advantage that at breakfast you can talk to yourself, one split personality to the other 👨‍🌾👨‍🎨
  9. Seems they are set to get the company back on track.
  10. This forum is user driven, so don't wait for somebody to show up. Tried this already ? https://www.evernote.com/SupportLogin.action You need to login with your account credentials.
  11. ??? @CyroxianHere at the forum, we are all users, except those explicitly tagged with a staff badge in their profile. So maybe we should treat each other like this.
  12. I agree that everybody may have his own approach. So it is an interchange of ideas, not setting „the law“.
  13. @TroyC About your questions: I create an external link when I have the note open. On iOS: Share, more options, external link, pick Things from the share menu. No „copy & paste“. It copies the title plus some of the notes text content into the things task, plus the link to the note. The title contains sufficient information to get what the note (and task) is about, because it is what I see in the preview of EN as well. The initial text helps as well. If needed, I can alter both in Things, which will not reflect back to EN. Yes, it is one task at a time. Following GTD, this is enough for most tasks, because you define your „next action“ and file the task accordingly. It is possible as well to create several tasks from the same note, if there is content that leads to several strings of follow-up-action. But in real life, this is rarely needed, because most will be done sequentially, one step after the other. Things can be used to organize projects as well - but this is another story. Can be done as well, but I would prefer another system for projects because Things is a completely personal task manager, that does not allow to manage a workgroup. So at the moment you want to invite somebody to the show, you are better off with other tools, like Trello, Meistertask etc. In this context I see EN more as a information carrying Tool, not to manage. The external links will work there as well, if the tool allows for it (many do). I see your point if you want to generate more from within EN. Then a tool like TaskClone will for sure be helpful.
  14. The logic behind this defies me. I create a note (= a container, what I really want is the information inside, and I want to be able to find it) Now, to be safe I will really find it, I duplicate this note several times and stuff it into several notebooks (=places for containers that contain information) Because it is hard to keep all this places in mind containing the note with identical information, I create another note that contains just the information about where all these duplicate notes are to be found. And of course I need to create a place where to stuff all these content-table-notes, because I need to find these. If I translate this into a personal paperbased archive, it is a room full of lockers. All lockers contain in total multiple copies of the same information elements, under the rule that never the same information is in one locker twice. And to find this information, there is a master locker containing the index. Without all the copies, a cleverly organized cupboard would probably do the same job. I have learned (long ago, informatics course at the university) that you hold each information (note) just once, and create access to it by keys (tags) or through indexing (search). Because in a well organized database funded system, there is no need to duplicate information just to be able to find it. And it will not „loose“ Information, like you can loose a piece of paper. NO duplicates allowed ! But of course, a powerful and flexible engine like EN will allow to create and organize multiple copies of the same information. If one has the time and draws some fun out of it ...
  15. @TroyC Thanks for posting. I checked your link, sounds interesting. The only question is if I really need some intermediary. If I create an external link and share it into Things, it will open a new task with the note title as task title, with the initial note content as task text and with a link that allows to jump always back to the original note. All of the task handling is then done on the Things task. Evernote will be the content platform, and Things the engine that drives progress. Following up on tasks in more than one task manager is always frustrating, so I prefer to have the task management just in one setup. By sharing between Evernote and Things, all tasks are in one place only. From your point of view, where is the value added by putting some management system in between ?
  16. If it serves you well, it is o.k. You can always create copies of a note, and put them into as many notebooks as you wish. It just means that these copies have a life of their own, and from experience they will start to move apart. Content, title, tags etc. You will never remember or have the time to change all of the sibling notes when you update one of them. So the best way is to have one note, that contains all the content and is the only one to receive updates, and linking it up through other notes that contain a link to this original one.
  17. My suggestion is to install it directly from the EN website. It is the same program, but when installed from the App Store it will run somewhat restricted. I had some problems initially, which were solved after uninstalling the App Store version and reinstalling from the website. Make sure you have fully synced before uninstall. If you have „local“ notebooks, see that you have an actual Time Machine Backup as well, because these notebooks will not sync to the server.
  18. Maybe you should post more often ... In my case, the weird spotlight-thing did not occur for a long time. It came out of blue sky, I did not have my MBP unplugged or something before. And it appeared just once, not each time I started EN after. 7.11. got available shortly after, so I upgraded, and that is it. IMHO there is really no reason not to upgrade, it is running stable since.
  19. @MisterPetkus Sorry to hear that. There are some quite downgrading names for the MacPro, but I like the design. Plain black, simple and different. Maybe you want to add a cheese grater, gen.2 soon. At least it will have a better expandability, beside having all the power one may (ever) need.
  20. @x1010 Just tried it in dark mode on the MBPs Retina display. Maybe it lags a little more than in normal mode, but far from unworkable. This is more visible when text and pics are mixed, which creates more black area around the pics. But this is just a feeling of taking longer. CPU usage is just the same as before. So from my tests there must be another factor with your MBP that is not taking effect with mine.
  21. Knowing of a timeline "nice & short" just makes me think about more bugs 🐞 , many of them 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞. I prefer my software proofed and tested, even if it takes ⏳. Who wants to be ahead may sign into the beta program - at his own peril 🤕
  22. There is NO idea in Evernote to put a note in more than one notebook ! The organizational principle is that each note "belongs" to exactly one notebook. All other relations are created through tags. This avoids duplicates, which are typical for folder-type-structures found on many computers. Duplicates are possible as well, by copying notes and putting them in several notebooks. However it is better to avoid this. Once you start duplicating, the duplicates will start to differ, drifting apart. A workaround is a note containing a link to another note. For this, you create a note and put it into the notebook you want. Then you create a link in the target-note (via share), and paste it into the new note. You can place more than one link into that note, or even create a table of content build from links. By clicking on a link, you open the target note, and can modify it. No matter how many links lead to the target note, you will always work on the one original note.
  23. Made the search as well. Not much syncing conflicts going on, as it seems. I use my account on several devices in parallel, and have not encountered the problem yet. To me it seems the syncing process of EN is very robust. Part of it is finding and flagging sync conflicts in an efficient way. If comparing the 2 notes is such a lot of work, and sync conflict is within of text, one can export both versions to a text editor that can run 2 versions against one another, and find differences (like MS Word can do). I think it is really better to find out why syncing went off, and eliminate these situations.
  24. Weird ... Have no chance to test, it is just me and my shiny MacBook Pro 😎 And as I’ve said above, I could not even reproduce the lagging there (will try it again tomorrow with dark mode). What OS and app version do you run on your MacPro ?
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