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Everything posted by PinkElephant

  1. The answer is that EN build it’s own search index on the server, from „looking“ at pictures and pdfs not OCRed. They will not change the original note or attachment, but add the content to the index. If the attachment is OCRed itself, or in case of a picture contains the text as a tag in the EXIF-data, it will be found when you search within of the note. If the attachments were not OCRed or marked, the search will show you the note in which the content is located.
  2. If it serves you well, it is o.k. You can always create copies of a note, and put them into as many notebooks as you wish. It just means that these copies have a life of their own, and from experience they will start to move apart. Content, title, tags etc. You will never remember or have the time to change all of the sibling notes when you update one of them. So the best way is to have one note, that contains all the content and is the only one to receive updates, and linking it up through other notes that contain a link to this original one.
  3. Yes - and then rely on those who load a beta, crash their stuff and are whining away about it ! Since Apple launches a new OS every year AND the Adaption of apps to the new OS practically only starts when the developers beta is out, a complex app like EN will never be ready when the public beta starts. So who gives a f*** ? If you offer such an app, rushing things and releasing a bad product of your own is really no alternative !
  4. A beta is a beta is a beta is ... Who is Running a beta should expect crashes. And who is running a beta of an OS together with a stable version of an app should know that if the app crashes, it is most likely due to the beta OS. So what is to fear ? Negative reviews by users that don’t know what they are doing ???
  5. My suggestion is to install it directly from the EN website. It is the same program, but when installed from the App Store it will run somewhat restricted. I had some problems initially, which were solved after uninstalling the App Store version and reinstalling from the website. Make sure you have fully synced before uninstall. If you have „local“ notebooks, see that you have an actual Time Machine Backup as well, because these notebooks will not sync to the server.
  6. Maybe you should post more often ... In my case, the weird spotlight-thing did not occur for a long time. It came out of blue sky, I did not have my MBP unplugged or something before. And it appeared just once, not each time I started EN after. 7.11. got available shortly after, so I upgraded, and that is it. IMHO there is really no reason not to upgrade, it is running stable since.
  7. @MisterPetkus Sorry to hear that. There are some quite downgrading names for the MacPro, but I like the design. Plain black, simple and different. Maybe you want to add a cheese grater, gen.2 soon. At least it will have a better expandability, beside having all the power one may (ever) need.
  8. @x1010 Just tried it in dark mode on the MBPs Retina display. Maybe it lags a little more than in normal mode, but far from unworkable. This is more visible when text and pics are mixed, which creates more black area around the pics. But this is just a feeling of taking longer. CPU usage is just the same as before. So from my tests there must be another factor with your MBP that is not taking effect with mine.
  9. Knowing of a timeline "nice & short" just makes me think about more bugs 🐞 , many of them 🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞🐞. I prefer my software proofed and tested, even if it takes ⏳. Who wants to be ahead may sign into the beta program - at his own peril 🤕
  10. There is NO idea in Evernote to put a note in more than one notebook ! The organizational principle is that each note "belongs" to exactly one notebook. All other relations are created through tags. This avoids duplicates, which are typical for folder-type-structures found on many computers. Duplicates are possible as well, by copying notes and putting them in several notebooks. However it is better to avoid this. Once you start duplicating, the duplicates will start to differ, drifting apart. A workaround is a note containing a link to another note. For this, you create a note and put it into the notebook you want. Then you create a link in the target-note (via share), and paste it into the new note. You can place more than one link into that note, or even create a table of content build from links. By clicking on a link, you open the target note, and can modify it. No matter how many links lead to the target note, you will always work on the one original note.
  11. Made the search as well. Not much syncing conflicts going on, as it seems. I use my account on several devices in parallel, and have not encountered the problem yet. To me it seems the syncing process of EN is very robust. Part of it is finding and flagging sync conflicts in an efficient way. If comparing the 2 notes is such a lot of work, and sync conflict is within of text, one can export both versions to a text editor that can run 2 versions against one another, and find differences (like MS Word can do). I think it is really better to find out why syncing went off, and eliminate these situations.
  12. @Y.K Good to know. I am using my iPad Pro a lot and wait for the new OS as well. Getting the desktop version of a website is however possible on the current iOS as well. Just enter the URL (like Evernote.com) and when the site has opened, press long on the circular arrow to the right of the URL. You get a little box asking you whether you want to open the desktop-site. Click it, and the desktop version of the site will open. With EN this means you will not be redirected to the iOS app, in its place the web client will open.
  13. @neowy If you go to the settings of your iOS app, choose notes, pickt the first option from the following submenu (extended options or something like this) and activate the last of the 5 positions on the next screen, you can insert tables on iOS as well: Write „ []“ which is one bracket like this [ followed by this ] for each column, then followed by an „x“ and a number, for the number of lines in the table. Example: [][][]x4 will create a table of 3 columns and 4 lines. If you then get a virtual keyboard with a „tab“ key, or have a physical one which most bluetooth and connector-pin keys have, you can add more lines to the table by clicking tab in the last cell of the existing table. Tab works as well to jump from cell to cell from the keyboard.
  14. Weird ... Have no chance to test, it is just me and my shiny MacBook Pro 😎 And as I’ve said above, I could not even reproduce the lagging there (will try it again tomorrow with dark mode). What OS and app version do you run on your MacPro ?
  15. If you are o.k. with clicking the box away, fine. If you look at it from the EN side, they will feel the problem was solved completely. No more support tickets popping up ... So if you want to get this resolved anytime in the future, you should think about placing a new support ticket, including the information that you are on 7.11., and it is still there. This forum is user driven and will not replace the support process.
  16. Thanks for the video. I have not tried in dark mode, maybe this makes the difference.
  17. Back from starting up on battery and without any cable attached. Very similar, no lag, other behavior similar to what I have described before. CPU is going up to 10% max., coming down, maybe back up to 7-8% when scrolling notes with pics. Switching between notes with pics make no difference. EN behaves the same whether on partial display, full screen or complete screen mode. The notes I view have pics in the 2MB range, most of them 3-4 pics, one note has about 10 pics, one of them has even 12MB, all jpegs. My stronger GPU should have nothing to do with showing the pics. In fact I doubt that it is even used in this scenario. Conclusion: I am not able to replicate your situation, even though our setup is close to identical. Maybe your best bet is give it a try with support.
  18. My config is pretty similar, just it is an i7 with Pro Vega 20 GPU. I pretty much use it in my office, so it is most of the time connected to a monitor. Now I have tried all setups: With attached screen (HDMI through a Thunderbolt dock), USB-C-cable unattached, EN in large mode on the MBs retina, EN in full screen mode on the MBs retina. Behavior is quite similar between the setups, no significant lag. What I observe is in notes that contain several pics, EN "builds" all pics at the same time when you open a note. Every pic starts from top to bottom to show, and if there is more than one visible, you can see that it will start on the second pic at the same moment as on the first one. But this takes only a blink, and then pics are displayed. During this initial phase, my CPU goes up to appr. 8% (in total, not only EN), after 2-3 sec it goes back to about 4%. Memory usage is low (just in the 4-6 GB range, since I have no opened much before testing). I will just run a second test, this time unattaching the TB dock before starting up. Will be back ...
  19. Can you tell more about your configuration (Mac, OS, EN version etc.) ? Are the critical notes loaded with pictures, or is there just one „needed“ to create a lag ? Working on a Mac myself, no lagging, but as well only few notes with pictures.
  20. Just want to make sure nobody expects anything to happen by posting here. If it does, be happy !
  21. A certain scarceness of information content can not be overlooked, partly made up for by fast and easy reading ... 😳
  22. Betas are not a nice add-on for early birds to really work with new stuff - it is for testing, crashing and debugging. One should expect to loose something, like time, patience and sometimes even data. EN runs its own beta-program where users are in close contact with beta support. Who is not in (like me, not doing betas) may try, but on his own peril. Especially early betas (concerning iOS 13 and ipadOS we are still early) will lack a lot of functions. The betas of apps logically lag behind those of the OS. This forum is for User-to-user exchange and is not permanently monitored by EN staff. They will show along, from time to time, which usually proves helpful. But there is no schedule for this. Conclusion: If somebody is running his own beta-testing and want to communicate something to EN, a support ticket is the most appropriate way to do this.
  23. Additional information: The notebooks content will be moved to the trash, so all of the notes will be still available, until Trash is emptied. However it is not possible to restore the notebook itself. So if there are many notes in the notebook to be deleted, think about it twice. Recovery must be done note by note ...
  24. If you want to make EN work on it, I propose a support ticket. They will not drive by here and pick it up. For me it is still not clear why clipping of a plain image should be restricted in Chrome, and not in other Browsers. I think to sort this out somebody with an installation of that type is needed.
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