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Mike P

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Everything posted by Mike P

  1. Lots of different widgets are available. The main one allows you to have buttons for opening EN, making a quick note, adding a pgoto to EN etc. There are also widgets for notes, shortcuts, tasks, and EN actions (not sure what that is. I've only just moved to the V10 Android version and so far so good although I tend to consume rather than create on my phone.
  2. It does. But if you then want to add a few tags to the note, as soon as you add one the note disappears from the search results because it now has a tag.
  3. I was trying to remember how I used to do this and you have jogged my memory. You can actually combine the searches to search for either no tags or the tag wip. This works fo rme: any: -tag:* tag:wip So the work flow is Do the search Add the wip tag which won't change the view Add the proper tags which again won't change the view as the wip tag is still there Rewmove the wip tag and the note disappears from the view
  4. I agree. Search results for tags are now changing almost instantaneously as you add or remove tags. Back to legacy version performance!
  5. Good point. It is not even that easy to get into the body of the note, while leaving Find box open, without using the mouse. F2 (on Windows - you will need to look up the equivalent) gets you into the title feld. from which you can use the down arrow etc to move to the blue highlight amongst the yellow ones.
  6. Sounds ripe for Linux! My old laptop (admitedly with a new ssd) runs the preview version of V10 for Linux like a dream!
  7. Is this file the same size and format as the previous photos? It's pretty big. The icon to the left of the file name suggests it is being recognised as an image. Perhaps large images can not be displayed. What do you get when you hit the three dots menu? Is view as preview available? Can you double click it or use three dors -> Open to launch the file in your associated image viewer?
  8. I think this just illustrates the variability of experience. I just tried the operations you did with no issues. The tags were also searchable in less than 2 minutes. Inconsistent things are obviously much more difficult to problem solve but I hope EN are addressing it.
  9. At the top of the post. Hit the up arrow but also send your feedback to EN directly (e.g. Help -> Share feedback) to make sure they have got the message.
  10. The time taken in my experience is very variable. It presumably depends on a whole lots of things like server load etc. An hour was very common in the early days of V10 but is certainly much longer than my current experience. I just timed a change and it took 4 minutes - still too long but not an hour. Given that yuo are now a premium member you should raise a support ticket directly with EN On my Windows desktop version it's almost instantaneous - in fact if I remove a tag from a note in a list filtered by that tag, the note disappears from the list instantaneously - which is a return to legacy version performance! If you need fast search performance than I think it's always going to be hard to beat the desktop versions.
  11. EN has a habit of quietly ditching any changes to fonts that have not been captured as one of the four text styles (Large header, Medium header, Small header and Normal text). I think if you update the normal text style before you save the template it will work. If you want the table text to be different from the normal text you could use one of the other styles (e.g. small header)
  12. I've tried several complex searches including negatives and I can't replicate the problem.I have tried all the types of searches mentioned by previous posters from 18 months ago. Unfortunately you are still not sharing the exact search string that is causing the problem. Are you on the most upto date version of the Windows client (10.52.8)? Have you tried running the search on the the web version as I suggested?
  13. I think the situation is definitely improving but admitedly very slowly. I've just been back to a particular image, in a particular note that I had major problems with in the past. It now works fine. (10.52.8). There are still some image handling issues remaining. The most annoying one is that I can't copy a mixture of text images from EN to Word or vice versa. One EN note to another is fine. I think the general advice to anybody having any sort of image problems in the Windows desktop version is to: Make sure you are using the most up to date version Copy images and text separately (I know this is a pain if you have a long document with interspersed images and text so it can only be seen as a workaround) Try different image formats (e.g convert from png to jpg)
  14. I can copy and paste images and text separately but not together. This is clearly not ideal if you have a long document with interspersed text and images. It is at least an improvement from having to download images in order to do anything with them. I really don't understand why this basic functionaility has not been sorted. If I was feeling cynical, I might wonder whether most EN employees use Macs! But then one of the V10 mantras has been to have a common experience over all platforms so I can't possibly be right.
  15. Where are you trying to copy from? I just successfully copied and pasted images from Chrome, Word and the Windows file system into a note. The general tragectory of image handling in Windows has been positive (but excrutiatingly slow) so I would check you are on the most upto date version. 10.52.8-win-ddl-public (3911) Editor: v164.0.20364 Service: v1.64.1 © 2019 - 2023 Evernote Corporation. All rights reserved
  16. In your account settings there is a tick box for auto-filing. Not tried it but it might be worth experimenting
  17. I completely agre with @PinkElephantthat import folders are the way to go. It won't automatically tag based on the filenames. If you were able to convert the file names into comma separated lists of words you could paste them into the tag field at the bottom of the note. It will still be a very tedious operation though. The file name should appear in the title of the note, so personally I think I would give them all one tag to remind you of the mass import event and then rely on the intitle: search to find the individual notes.
  18. We are all praying users. "Please God don't let EN ***** up my notes again today. Amen"
  19. This is a very old thread. It refers to version 10.17.6 and we are now on 10.52.8 - and yes the middle number does go up sequentially with each version. Perhaps you could describe in a little more detail what the problem is. Ideally with enough detail that somebody can replicate it. A good idea with many of these sort of problems is to try it on the web version. if it works OK there you may need to refresh your local data base by logging out, choosing to not retain the data, and then logging back in.
  20. As fellow users we are just saying how it is, without stating whether we agree of disagree with it. EN employees rarely post on the forums but that of course doesn't mean they don't look - we have no way of knowing. Therefore the best solution is, as you say, garner support from other users through the forums (with the added benefit that somebody may have a workaround) but let EN know directly so that you know that they have got your idea.
  21. My understanding is the following: If you are in a notebook it will display the notebook name If you are in "Notes" it says notes If you have done a search it says "search results" If you maximise the note display area using the "expand note" at the top left of the note area it will display the note name if you are doing it from a notebook but still displays "search results" if you do it from a search If you get the note view without the note list (e.g. from a shortcut) it always displays the note name. My main annoyance is that I normally have this forum open and the forum and EN web use exactly the same green elephant icon!
  22. I've posted about the three different ways of importing enex files and the different results you get here:
  23. I have in the past resorted to taking a screen clip using other software and pasting it into the note! If possible you could try converting the image to jpg which in my experience seems to cause fewer problems (because there is no alpha channel?) Lots of the image issues on the Windows client seem to have been resolved now, but some are still lurking. - including this one and the ability to drag and drop into Word (although copy and paste is currently working for me).
  24. I agree - it's very common practice and I an surprised that EN haven't adopted it. The complete list of keyboard shortcuts is available through various routes, the easiest of which is ctrl+/
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